Subject: Nighttime Anxiety: How to manage anxiety for better sleep.

Nighttime Anxiety: How to manage anxiety for better sleep.

April 20th, 2023 at 11:17 am EST

Hi Friend, Are you someone who experiences anxiety at night? This is a common occurrence. You might have mild symptoms during the day, but it isn’t until you’re lying in bed and trying to settle down that you suddenly feel the panic settling in ...

Morning Anxiety: What to do when you wake up in a panic.

April 19th, 2023 at 10:00 am EST

Hi Friend, People with anxiety often share similar symptoms and familiar triggers, but it’s not the same for any two people. While many have worse anxiety at night, others may wake up with the symptoms. Either way, this can make it hard to get re ...

The top complaint most women have

April 6th, 2023 at 8:30 am EST

Hi Friend, I was filing a stack of intake forms when something caught my eye. While sifting through the documents I noticed that most of them had one thing in common as a chief complaint. On the first page of my assessment form I ask, “what are ...