Subject: Friend, My God She Is Stacked...

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..full of resources and useful content.

That's what one guy said when he saw our affiliate resource site. 

It isn't finished (I doubt it ever will be as we will always find more things to add) but we certainly are stacking it out with more and more daily. I would guess we have around 60/70 or more videos and training guides on there already with more to come.

This is a tool for anyone in my Karatbars business. All you have to do is go there, LOOK AT MY INTRO VIDEO, click on the CASH GOLD BUSINESS logo above the video to look inside the resource site and then, if you want one of this beauties personalised to your own Karatbars username, GO BACK to the main page again and just click the "CLICK HERE FOR YOUR OWN LANDING PAGE" button to get one.

This triggers a copy for you that you can simply show people but , also, gives you access to the resources so that you can answer questions.

I absolutely recommend you take a good look, particularly, at the cryptocurrency section right now to get a feel for what you need to do on the approach to coin merger day, 15th December.

My colleagues and I have worked hard to give you the ultimate resource for introductions to this fabulous business.

It doesn't matter one iota if you see yourself building this opportunity as a business or not, I assure you, you will still want something to show your friends and colleagues. Especially next year as we move towards household name status post stock market listings.

And finally...

(There's always got to be an "and finally" right?)

The KBC coin in the free floating market is 3 cents rights now:

This means that even if you forget the current gold for coins offer, where you can exchange 100 KBC for 1 gram, you still have an opportunity to grab massive gains from the KCB bonus packages on offer with most Karatbars products until 15th December. It is through the acquisition of KCB that you can still become an owner of KBC coins. Or, you could take your money to a crypto exchange and buy KBC directly if you know how to get your GBP into Bitcoin and then in KBC.

Every euro you spend on any package within Karatbars currently will result in you receiving one euros worth of KCB. So, for example, were you to buy the greatest piece of mobile smart phone ever invented (K1 Impulse) or the safest (unhackable) laptop  (WHIM) - you would receive your purchase price back in KCB coins. 

€1,000 (euros) = 7,143 KCB coins plus a minimum 50% bonus in addition. On the stand alone K1 phone offer, you can get as much as a 120% bonus coin package and on the laptop packages a handsome 100% bonus.

That means for every €1,000 spent on these packages you get a minimum of 10,715 KCB and you could get up to 15,714. So a K1/WHIM combo package gets you 74,286 KCB coins. 

On 15th December an announcement will be made to confirm the price at which KCB merges into KBC. In short the price of KBC that will be applied to the merge will be known on that day. And then these KCB coins available in packages now, will be converted to KBC and you will be able to convert them to gold at the rate of 100 coins per day or simply sell them into the live market.

I hope you see that, even if the merger was carried out on a one KCB for one KBC basis (meaning that KBC market price had reached 14 cents by 15th December) this would get you all of your money back PLUS you'd still have the phone and/or laptop coming to you.

Oh and, of course, if you aren't one already, you'd also earn VIP business status with the package purchase.

Do you see how good this deal is? I hope so, I have been buying packages galore. I can't even remember how many phones I have coming now. If only I get them by Christmas - that would take care of a few gifts!

I genuinely believe that KBC could hit a one dollar value in the market quite easily and it could go higher. I believe this because, as you know, I have been in the crypto space now for five years and I have seen much weaker coins go to a dollar and well beyond. 

I was lucky enough to be getting bitcoin when it was still possible to buy it in the one hundred dollar region. Imagine how good it would have been if I had bought a phone or a laptop and then been given bitcoin as a bonus on those purchases.

This really is the last call for KCB bonus packages. If you don't own any of these coins yet, it might well be that the next 9 days are the last chance you get to change that. 

What's holding you back? Still chewing on the "if it sounds too good to be true" gristle? Well, tell that to the people already getting a monthly income from KBC coins through the supernodes and vaulting system...

That's all for now.


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