Subject: When the Flak is Flying

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I, like most people I meet, have a tendency to duck and stay out of the way when the flak is flying. It's a pretty natural thing to do and, sadly, we even see evidence of company (and government come to think of it) officials doing this on a daily basis.

Not so with Harald Seiz at Karatbars. Because of the legal action he and his company are pressing against their former ICO developer, Karatbars are being relentlessly attacked in all manner of ways right now by people who understand exactly how the Internet can be used as a weapon.

DDOS attacks on their websites, Facebook smear campaigns and fake websites and blogs appearing all over the place along with phishing emails and a concerted effort to spread false stories about the Karatbars company. 

I would rather be spending my time talking about positive things but I have to address email queries and concerns that I receive and I am not about to hide from my commitments any more than the CEO of Karatbars does (as you can see below).

Fortunately for those of us who believe in what they are trying to do, Harald meets all of this fake rubbish head on. Watch the video below and pay close attention the body language. Here is a man who has had enough of this nonsense.

It isn't just people that cause these problems, sometimes the institutions affected by the change that Karatbars are trying to make resist the change vehemently. Karatbars are working towards an entirely new and comprehensive payment system that will, when complete, allow money to move seamlessly between fiat, gold and crypto. Not everyone likes that (I will leave you to decide what type of institution is likely to resist).

When we move into 2020 I think we will see much of the plan operating. It is incredible to me that anything can move properly forward with so much time and energy being drained in fighting against these vindictive muck spreaders but they are moving forward nonetheless.

I plan on keeping the faith and holding on to my Karatbars assets while the flak keeps flying. Like all (wars) this one will eventually come to an end and there is no doubt in my mind as to which side of the fight will still be standing and healthy.

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