Subject: Preparation Day Three

Topic: Preparation, Planning and Probiotics

You are rockin’ the change already, my friend! If you’ve been cutting back on foods on the avoid list and writing in your food diary each day, you may already be feeling changes in your body and mind! I encourage you to keep “eating clean” and documenting your meals throughout each day of this journey.

Again, be sure to make time to journal and work with your Success Kit as you introduce these changes into your life. These exercises will help you process all the good you are up to and inspire you for the long run!

Have you been having fun planning and exploring your menus?
Has your kitchen been cleaned out and revamped with delicious, new foods?
Have you experimented with any foods that are new to you yet?

Remember, your Program Guide is designed to teach you so much. Read through this guide to learn about some of the foods you will be consuming and why they are so important. For example, you will learn that certain foods will jumpstart your energy to a level you never would expect. Some of these foods are coconut oil, Braggs raw apple cider vinegar, raw cacao, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and flax (to name a few). I promise that while these foods may not be familiar to you, by the end of this program, they just may be the ones to revolutionize your life!

Today, I want you to think about what you can do to reduce any overwhelm you feel about this journey. Do what you need to do to get clear and to find the space to breathe and heal. Getting to know your body on this level is important because knowledge is power!

Now that you’ve read through the Program Guide, you should also understand the importance of taking a probiotic.

The term “probiotic” is derived from the Greek, meaning “for life.” Probiotics are currently defined as “live microorganisms which, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.”

The health benefits of probiotics are outstanding. Not only do these healthy, good organisms protect you from the common cold, boost your immune system, and improve your digestion, they are also ideal for anyone who has tried to lose weight but just can’t seem to make that happen.

Sometimes even if you are eating really healthy foods, gut imbalances will lead to weight gain, poor assimilation of nutrients, and excess inflammation. Our goal together is to bring your body back in balance with nourishing foods and to educate you about the one supplement that I won’t ever leave home without: my probiotic.

You can also consume probiotic-rich foods such as dairy-free coconut milk, kefir, miso soup, or cultured foods (more on these later!). Or you may want to keep it simple and take a probiotic supplement to enhance the release of toxic waste and build up. I suggest starting with 1 capsule in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast or your first meal. As with everything else, dosage may vary from person to person. Upon starting a probiotic, you may notice yourself experiencing “die off symptoms” such as:

  • Bloating 
  • Excess gas
  • Body odor
  • Bad breath 
  • Headaches

If you experience any of these symptoms upon taking a probiotic, it’s okay to reduce the dosage or stop for a few days. But it’s important to know these symptoms are happening because the bad organisms and pathogens that are causing inflammation, are leaving your body. The symptoms are temporary and will diminish as your body adapts.

Get excited for your balanced body!

Dr. Mercola does an excellent job talking about good bacteria and how we benefit from them. As you can see this is really exciting and empowering stuff! Getting the “good guys” into your digestive systems means a life free of disease, PLUS:

  • Glowing skin
  • Better bowel movements
  • Amazing sleep
  • Less bloat
  • Reduced food and seasonal allergies
  • Better food assimilation
  • Stronger immune system
  • Healthier digestion
  • Improved memory and brain function
  • More energy

Now, after reading all of this great information about probiotics, don’t you feel like you can handle this? It’s all about empowering yourself with proper knowledge to improve your immune system and boosting your vitality.

Today, I want you to consider adding a probiotic to your daily routine if you haven’t done so already. Be sure to note changes in your journaling and food diary. 

If you have questions or would like to schedule a one on one call, let me know.  You're doing great!

Are you getting excited about this journey to health yet?

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