Subject: What gets in the way?

Hi Friend,

What’s the biggest challenge you face in making time for yourself?


a)      Feeling guilty

b)      Too many social obligations

c)      Too many family obligations

d)      Too many chores and errands

e)      Something else


I’ve had more than one of these challenges at different times in my life. But if I’m honest with myself, sometimes I need to give up something to make space for myself. Like watching too much TV. Justifications run through my mind — I worked hard today; It helps me wind down; I’m too tired to do anything else.


Or I intentionally don’t make plans with family or friends — I’ll have to find someone to watch the dog; I don’t want to spend money right now; I’m too tired (this excuse is multi-purpose).


It can be hard to carve out time for what we want with so many obligations, tasks, and responsibilities. But what’s even harder is the guilt that comes when we don’t make time for ourselves and the people we love.


There’s no doubt it’s hard to ignore daily errands, chores, or housework in favor of some precious leisure time. I guess the question we need to be asking ourselves is,


“Does it have to be all or nothing?”


I don’t think so. There’s a woman in the L.I.V.E. Protocol group who has found a way to make time for herself every week. She calls it “The Artist’s Date” which she learned from the author Julia Cameron. Do one thing a week exploring something that interests you.


Would you consider taking one hour a week to do something you love or want to explore?


There are so many reasons to make time for this pursuit. I’ve noticed it’s so much easier to do everything else (cook, clean, pay bills, run errands, work, etc.) when I have a little something for myself.


This past weekend my husband, Kevin, and I cleaned the gutters, raked the leaves, and power washed the house and deck.


Sitting on my deck in the warmer months is my happy place.


It was a long day, but we both felt accomplished when we finished. I didn’t mind the work. I was outside, moving, and it was warm and sunny. What made it magical for me was the reward at the end. My comfy, outdoor furniture on the clean and shiny deck beckoning me to have a seat, take a rest, and hang out for a little while … in my happy place.


I think I’m getting better at sprinkling in things I love with my day-to-day routine. I’m reading for pleasure a lot more, and I’ve even been jumping rope (I have a really cool jump rope)! 


What about you? Can you take a few minutes or even an hour a week for yourself? What will you do? Thinking about it is the first step towards making it happen. Writing it down is even better.


If you need a little help to get going, please join our next L.I.V.E. Protocol group program that starts on May 19. We’re getting really good at making time for ourselves!

Wishing you well,