Subject: Turn Your Resolutions Into Reality

If you're like me, you start the New Year off making a few well-intended resolutions. My list usually looks like this: Lose the holiday weight, exercise regularly, and spend more time with my family. Sound familiar? We start the year off with good intentions, but then quickly fall back into old habits like a favorite pair of worn out slippers. Which, by the way, probably need to replaced.

Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions? The answer is more simple than you think. Mostly it's because we don't have a plan. And just wanting something isn't enough to make it happen. 

This year, turn your resolutions into reality. Try a few of these tips to make this a year worth remembering.

1. Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like the refrigerator, the front cover of your journal or even the dashboard of your car.
2. Get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut. Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to snack on junk food even when you're not hungry? Are you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work? If you don’t get to the heart of the matter, it will be much harder to accomplish your goal.
3. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to exercise more, how will this benefit you? Remember a time when you looked and felt your best, and set your sights on that. Getting connected to the result you're expecting will help you stick to your plan.
4. Share your resolutions with friends and family. If your goal is to eat healthier, have a friend call you two or three times a week to check on you or invite them to join you. Or find a partner and hold each other accountable for a plan that works for both of you - like my Eat to Nourish 11 Day Winter Detox. Check in daily with a quick text or brief phone call.
5. Reward yourself for every little accomplishment. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose one pound a week, be sure to celebrate. Pamper yourself with a flavored box of tea, a new journal to chronicle your successes or lunch with a friend.

Big changes are often achieved by taking small steps that accumulate over time. Remember, practice makes permanent. Avoid the mentality of restricting yourself as this often has the opposite effect of what you're intending. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time, and before you know it you'll have turned your resolutions into reality.

Be well,


*adapted from Integrative Nutrition
Eat To Nourish - Your Plan for the New Year!
My good friend, Carolyn, and I are offering an Eat to Nourish Winter Detox that starts on Monday, January 6, 2014. Join us for an opportunity to get back on track, lose those few extra pounds, feel great, and have fun.

The detox has three phases:
Phase 1: January 6-9 is our preparation phase. 
Phase 2: The actual heart of the program - lasts one week, from January 10-16. 
Phase 3: January 17-20 is a transitional phase where you'll learn how to reintroduce foods to which you might be sensitive.

You'll receive a general guide, a book of recipes, and a meal plan for each day of the detox. You'll also receive daily emails and be part of a private Facebook group for additional support and encouragement.

Don't worry, you won't be hungry. There's plenty of delicious food to eat. And best of all, you'll stop being a slave to cravings once you begin eating clean and loving life!

What I love about this Eat-to-Nourish program is that you'll uncover any hidden food sensitivities and allergies you might have, and you'll experience increased energy and vitality.

Your results? In just two weeks, you will:

Lose an average of 3 to 5 pounds
Feel recharged, renewed, and revitalized
Learn how to handle stress in your life
Leave old, unhealthy habits behind and access the tools you need to eat healthy for a lifetime

The cost is just $97 ($147 for two). Click here for more information.
Food Focus: 
Chocolate Chip Cookies
I know what you're thinking. Chocolate chip cookies from a health coach? Yep, that's right. But these aren't just any old cookies. They're delicious and nutritious. And it's that time of year when you just want to hunker down and have a sweet treat without feeling guilty about it. I know I do. 

⅔ cup agave nectar or brown rice syrup
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp sea salt
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp nutmeg (or less depending on taste)
½ cup butter, softened or ½ cup olive oil
1 Tbsp grated orange or lemon peel
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1-2 Tbsp ground flax seeds (good source of Omega 3)
2 ¼ – 2 ½ cups stone ground whole wheat flour (or your favorite non-white flour)
1 – 1 ½ cups dark chocolate chips (the higher the cacao level, the healthier)
½ chopped walnuts (optional)

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix everything but the flour together. Stir well. Gradually add flour until the batter becomes stiff and you can easily form balls (about 2 ¼ cups). With your hands, make the dough into balls. Place them on a greased cookie sheet or baking stone and flatten slightly. Cook for 12-15 minutes or until set. (Cooking time will vary based on the ingredients you use, altitude, individual oven, etc.)  Click here for an easy print out version.

Fun Stuff Free
Ever wonder why you do some of the things you do? Check out this free personality test. It may shed some light on some of your good and not so good habits : )
Thanks so much for checking in. If I can ever be of service to your and your family, please feel free to call on me.


Kat Ogar, CHHC, AADP
Certified Holistic Health Coach
American Assoc. of Drugless Practitioners

133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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