Subject: More Than A Feeling


Have you ever walked into a room full of people and everyone was really upbeat, animated and happy? It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're surrounded by people who are "up." Likewise, if you're with someone who's always complaining or gossiping about others, their mood has a way of dragging you down too.

One of the things I absolutely love about the holidays is that it's an "up" time of year. The lights, decorations and the giving—whether it's a gift or a compliment—make me feel so happy. 

While we can be influenced by the moods of others, it's our choice if we want to join in on the festivities or wallow in a grinch-like attitude. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." It's not the circumstances that cause us to feel a certain way, it's our response to it.

During this Season of Holiday Joy, I invite you to raise your vibration and help create an atmosphere of "up." Smile more, give a sincere compliment, refrain from gossip, be kind to a stranger—or better yet—to someone who rubs you the wrong way. You'll not only be giving a gift to everyone around you, you'll be receiving all the gifts that naturally accompany good will!

The holiday season is more than a feeling ... it's a state of mind. May you and your family be blessed during this special time of year.

Much love,

Essential Oil
One of the most prized and precious essential oils, Frankincense has extraordinary health benefits. Its soothing and beautifying properties are
used to rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of

As the king of oils, Frankincense is known to support healthy cellular function. 

When inhaled or diffused,
Frankincense promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness. It's one of the most spiritual oils on earth!
Gluten Free Pancakes
When my health took a turn for the worst last summer, I decided to go gluten-free. When you hear the words "gluten-free" you immediately think of being deprived of beloved foods like bread and pasta.

Thankfully I've never been much of a bread person, but there are some home baked goods I knew I'd miss. 

And pancakes was one of them. Until now. There's a delicious gluten-free pancake mix by a company called Namaste. Move over Bisquick, there's a new—and way better!—pancake in town.
Yoga is not only about stretching. It's about creating stillness within. 

There's a saying, "our outside world is a reflection of our inner world." 

If you're feeling stressed, it's because you're too focused on what's happening around you. You're reacting to the outside world. 

Yoga (and meditation) is like hitting a reset button. It turns overwhelm into something much more manageable. 

Try a local class and make some new friends. Or check out these free classes online. 

Are you local? Stop by the center tonight at
6:30 PM for a free workshop on Essential Oils and Mood Management. We'll be sampling the new blends and discussing the benefits of each oil and the spectrum of emotions they cover. | 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA

133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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