Do you believe in signs? I do. And in this busy world, I'm always amazed when I actually see them.
One of my mentors, Dr. Luc, once told a story of a woman who was lost late at night. She was driving in an unfamiliar area and had no idea where she was which naturally made her feel nervous. Just as she was starting to panic, she saw an 18 wheeler with G.O.D. on the side. A woman of faith, this gave her comfort. She followed the truck and found her way back to more familiar territory.
Does it matter that G.O.D. actually stands for Guaranteed Overnight Delivery? Not to her it didn't. She needed a sign and she got it.
Signs can be comforting to us. They can help us cope which is good for our health.
You knew there'd be something about health in this message, didn't you?
I recently had my own experience with a Mack truck that literally had a sign on the back of it. The interesting thing is, I wasn't really looking for a sign. But it seems this particular sign was looking for me.