Subject: Friend, damn, that was awesome...

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I am still trying to absorb it all and that isn't going to be easy. Life with Karatbars is a bit like looking at a bloody great big jigsaw puzzle that very slowly starts to make sense as it comes into focus. 

Every time I go on one of these Karatbars trips, a key part of the puzzle shows up that I didn't see before and I have another "eureka" moment.

I will say right here and now, that I am not in a position to even begin to tell you everything I have learned over the last few days but over the next few weeks you will see the picture unfold. They threw so much at us it was, frankly, staggering. 

There's the K1 Impulse phone. I will come back to that...

There's a totally new affiliate "booster" system to help us all to show people the business and to automate the process of getting new people started. That looked terrific. Good enough for me to suspend everything I was trying to put together on that front and so useful for people who do not want to run with this as an out and out business but would like to have something to show people who are curious about what they are in to.

There's an affiliate business app so that we can show people the business on the move. That sounds like nothing much at all as I write it, but when they showed us what it could do, I saw my business model change instantly in my head. Now, at last, I can sign up new affiliates in the pub!!!

The K-Merchant account - a stunning piece of kit that allows the Karatpay and crypto system to merge into any existing merchant electronic point of sales (EPOS) system. And it allows the merchant to take gold (UNIVAL) and crypto (KBC, BTC, ETHER) as payment and instantly turn it to their local currency with zero risk of price movement. Best of all, it's free for the merchant to use! If you have a business yourself, you have to take a look at this when we get the details.

Oh and there's another gold mine on the way very soon. This one is in Brazil I believe and they are planning a get together that will allow us to go visit the mine.

There was more and I have already forgotten most of it but let us focus on the one that everybody is really interested in right now and that is the phone.

The K1 Impulse Phone, where to begin:

We now know what makes the K1 Impulse phone so different to everything else out there. If you want to see what the phone looks like in a functional way, look at this PDF but please remember that this is an initial "draft" brochure so don't expect to find the website for the phone yet and so on:

Every question I am getting typically dwells on "what is the deal, what will it cost and what makes it different". The simple answer on cost is that the phone, when "live" and for sale in the normal way will be around the same price as the latest iPhone or Samsung phone but with stunning additions to what it can do. But that is a poor comparison. It's a bit like comparing the smart phone with a house phone (the smart phone in this instance being the K1). 

The simplest explanation is that you can stick a normal sim card in it and operate it on the normal networks but then you can also stick the special key in and switch it to voice over blockchain mode. This comes with military grade encryption and from the moment the key is inserted and the system on the phone recognises that you are YOU - in kicks the total privacy. Cough, cough - no need for a burner phone now...

But the best bit? Right now, because of the wonderful KCB coin, it is totally free. 

That statement will be met with some disbelief, that is perfectly understandable but it is critical that we all understand a little bit more about what we mean by free and why you can depend on that being an accurate statement. 

I make no apologies for those that cannot get beyond their disbelief. I have tried my best and all I can say is that this is as real as it gets. This phone is free to you and me (if you choose to get one) because the phone comes with KCB coins to at least the value of the package purchase. 

It's the 5th April in 2 days (just in case you forgot) and if you wanted a new phone for your business, well, just saying, why not get it in now...

Karatbars have their own cryptocurrencies. I think you know that by now. There are actually two coins. One is already out in the wilds of public crypto exchanges (KBC) and the other is still very much accessible only through the Karatbars internal system and the ICO website (KCB). 

The KBC coin (out there) and the KCB coin (in ICO) will, come October 2019, merge into one special coin. And we know, within reason, what they will be worth as a minimum because they will have a minimum value backed by gold.

These are facts:

1) A KBC coin will be worth 1/100th of a gram of gold come 4th July this year (2019). Or, 100 KBC will be worth 1 gram of gold if you prefer. Right now that one gram is €44.3. So, if nothing changes in the gold price, one KBC will have a minimum value of €0.443 euro-cents on 4th July and beyond. 

2) For ease though I want you to assume that, come July 2019, that gold price is €42 per gram (it just makes the maths easier) and I also want you to assume that everything then stays the same between July and October 2019 and that the market price of KBC has not moved up at all. Therefore 1 KBC is worth €0.42 euro-cents. In October 2019.

3) In September 2019 Karatbars launch their own blockchain (mainnet) and also in September 2019 the KCB ICO ends. At that point the KCB coin will still have a value of €0.14 and then the magic starts to happen.

4) KBC and KCB will, in October 2019, merge into one. And the formula will be €0.14 divided into the KBC price on merge day (now you see why I wanted to use €0.42 as a KBC price). That means every 3 KCB you own will become 1 KBC and the KCB you acquired when you bought your K1 phone gets you all your money back.

5) But, to hell with that even. There is only one way that the price of Karatbars crypto is going as we move into 2020 and beyond and that isn't down I assure you. 

6) Then we get to January 2020 and that 100 equals 1 gram formula for the coin becomes 75 = 1 gram. 

7) And this is important. Every bit of infrastructure you need to turn the coins back to GBP or EURO or USD is being built or has been built by Karatbars. This isn't a pipe dream. They have the bank, the exchange and the gold mines. They have everything we need.

Yes, of course, you will have to part with your paper fiat money now (or hit the plastic) to acquire the phone package but whilst it is on pre-order, you will receive an amount of KCB with the phone packages that effectively make the phone free to buy.

When the phone is "public", post mainnet launch, and when we can all start using it, the big selling point (apart from the privacy) is that the ongoing monthly cost of use can be calculated in the 1 to 2 euros per month range (absolute cost to be confirmed). It will very much be a case of the cost of use of the K1 Impulse being almost entirely in the phone purchase price itself.

During the time left on the KCB coin ICO, you are able to acquire the phone on pre-order with KCB coins built into the deal. That means the phone is effectively free.

If you look at the Karatgold back office right now you will see a few deals listed there. Currently, I see 4 deals but I believe that this might increase because they wanted to get something up quickly for us. They may even have increased the deals on there by the time you read this.

I am going to focus exclusively on the first deal you see there. For €1,250 (£1,068) you get the phone on pre-order and the equivalent of the purchase price in KCB coins. Let's be clear, if KCB never increased its value beyond the €0.14 current ICO price you still get your money back plus a state of the art phone.

Want to be the first person you know with the phone of the century? 

Then join Karatbars (using the link below) become an affiliate, upload a few documents to confirm your identity and decide on the casing you like. Then you just need to look at the deals in terms of the coins you want to acquire.

Wow, I didn't mean to go on this long. I know it's a lot to take on board but I wanted to get something out quick. You are bound to have questions so just send them to me at


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