Subject: Red, White, Blue ... and Green?

How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy. 
 ~Paul Sweeney
Before we get started, I'd like to apologize to all the loyal male readers of this newsletter. Last month I started off by saying, "If you're like most women ..."

Because I work mainly with women and children, I often forget about all the wonderful men out there who are interested in living healthy lives. So thank you for indulging me last month, poking fun and letting me know you're out there.

As for this month's main topic of conversation, let me start by stating the obvious: Summer is short. By the time the first real day of summer rolls around on June 21, in my opinion the season is half over. And the question we should be asking ourselves is - are we taking advantage of all the season has to offer?

To me, Summer embraces the concept of Primary Food, a term coined by Joshua Rosenthal, the founder of Integrative Nutrition.

Primary Food is more than what you find on your plate. It's what feeds your soul. Healthy relationships, staying physically active, a fulfilling career, financial freedom and a spiritual practice can fill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life. When primary food is balanced and satiated, your life feeds you, making what you eat secondary.

If your Summer months are flying by with no time for what feeds your soul, don't worry. You still have time. Make plans for a family cookout, read a good book, or find a nice sandy beach and plop down on it. A little R&R is good for your body and soul.

Happy Independence Day!


PS: Don't forget to enter the contest. Details in the Just for Fun section at the end of the newsletter.
Food Focus: Red, White, Blue ... And Green Smoothie

Is your diet lacking in green, leafy vegetables? Hmm... that's too bad because leafy greens are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. Not only that, they're rich in fiber, which helps with weight loss and maintenance because it keeps you feeling full and helps control your hunger.

Fiber also lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and helps stabilize blood-sugar so you're not craving caffeine, sugar or junk food to keep your energy up.

Leafy greens also contain a lot of water, which helps keep you hydrated and contributes to beautiful skin and hair. And we all want that, don't we?

Here's a simple smoothie you can toss in your blender and whip up in minutes. Use fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables or a combination.

1/2 medium banana
1/3 cup blueberries
1/2 cup strawberries
1-2 handfuls of greens (try spinach, Romaine or kale)
4 cubes of ice
3/4 cup water or almond milk

Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
3 Day Refresh ~ July 15-17

I consider myself a healthy eater, but there are times when I go a little overboard on weekends, holidays, or while I'm on vacation. I'm sure you've had a similar experience.

It seems like there's always something to celebrate. While I agree it's important to do things that make us happy, we can't ignore the importance of a good diet.

Indulging too often can make it difficult to find your way back to your healthy habits. And no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get your body back to feeling “normal.”

Even when you try to get back on track and you're doing everything right, sometimes you hit a plateau and the scale refuses to budge. 

I have a solution I think you're going to like. It's called the 3 Day Refresh.

What’s the 3-Day Refresh?

It's a 3-day program backed by clinical data that consists of Shakeology, high-protein shakes, and digestive drinks. It also has a meal plan that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. 

The whole objective of this program is to help you kick-start healthier eating habits while fueling your body and losing weight. During the initial trials, participants reported losing from 3 to 10 pounds - in just 3 days! 

You can use this plan to lose a few pounds before a big event or to get back on track after one.

What's nice about this program is it can be done independently. You can also join my support group that starts on July 15. Call or contact me if you'd like to learn more
Just for Fun - Food Facts

Congratulations to Ann B. of Norwell, MA who was the winner of last month's contest. She received a prize pack of a few of my favorite things (EVOO, all natural raspberry preserves, a box of organic mint tea and some cool  live, love, laugh pencils).

This month's contest questions is:

What is the natural phytochemical that gives plants their lively green hue?

(btw  - it's ok to google the answer :)

Reply to this email with your answer. The winner will be announced next Thursday, July 10. 

PS: The prize is related to one of the segments in this newsletter! ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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