Subject: Want A Free Package?

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I've had a few conversations lately that make it clear that not everyone is understanding the immense value in profit packages right now because of two incredible incentives being run by karatbars. The Dubai incentive and the Masternode incentive.

The most important of those (financially) is the Masternode incentive. The nuts and bolts of this are simply that if you introduce a profit package sale to someone else you will receive a 100% bonus of the KCB coins included in that pack. In addition, the Dubai incentive gives you free packages on certain sales. I have explained all of this in detail in video (see below).

That someone else could be your partner or friend or child. In other words if a €150 euro profit package is introduced by you then you will also receive €150 euros of KCB coins as a reward while these incentives run. If you were to bring two people in who both purchased €150 euro profit packages in addition to the above you'd also get another €150 euro profit package given to you for free!

But you can't hang around because that 100% bonus on the coins will reduce to 75% on the 28th February 2019. And, of course, eventually the bonus will disappear. Right now this literally means that they are giving away free money!

You might think that the bonus in a €150 profit package is insignificant. But let me tell you it is far from insignificant. These coins have a known future value. This is not Mickey Mouse land. You absolutely will make a profit on this deal. Not maybe but definitely.

And even if you've already purchased a profit package. There is no rule to say that you can't go again. I have purchased quite a few of them myself in my own name, my company name and my partners name.

Why? Because I/we know that this coin will merge with the other earlier Karatbars coin come September 2019 and the formula for that merge has already been set out. It will be 0.14 cents (the fixed KCB value) divided into whatever the value of the original KBC coin is then. 

Right now, based on gold price that value is .45 cents. In January 2020;  75 of these newly merged coins will be worth and exchangeable for 1 gram of gold (currently valued at €45.4 per gram). Knowing these values makes this deal mouth watering.

I made two videos to explain this in more detail. I suggest you absolutely watch the second one: that you can find here:

After that it will probably be useful to also watch the other video:

I've had deals go through for €50,000 profit packages, €25,000 profit packages, several €15,000 profit package deals and a ton of deals between €3,000 and €10,000. 

These people are not idiots. they have worked out the future value of this deal. In fact, there have even been a few people that have gone for €150,000 deals so that they instantly have enough for a Masternode (I did a newsletter on that a little while back) or even a full node.

While I think of it, you can go back and look at my older Karatbars newsletters if you go here:

But the packages are also available at €150, €350, €750, €1,250 and €1,700. They are designed for most people's pockets. They also come with gold and an instant business. Think of that as a legacy for your children or even as a way to supplement your own income.

So many people are struggling to find money left over at the end of the month. Here's a simple way to start towards solving that problem.

And there is a very simple way to really take advantage of this deal and really maximize the profit. Let us say you have €1,100 euros doing nothing (I use that figure because that's just under £1,000) - and you could of course do this with less, but £1,000 is a nice round figure. 

Instead of just whacking the whole lot into a profit package for yourself you could be really smart about it and do a €350 profit package for yourself and then bring your husband/wife/daughter or son into the business and do a €750 profit package for them. They don't have to do anything with the business and you don't have to either but it is just an added choice you have for later.

This way, you get a total of 7,500 coins and they get another 6,643. Combines that is 14,143 coins!

Also, if you sign them up to the business using your own affiliate link, get them to join as affiliates and then get them to verify their email address; they can go straight to the profit package section on (under product purchase) and buy the package before they need to do KYC - just to make it easier. This is because it is a total digital pack, no deliveries involved. But this will only work if their KYC hasn't been started off already.

Karatbars need 1,000s more affiliates because of the impending launch of their exciting new voice over blockchain phone. And that is why these deals are so generous. I will do a full write up on that phone and why it is so good as soon as I have more detailed information. What I already know though is that it is going to be hugely popular.

The net result of setting up these profit package deals for you is that you make on the bonus coin allocations and, right now, get free packages yourself (providing you either introduce 2 x €150 euro packages or 1 x €350 euro package or bigger) and you get some commission to add to the pot. It really is a no-brainer. The video explains in more detail:

I positively and firmly believe that karatbars cryptocurrency is going to become extremely valuable in the future. I have studied crypto for a long time, far longer than most people I have met. I have been pretty good at spotting coins that are significant and are going to grow into the future. I have no reason to think that this coin can't easily get to at least €1 euro in value. Might as well say £1 for ease. Why? Because it is backed up by real, physical gold and Karatbars even own the gold mines!

So even these small €150 euro packages can be worth 3 times their initial cost in value on that basis. If you want to make a small mindset adjustment and start thinking wealth creation instead of simple gain, then check out these packages and you'll start to understand why some of us are so damn excited about where Karatbars and the whole Gold Standard Bank development is going.

Think on this: someone doing a €50,000 euro profit package, based on the £1 value per coin being achieved, is, without even looking at possible introduction bonuses and free packages as gifts, looking at £500,000 as a potential return, and more. That is gob smacking.

And finally, before I end this newsletter. If you want to stay right up to date with the whole Karatbars development I suggest you subscribe (if you haven't already) to Brian McGinty's newsletter.

You can do that here:

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