Subject: Fall Program: Transition Day 1 of 7

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Welcome to Day 1 of the Transition phase!

During this phase you’ll reintroduce common high-allergenic foods and pay close attention to your body for symptoms that may signal an allergic reaction or food sensitivity.

You can find a full list of what you’ll be reintroducing in your program guide but today we’re starting with soy in the Edamame Salad.
As you reintroduce these foods, watch out for symptoms such as:
• weight gain or bloating
• a stuffy nose
• poor sleep
• cravings
• a shift in mood

Be sure to track of all your symptoms in your food diary. During this time, it is important to write down any physical or emotional changes you experience.

A word of caution…if you have already been diagnosed with a particular food allergy, do NOT reintroduce that food to your diet. Be safe and be smart. 

If you notice any discomfort, do not continue eating that food. Part of this program is learning what foods your body needs and wants and if you experience any of these symptoms, listen to your body and eliminate that food forever.

Also, review the section in the guide about dealing with cravings. It’s always better to strategize a plan before the cravings actually hit.

Today’s Action Steps:

1. Really pay attention to how your body is reacting to the new foods that you are adding back into your diet. Every day that you add a new food back into your diet write it down and take note of the symptoms that you experience, if any.

2. Stay hydrated. Meal plan. Prep your veggies.

Next Step:

• Review the section in the guide about choosing the right probiotic. There are also foods that act as probiotics and may be easier to incorporate into your daily meal plan.

To your thriving health,

Kat ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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