Subject: Clean Eating Day 2

Daily Cleansing Tips

??We want to make sure you’re having an enjoyable experience, so today we’re going to slow things down a little bit. Today, we want to talk about the Daily Cleansing Tips, in case you missed them! 

While some people may feel unlimited energy and notice decreased inflammation at this point in the program, others may still be responding to the changes we’ve been making. You are exactly where you’re meant to be, so wherever that is, don’t be frustrated.

Take a moment to think about all the toxins out there in the world that we breathe in or touch every day: pesticides, household cleaners, makeup, even laundry detergent… the list goes on and on. 

By doing these Daily Cleansing Tips, you can support your liver to excrete toxins from your body while also reducing those unpleasant symptoms you may be experiencing.

Some of you may choose to do these only during this program, but try to do at least three every single day.

1. Hot Towel Scrub

Body scrubbing can be done before or after your bath or shower, or anytime during the day. All you need is a sink with hot water and a medium-sized cotton washcloth.

  • Turn on the hot water and fill the sink.
  • Hold the towel at both ends and place in the hot water.
  • Wring out the towel.
  • While the towel is still hot and steamy, begin to scrub the skin gently.
  • Do one section of the body at a time. For example, begin with the hands and fingers, and work your way up the arms to the shoulders, neck and face, then down to the chest, upper back, abdomen, lower back, buttocks, legs, feet, and toes.
  • Scrub until the skin becomes slightly pink or until each part becomes warm.
  • Reheat the towel often by dipping it in the sink of hot water after scrubbing each section, or as soon as the towel starts to cool.

  • Reduces muscle tension.
  • Re-energizes in the morning and deeply relaxes at night.
  • Opens the pores to release stored toxins.
  • Softens deposits of hard fat below the skin and prepares them for discharge.
  • Allows excess fat, mucus, cellulite, and toxins to actively discharge to the surface rather than to accumulate around deeper vital organs.
  • Relieves stress through meditative action of rubbing the skin.
  • Calms the mind.
  • Promotes circulation.
  • Activates the lymphatic system, especially when scrubbing underarms and groin.
  • Offers you a sacred moment in your day, especially if done with candlelight and a drop or two of essential oil, such as lavender.
  • Develops a profound and loving relationship with the body, especially parts not often shown care, and especially for a person with body image problems.
  • Spreads energy through the chakras.

2. Epsom Salt Baths

Try a nightly Epsom Salt bath. Add ½ cup of Epsom Salt to a warm bath and soak for 30 minutes. Epsom Salt relaxes the body, detoxifies the liver, and provides your body with the essential mineral magnesium, which is necessary for optimal relaxation, digestion, detox, and health.

We need magnesium to have proper bowel movements, reduce cramping and feel less stress. Magnesium is a natural calming mineral and essential for 300 bodily functions. To learn more about this essential nutrient check out this article written by natural news:

3. Tongue Brushing
We suggest cleaning your tongue every morning and evening for optimal detoxing. You can find a tongue scraper online or at a local store. Here is one option:

  • Use the rounded cleaning edge of a tongue scraper to scrape gently down the tongue several times, while applying slight pressure.
  • Apply a few quick strokes, 2-3 times a day, or after brushing your teeth.
  • Rinse under running water and gently scrape again until no white residue is left.

You can also nourish your body by:
  • Getting a massage
  • Going to an acupuncturist 
  • Getting a colonic (if this aligns with you)
  • Going to a sauna
  • Getting a body wrap to excrete even more toxins

Treat yourself. Make time for you. Soon you will be reaping benefits you never imagined possible!

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