Subject: Very Important, Extension And Update

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I am just going to completely copy Brian's newsletter from this morning because I know that there are still Karatbars subscribed peeps who haven't joined Brian's circular list.

If you saw Brian's newsletter today then you can, of course, ignore this...

Important News

A warm welcome to all the new affiliates this week. Our team is growing well and we have had one of the biggest sales weeks since June which is amazing. Literally hundreds and hundreds of K1,s Whim's, CEM's and gold sold in our group in the last week alone.

One affiliate, (not in our group), has bought €500,000 of WHIM bundles!) That's 100 K1's and 100 Whims and a lot of KCB)

Business is booming and another cycle has started as I said it would a few weeks ago.

Lets get on with today's important news and answer your questions.

1. Many people have been asking me about the KBC price declining and why? It's got very little to to with Bafin or warnings or any of that as most people think!

The main reason is that almost ALL altcoins are affected by the fall and rise of the Bitcoin price and Bitcoin has been sliding for the past month or so.

As you can see in the chart below the KBC price is mirroring the Bitcoin price. Harald Seiz unfortunately cannot control that and all altcoins are being affected.

Click this link and see for yourself -

Personally I think Bitcoin is going to go on a big upward run in the next year to 20k+ so i'm not bothered anyway but besides that...

KBC is about to be used in CEM's, K1's, WHIM's etc so it will have a demand all of its own.

Once affiliates start buying KBC for reasons other than speculation this trend of mirroring Bitcoin will end.

I, 100%, fully appreciate that most of the affiliates in Karatbars are not crypto people and they simply keep checking the KBC price every day without comparing it to other coins.

If it is going up they are happy, when it goes down they are sad! Green and red, happy, sad! Dopamine, no dopamine! lol

Hopefully the chart below will help affiliates and holders of KBC get some perspective.

As Warren Buffet said:

Be Fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

The best thing we can all do right now is buy KBC. For me Bitcoin is simply helping us so it's an opportunity to buy at an ever lower price. :) 

Incentive Extended

This week we have had several reports of affiliates who have been unable to use their credit and debit cars to buy gold/packages etc. Karatbars are working on a solution which may even mean getting a new payment processor.

Our team sales have been huge so its a relatively tiny amount of people affected but, in Karatbars view, one is too many.

In light of these difficulties Harald has decided to give an extension on the incentive until Monday 25th November at midnight Central European time.

If you or someone in your team has an issue with their cards, just tell them to buy the amount of cashgold they need to cover the purchase and send a bank wire today for the purchase of the cashgold.

Then send me a screenshot of the bank wire sent today and I will forward it to the finance team.

Another option would be to try a different credit or debit card if they have one or Bitcoin.

This is yet another reason why Karatbars NEED their own bank, with their own payment processor to put and end to these issues once and for all.

Mainstream banks do not want the public to buy gold or cryptocurrency and they are trying their best to make it difficult for Karatbars customers. It has been like this since 2011 and shows no sign of getting better.

Karatbars has always had to keep moving processors and banks due to their silly games.

All they are actually doing is making people angry that they cannot send their own funds how they like. They are simply making the case for crypto, blockchain and gold much stronger.

So just to be clear the offers below have been extended until 25th November at midnight CET.

Chart With Bonuses

Some of you have asked for the chart with the bonuses. Here it is below. All bonus coins are being added to the dashboards as normal.
CEM's and Cashgold

CEM's are being delivered every day and now cashgold is arriving with the CEM owners too. I have seen affiliates posting online in Singapore and Canada that their cashgold has arrived.

Please understand that the company are not going to publish these locations until these owners get their cems working and know how to use them properly. This is a world first and new technology.

Over the coming days and weeks when everything is tested and working and the CEM owners are happy the company will start revealing the locations.

I am a CEM owner so I will use myself as an example. I want my CEM working 100% and I want to be confident using it before anyone knows where it is and I start getting calls and people turning up. That makes sense to me and to the company.

Affiliates want to use qr codes yes but they also need to see it from the CEM owners point of view as well as Karatbars. Lets get it all working 100% and then go public.

New Downline Sales Tracker

IT have delivered something for us we have been asking for for a while. There is now a tab which you can click and track your personal sales. This is particularly useful for incentives. You will find it under the "team statistics" tab.

Have you won a prize in the Madrid Incentive?

If you look at the bottom of the dashboard you will see "Madrid Incentive reports" Click that and you can search to see if you won a prize.

Use CTRL+F on your keyboard to search for your username or the little magnifying glass if you are on an apple or android device.

I can tell you that the Madrid event includes a fantastic soccer match with some famous faces! You won't want to miss this! Get your flights booked and ill see you there on the 21st December. We have been advised to book hotels in the city centre.

The full program will be on the website in the next few days.

New Mine In Brazil, Corporate Working Hard

The Karatbars project keeps growing and going!

Thomas Valet right now is in Brazil in Matupa visiting a mine more details of which will be revealed in the next few weeks.

Harald is touring America having meetings at Nasdaq and with new partners who are getting involved in the project.

Joisip Heit is engaged in various global meetings regarding the new bank, IPO etc.

Ovidiu Toma is working on the k1's, CEM's and WHIM's.

Two new Sales Managers are working behind the scenes.

Finance are processing sales, support are flat out busy as are deliveries.

Just to put all that in perspective

The corporate team are putting in hundreds of thousands of air miles and hours keeping everything going and all we have to do is ask people to watch a video! :)

I have complete respect and admiration for them with everything they are putting up with and have put up with. Just think what has been achieved in twelve months, its crazy.

My small part in this big machine is simply to find more affiliates and help the existing ones so we have enough people out there selling this fantastic products we offer.

We need thousands more affiliates worldwide so don't be afraid to go and find them.

Keep sharing and let the video do the work. If you don't have a personalised copy the link is under the video. :)


Some of you have been asking me to help with KYC's. The support team can help the affiliate directly now if they are having a KYC issue. (or you if you call them)

Just call the office, give them the username and they will tell you the issue and help you fix it over the phone. They work around the clock seven days.

Head Office Number +49 711 128 970 00

Newsletter and Training and Replicated Websites

It is vital that everyone in your team gets my Newsletter.

Do not send me their emails, The can subscribe themselves at -

Karatcrypto pages are also generated automatically once the affiliate fills out the form at so don't send me details asking me to make them.

I am automating everything to save time! Remember that my philosophy and strategy is to achieve more time!

I do not want you to become a well paid telesales person. I do not want you to be on the phone all day, Facebook every day like some leaders are.

I have put everything in place so that all you need to do is ask people to watch the video, get their package and page, subscribe to my newsletter and ask three people a day to watch the video until your team is growing by itself.

Once you have units flowing on your right and left team and you are cycling every day, hour or whatever your target is then you can relax and stop building/recruiting.

I stopped recruiting people into Karatbars in 2015! I did my recruiting in 2103/2014 and got my team growing.

Recruiting is NOT fun! People telling you Its a scam is NOT fun, People buying a package and then doing nothing is NOT fun.. But you only have to put up with that for a short period of time... How short is up to you. :)

Keep sharing your video and the leaders will appear, you won't be able to stop the ones who get it. Just don't let the ones who don't slow you down. That's the secret to network marketing, if there is one!

That's all for today. Keep a close eye on the official Karatbars Facebook page and your latest news for updates. (Such as people getting their K1's below)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Brian McGinty

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.