Subject: Day 4 Clutter Cleanse - The Entry

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Ready to see some changes? You’re on to Day 4 of our Clutter Cleanse challenge. Yesterday you learned some different ways to reduce clutter. Today you're going to make some headway in de-cluttering. Embrace the experience and it will empower and free you. Relax, take a deep breath and get started. You are powerful and you can do this!

We're going to start with an important room, the entry. You may or may not have a lot of clutter. This should be a fairly easy start emotionally. Talk about it in the group.

Don't forget! Keep sharing your photos on our Facebook page and Instagram using the #cluttercleanse2018 hashtag.
Day Four Checklist - Entry
  • Remove everything on the floor
  • Clear away clutter on tables 
  • Clean out coat closet 
  • Use an area rug that’s cleanable
  • Get rid of unnecessary or unused furniture
  • Consider a bench to sit on to take off shoes (if there’s room)
The Entry

The entry is not a gathering place, but it is important because this is the first impression of your home.Your entry should facilitate the flow of people and storage of items.

Make a list of everything that you want to store as you enter your home and then we can decide what you need for storage.

This space, in particular, should be clutter free for safety purposes.Removing shoes as you enter the home is appropriate in some cultures.

It is also a good health practice to get into so you do not carry the pollutants, pesticides, germs or chemicals and transfer from your shoes to your home.

One thing I consider a necessity for all foyers is a seat so you or your guests can safely and comfortably remove their shoes. If you have space, a chair or bench would be perfect, and then an attractive place designated for shoes.

The Options:

#1 - Unused for 2 Years - Donate or sell

#2 - Broken - Throw away

#3 - Not Yours - Return

#4 - Unsightly or doesn't fit - Throw away, donate or sell

#5 - Still love - Re-purpose
Wise Words ...

"Clear space, makes room for you." - Magdalena Vandenberg ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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