Subject: Are You Just Tired or is it This?

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Being tired is something we all deal with – a simple part of life we can’t escape. But how do you know when your tiredness is normal or something you should pay more attention to? Adrenal fatigue affects a significant number of people in various ways, and you could be dealing with it right now without even knowing it.

Unsure of what the adrenal glands do, or where they even are? Don’t worry – you’re not the only one. The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys and they’re responsible for producing important hormones.

When the adrenal glands are unable to work as efficiently as they should, problems arise. This is common with people who are struggling with stress – mental, emotional, physical. When the adrenal glands aren’t functioning properly, the glands don’t produce important hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. When this happens, your body feels the effects in various ways. 

Here are a few ways to notice if you’re struggling with adrenal fatigue…

Hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Insufficient sleep is one of the leading causes of adrenal fatigue. Without quality and adequate sleep, the adrenal glands will collapse. A person suffering from adrenal fatigue often wakes up in the morning feeling extremely tired regardless of how much sleep they’ve had. 

High level of fatigue. High levels of tiredness or fatigue each day isn’t normal. Although aging has the potential to cause a significant drop in energy levels, there’s a big difference between being tired and feeling wiped out. If you can’t get any relief from your exhaustion no matter how much sleep you get or how well you eat, you may want to make an appointment with your medical professional for some diagnostic testing. There could be a hormonal imbalance that needs addressing (consider testing for low thyroid or elevated cortisol levels).

Inability to handle stress. Lately it seems like more and more people are having a hard time handling stress. Things they used to take in stride can easily get blown out of proportion. If this happens to you more than you’d like, take stock of what’s going on in your life. If you’re overwhelmed with too much on your plate, see if you can cut back somewhere or add some self-care to your routine (five minute meditations, try an adult coloring book, take an Epsom salt bath, go for a hike or whatever you need to hit the reset button).

Uncontrolled craving for salty foods. Keep a close eye on your cravings. If you crave salty foods regularly or have a new craving for salty foods that you can’t kick, your body may be telling you you’re your adrenals are suffering. When your adrenal glands are depleted, your sodium levels drop, causing the craving for a substitute – salty foods.

Excessively energy in the evenings. A person with adrenal fatigue may have too much energy in the evenings. Cortisol levels are high early in the morning, drop during the day, before peaking again in the evening. Often, this can lead to having trouble sleeping at night. Or you may fall asleep only to find yourself wide awake between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. Try an adrenal support supplement to see if you can get relief.

Other symptoms you should watch out for include: 

     • joint pains
     • low libido
     • dizziness
     • dark circles forming under the eyes

If any of this sounds like something you’re dealing with, please feel free to contact me. Adrenal fatigue often goes undiagnosed. I know, because that’s what happened to me for years. 

As someone who’s been there, I’m happy to be a resource for you and share what I’ve learned along the way. My own struggle with chronic anxiety and panic attacks virtually disappeared when I had the tools I needed to address my adrenal burn out. 

I’m passionate about this topic and believe the health of our adrenal glands is crucial in our overall wellbeing. So be sure to take good care of them. It’s one of the most important things we can do for mental, emotional and physical health.

If you still have questions, contact me for a 30-minute complimentary phone consultation. It would be my pleasure to hear your story and help you get your health back on track.
Wishing you the best of health!
Kat Ogar
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