Subject: Preparation Day Two

Topic: Planning and Preparing for Success

It is my experience working with clients, and in my own life, that we get results when we have a plan. While yesterday was all about taking a look at why you are here, today I encourage you to dive deep into the Program Guide and look at your 11-Day Suggested Meals, which includes the shopping list and your recipes broken down day by day for Phase 2 and 3.

It is important you know that the recipes can be exchanged based on your unique needs and how you choose to go through this program. There is no right or wrong way to do this!

So, let’s talk about that plan of action. You may want to take out your calendar or a pen and paper for this! Consider prepping some foods during this phase (such as your soups) to help you out along the way. In my experience, taking time to plan in advance not only decreases frustration but also increases your rate of success.

Here are my suggestions for making this simple and fun:

  1. Clean out your fridge and any other places you may keep food for snacking. 
  2. Review your 11-Day Suggested Meals. Update the meal chart (feel free to use the blank meal planner!) and shopping list as you see fit based on your likes and dislikes. This program is meant to be enjoyable, so be sure these meals suit your palette and swap out the recipes if you don’t think you’ll like them! Though, you may be surprised at how much you enjoy the new foods you are introduced to along the way! 
  3. Plan your shopping trip and plan for when you will be preparing your foods. Don’t forget to print your shopping list and bring it to the store with you. You may even want to keep an extra copy in your purse or wallet just in case! 
  4. Buy BPA-free containers (or use mason jars) for your salads and soups and to make your foods easy to take on the go. Make your life easier by getting yourself a lunch bag with a freezer ice block to keep your food cool throughout the day. Yes, you really can be on the go and still have success with this program!
  5. Think simple meals. We tend to complicate how easy it can be to plan ahead. You may even want to try one of the recipes in advance to see just how easy it is and to alleviate any stress about whether or not you can do this. You CAN do this! I believe in you and your commitment to your goals.

My favorite go-to meal is a salad on the go made in this fun and easy way:

Take a mason jar and fill it with 1 cup of spinach. Add chopped veggies (have fun, and choose the ones you love!) and then add your favorite protein.

Add your favorite dressing, preferably dairy-free, and voila!

You just made a salad on the go with ease. Wasn’t that fun to make a salad that quick? If you want to add some avocado or seeds (such as pumpkin), please do! The best way to change your relationship with food is to really learn to enjoy what you put into your mouth. It is so healing in every way when you begin to eat and recognize the foods you desire and want.

Last but not least, continue to work with the exercises in your Success Kit. Be sure you’ve started tracking what you’re eating in your food diary, especially as you begin to cut back on those less-than-healthy choices. Don’t forget to revisit your Power Questions and remind yourself why you are here on a daily basis.

Besides your Power Questions, the Success Kit is here for you to learn how to let go. Here are some key points I want you to pay attention to that will take your detox to an even deeper level:

1. Make sure you are journaling.

Journaling is a way to express yourself and to let go of the old patterns and stories we tell ourselves such as, “I cannot do this.” It’s also a way to creating new stories, such as, “I will reach my goals.” Journaling not only allows you to track your thoughts, goals, moods, food (though not to be confused with your food diary), and even frustrations, it will be the greatest gift you can give yourself at the end of this journey, when you can look back and see just how you have changed.

When you journal and release these old stories, patterns, and ways of thinking, the cells in your body and mind begin to change as well.

2. Create your Vision Board.

This is a tool that has been proven to work. By regularly seeing what is important to us, we can constantly work toward making these things a reality. I want you to begin making huge shifts in your perception because you are worth it. This tool will help you get there!

3. Create a YOU plan.

We have no problem scheduling other appointments during the day, so begin to recognize your “you time” as the most important appointment happening every single day.

When you are taken care of and feel balanced in your body and mind, everything else in your life will flow with much greater ease.

“You time” can be:

  • Taking a walk
  • Breathing for 5 minutes
  • Calling your best friend
  • Having a cup of tea
  • Just being 
  • Listening to your favorite music 

“You time” can last anywhere from 1 minute to 3 hours or more. The key is to find time and schedule that time during your day to UNPLUG and tap back into your body, because this is when those life long changes begin to happen.

I can’t wait to see the transformation as it begins to take shape within you!

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