Subject: Fall Program: Detox Day 3 of 7

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Welcome to Day 3 of the Detox phase!

Are you following your Daily Protocol in the guide?

I tried making it as easy as possible for you to just follow the checklist of what to eat and when. Starting new habits can feel overwhelming, which can cause stress which in turn can cause you to reach for an unhealthy food and I don’t want to see you going backwards in your progress.

The great news is it takes about 21 days to form a new habit, so keep at it, keep following your checklist, and it will become second nature to you by the time the program ends!

Today’s Action Step:

For today’s action step, I want you to try oil pulling. Oil pulling removes unwanted bacteria and yeast from the mouth and is incredibly easy to do. 

To do oil pulling:
  • Put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth
  • Swish the oil for 5-20 minutes
  • Spit the oil into the trash to avoid it hardening and clogging up your sink
  • Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth

Next Steps:

• Review your food diary. If you find a food is not agreeing with you, don’t continue eating it. Practice intuitive eating and listen to your body’s needs.

• Keep meal planning and prepping your produce in advance.

Happy oil pulling!

To your thriving health,

Kat ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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