Subject: You Can Register Now For The Karatbit Exchange

Karatbit Exchange...

I wanted to wait a while to see how this exchange performs in real time compared to the many other crypto exchanges I've used but it wouldn't be right to not, at least, tell you or remind you that there is another free money opportunity here.

To summarise, put $500 of cash, Cashgold, BTC or ETHER into the exchange and get $500 of KCB added before the exchange goes properly live. KCB is currently priced at (in USD) around 15 cents, so that is around 3,300 KCB tokens.

Come January 2020, these will be worth a minimum of 1 gram of gold for every 75 of them, so, roughly speaking, with no change in gold price (for ease) that would make them worth around 46 cents (USD) each. That is $1,518 in effect back for your $500 deposit regardless of what you manage to do with that deposit or even if you use it on the exchange. 

I wanted to make a video giving a brief explanation of how you get registered on the exchange as an existing Karatbars International member but I just don't have the time right now (hopefully later).

So, here is a quick summary of what you need to do (and you probably need to do it today or tomorrow latest) if you want that $500 in KCB bonus. 

Let me stress, you don't have to get involved with this but even if you don't want to deposit it is probably still worth registering as it is pretty simple to do. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE ALREADY A KARATBARS MEMBER.

It may transpire that it is different for non-members. That said, you should only be getting this email if you are already a member.

Step 1: 

Go to and SIGN-UP. There is a very simple form and, for ease, I would suggest you use the same credentials as you use for your existing or account. You can actually link the accounts (Karatbit and Karatbars) so that you can use the "sign-in with Karatbars" bit on the log in screen. I will come back to that in a later email. Frankly, if you use the same credentials anyway, it's just as easy to log in normally after SIGN-UP.

Step 2: 

(If you want to) deposit $500 USD into Karatbit to trigger the bonus. Now the easy way to do this would be by using a crypto deposit (ETHER or BTC) or by buying some Cashgold first at I have deposited ETHER and UNIVAL via Cashgold.

In the  DASHBOARD section once inside Karatbit you will see WALLET and BALANCE and under that section you will see the deposit options. Cashgold is the UNIVAL option you see there at the bottom. 

I would advise against the US Dollar cash option unless you are happy to use a credit/debit card that effectively goes via Euros to Dollars. I am hoping in time they make this multi-currency. However, if this is easier for you, I doubt the small charge here will make you cringe that much and it is still far easier than most Crypto Exchange deposit mechanisms.

Cashgold seems to me the easiest and most sensible route especially if you have purchased Cashgold before and therefore already set up your Karatpay account. You may already have enough Cashgold in your account to simply use that after converting it to UNIVAL.

You want to buy just over $500 worth to be safe so I would go for a minimum of €450 (euros). I purchased 12 grams of Cashgold to be sure I covered it and that came out at €499.20. 

When you deposit via Unival to Karatbit you don't have to deposit all of the 120 Unival that 12 grams of Cashgold buys you if you don't want to.

Having made the $500 (minimum) deposit you are set up to receive the extra $500 in KCB - simple.

Looking ahead, I love the idea that we will be able to buy gold knowing that through the Karatbit exchange we will be able to turn it into fiat currency. How to get your crypto out into cash has always been a little problematic over the last few years and this solves it.

My understanding is you don't have to do any KYC on Karatbit at the moment if you've done this already when joining Karatbars International (this is subject to clarification though) but take a look at the KYC section anyway under DASHBOARD because you will see how you can massively increase your withdrawal limits etc in time. 

You can't do anything other than basic KYC right now though anyway.

If you haven't yet KYC'd your Karatbars International account at all then perhaps it might be an option to try it here on the exchange.

That's it for now, hope that helps...


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