Subject: Day 1 Clutter Cleanse - It's Time!

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Hooray! It’s the first day of our #cluttercleanse challenge! I’m ready to declutter. How about you? I’m in awe of you for this commitment and I’m thrilled to be on this adventure together.

Be sure to get into our group, look at the materials, and prepare yourself for a big change.

This is important: take this challenge one day at a time. Just the fact you’ve signed up to do this is a giant step toward a healthier, less stressful environment for you whether it’s freeing yourself of junk, having more space, or just lightening your load.

We make progress with small steps. With a lot of small steps, we reach the top.

Remember every step counts!
Day One Checklist:
Visual Complexity

Minimalism, clearing space, and decluttering are all quite popular right now, and there’s a good reason for that. Clearing away and decluttering your space can help to eliminate stress.

We have our detoxes; our spiritual cleanses, and if you haven’t already, there’s another cleanse you should consider with your customers. There have been many studies that show that visual complexity has an effect on our feelings.

We react to sensory stimulation. Sensory information comes from sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Any of our five senses can be over stimulated.

The important thing to understand in your home is our stimulation threshold. That is how much is too much or not enough. Reaching a healthy balance is important.

We are limited to the amount of information we can process. We can experience overload in a cluttered space. This overload causes stress.

The tricky part is that we all have different thresholds. Under stimulation can cause anxiety. If we have been living in an environment with high stimulation, then we may have adapted and enjoy the arousing and pleasurable environment. It would take a lot to overstimulate us.

The Guidelines:

#1 - Unused for 2 Years - Donate or sell

#2 - Broken - Throw away

#3 - Not Yours - Return

Wise Words ...

"The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning”

Oprah Winfrey ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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