Subject: Final Preparation Day 4

Different Types of Toxics and Preparation for Phase 2

Tomorrow is the big day. With all the information in the Program Guide, the Success Kit and these daily emails, you should feel supported and ready to start this amazing process.

But first, you deserve a pat on the back! Even though we’ve been in the preparation phase, you have taken so many huge steps, and it’s important you acknowledge yourself and your efforts. It’s a lot of information to take in, but you’re doing great already; I just know it!

Today, I want to share with you some fascinating information about toxins and our bodies:

There are two types of toxins that affect our bodies and our lives in negative ways: exotoxins and endotoxins.

Exotoxins come from sources outside of the body, such as pesticides, inhalants, foods, drugs, body products, and cleaning products.

Endotoxins come from sources inside of the body, such as metabolic byproducts, hormonal overload, free radicals, and toxic emotions.

So, why is detox important? Because everyone has some level of toxicity. Often, we see this toxicity appear as rashes, runny nose, and bloating. You may also experience:

  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Mental confusion (“brain fog”)
  • Digestive disruptions
  • Disease

It is important to learn to recognize these symptoms, begin paying attention to them and look at what toxins may be causing them. Think about the different places in your life where you may be ingesting toxins, other than just through foods. It could be through too much stress, your household cleaners, or even the makeup or shampoo you use to freshen up and get clean. You’ll be amazed as you begin to recognize how many toxins we subject ourselves to in our every day lives, and the more you know, the better you are able to make smart choices.

As we continue onto the next phase of this journey, here are 5 tips for making this progress super easy:

  • Cook once, eat twice.
  • Plan for and pre-cook your meals. Make your soups in advance and freeze them and just reheat when you’re ready! There are doubles in your 11-Day Suggested Meals to make it easy on you! 
  • Prepare simple salads. If you want to just throw greens, protein, veggies, and a healthy fat into a BPA-free container and take it on the go, awesome!
  • Prepare your smoothie or breakfast the night before.
  • Print out your 11-Day Suggested Meals and Shopping List and keep with you so you always feel in control. 

And just as important:

Daily Reminders - Hydration for Optimal Digestion and Bowel Movements

  • Stay hydrated - Carry a BPA-free bottle with slices of lemon, lime, orange or pieces of grapefruit with you at all times to help flush those toxins.
  • If you are feeling cold, drink a warm cup of water with lemon and honey or a cup of peppermint tea.
  • Drink a warm cup of water to flush the lymphatic system. 

Today, I’ll leave you with this:

John Douillard, one of my instructors at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, wrote the article below (see link) where he discusses the importance of flushing your lymphatic system and well as the importance of eating with the seasons, which is important to nourish, rebuild, and strengthen your immune system.

Click here to learn more about the amazing lymphatic system:


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