Have you ever walked into a room full of people and everyone was really upbeat, animated and happy? It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're surrounded by people who are "up." Likewise, if you're with someone who's always complaining or gossiping about others, their mood has a way of dragging you down too.
One of the things I absolutely love about the holidays is that it's an "up" time of year. The lights, decorations and the giving—whether it's a gift or a compliment—make me feel so happy.
While we can be influenced by the moods of others, it's our choice if we want to join in on the festivities or wallow in a grinch-like attitude. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." It's not the circumstances that cause us to feel a certain way, it's our response to it.
During this Season of Holiday Joy, I invite you to raise your vibration and help create an atmosphere of "up." Smile more, give a sincere compliment, refrain from gossip, be kind to a stranger—or better yet—to someone who rubs you the wrong way. You'll not only be giving a gift to everyone around you, you'll be receiving all the gifts that naturally accompany good will!
The holiday season is more than a feeling ... it's a state of mind. May you and your family be blessed during this special time of year.
Much love,
Kat |