Subject: Where Shall I Put Them?

I wonder what you said in answer to the question presented in the subject? No, actually, please don't tell me. I get embarrassed by rude words and some things should stay in your head.

I still get a few people asking me about where they should be putting their KBC tokens if they have them. After all, something that is going to be worth a lot of money come next July and beyond needs to be looked after.

You need something called an Ethereum Wallet.

I've put a video up on the subject - you can click below to watch it but, before you do you should also know that you need to add your Ethereum Wallet address into your account profile once you have it.

(That is a new thing - so even if you have set up your wallet and you added it to the original KBC ico site ( you now need to also add your Ethereum Wallet address in your Karatbars account.

Fear not, that is covered in the video along with how to set up a simple Ethereum wallet if you haven't done it already.

This is very much a what do I need to do and how to let Karatbars know where to send them video.


Ps - I told you all I wouldn't mention Combo Packs again and I meant it (oops I just did mention it) but I am still getting questions even this late in the day so, if you intend to go for one and your having trouble, send me an email. Include a phone number if you wish and I will try to call you over the next couple of days.

If you have given up on this because part of the process seems complicated - for heaven's sake, don't do that. I just came off the phone to someone no less than an hour ago who had no idea how much money was at stake here. Let me help you to overcome the barrier.

100,000 KBC will be worth around €41,000 in July 2019 - that is £35,000 in UK Sterling. One €5,000 Combo Pack comes with around 150,000 KBC - do the sums. If you are wealthy enough to ignore this then well done and you are definitely invited to my next birthday party!

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