Subject: Pre-Detox Day 1


I'm delighted you've joined the February 2014 Eat-to-Nourish Detox and are so excited for you. Life is, without a doubt, about to change drastically for you! I am not sure about you, but we can’t wait to get started. My good friend and fellow health coach, Carolyn, is collaborating with me on this detox so you'll have two health coaches to guide you through out the detox.

During this program, you can expect to:

  • Feel renewed and revitalized.
  • Feel empowered. You are here to learn the truth about your digestion, as well as step-by-step tools to improve your health and your life.
  • Feel happier and more confident in your body with every step you take.
I encourage you to begin by reading through the Program Guide, which is posted on our Facebook group and explains in detail the WHYs of this program. So many people think that detox means deprivation. I'm going to tell you right now that there is absolutely no reason to feel deprived. In fact, you may be quite surprised at just how nourished your body feels during this program!

What I will be teaching you is different. This program is about learning what foods may be wreaking havoc on your system while introducing new foods to boost your vitality. We’re going to re-work your relationship with food entirely, and we’ll be doing this in three phases to make this process easy for you and your body.

Phase 1: The Pre-Detox Phase (7 days)
Phase 2: The Detox Phase (7 days)
Phase 3: The Transition Phase (4 days)
Here is an explanation of what to expect:

During Phase 1, you will begin reducing foods such as caffeine, sugar, cheese, breads, and processed foods. We like to call this period “cleaning out the closet." Imagine giving your body a rest from the foods that you typically eat every day and starting fresh. The Pre-Detox Phase is important because you will be slowly introducing changes so your body isn’t in shock when you enter Phase 2. Your body will thank you if you cut back on these foods in this phase, because beginning to introduce more vegetables and whole foods during this time will help you ease into the program. Remember that this is not about deprivation, so don’t worry for a second that you might feel any sense of starvation.

During Phase 2, you will begin the actual detox process. As I mention in the Guide, this program is based on an elimination diet. You are taking away foods that may be wreaking havoc on your system and creating unwanted inflammation. I highly suggest familiarizing yourself with the clean sources of protein listed in your 11-day Suggested Meals. This ebook is also be posted under the Files tab of our Facebook page.

Make sure you are including plant- or animal-based protein with your meals during this program. Your body needs fuel to release toxicity, and protein helps fuel your body. Please be sure to use the food diary every day during this phase and the others. Even though meals are laid out for you, it is important for you to see what foods work for your unique body. Just because a food is deemed “healthy” does not mean it is “healthy” for you. This is your opportunity to access a deep understanding of how your body works and give it a tune-up. So, come on, let’s get that engine moving!

During Phase 3, you will begin slowly adding back in some foods that were not a part of the program. This is an excellent time to notice symptoms or changes, such as bloating, moodiness, constipation, or loose stools so be sure to document these changes in your food diary. You’ll want to pay particularly close attention to your body and its responses during Phase 3 and potentially longer. If you experience a reaction to a food, please stop eating that food and do not reintroduce it again for another seven days. A reaction can be experienced as a dip in energy, poor sleep, acid reflux, rashes, headaches, a runny nose, or constipation.

This journey will be amazing, and it is going to be so much fun! Please email me at if you have any questions. If you haven't been added to the Facebook group yet, please let me know.

It’s finally time you access your healthy-living blueprint and really find out, once and for all, what works for your unique body.

I can’t wait to get started! In the meantime, enjoy this week of transition. 

In health and in joy,

133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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