It's the New Year. Now what?
I always have a list of things I want to accomplish and I revisit it throughout the year.
But if there's one thing I've learned during 2015, it's that saying "no" can be a good thing. My most recent example happened when a woman called me asking if I would help her autistic son.
My training as a homeopath has allowed me to help quite a few children on the spectrum as well as kids with ADD, ADHD and OCD, so this call wasn't out of the ordinary.
Did you ever have a feeling that what you're about to say "yes" to is not a good idea? That's the feeling I had.
I'm not in the habit of saying no to someone who asks for my help. But the more I spoke to this mom, the more I knew the timing just wasn't right for me. So I referred her to another practitioner. My relief was immediate. And I sensed that she felt good about the decision too. Saying no was the right thing to do for both of us.
So what's this got to do with health? The better we become at tuning in to our innate wisdom, the better choices we make. Which in turn creates more harmony in our lives, leading to an improvement in immunity and health. Plus it frees us up to do things that we really want or need to do. So I'm taking that piece of wisdom into 2016 and learning to say "no" to make room for all the yeses I would have missed.
Wishing you a New Year filled with peace, love and all your heart's desires.
Much love,
Kat |