Subject: The Tool We've All Been Waiting For

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I'm just going to out and out copy the latest news feed from HQ on this as I want to get this message out sooner rather than later. 

In Dubai, one of the things we got really excited about was the impending launch of the affiliates BOOSTER package and it appears to have arrived. I am going to have a good look as soon as I can find it and play around with it bit, let me just say that for people without a system this should be absolutely brilliant.

Here's their news from HQ  in their normal brilliant Genglish...

Hello dear affiliates!

The Karatbars BOOSTER is going live!

If you recently visited Dubai, you could already get a first taste of the Mega-Tool for distribution that awaits us here.

Now it is finally here – the "Karatbars BOOSTER".

After many weeks of preparation, programming and customization, this unique “all-in-one” system is now online and ready to go. All the important basic functions such as landing pages, campaign tracking, follow-up emails, webinars, contact management, controlling etc. are available. And like any tool, this one also only makes sense if it is done properly and diligently.

Hence our request to you:

Use all the possibilities associated with the Karatbars BOOSTER. Note that it is still a "fresh" system for Karatbars, which is continuously expanded and improved during use in practice.

For the start, we are, so to speak, in a "beta and optimization phase". Many things that support the use of the Karatbar BOOSTER, such as Info videos, tutorials, various PDFs and DOCs, etc. are still in the stocks and will be added gradually.

If you notice in your daily work with the Karatbars BOOSTER that one or the other does not work as expected in your opinion, we ask for your leniency and look forward to constructive hints and suggestions for improvement.

We wish us and all of you that the Karatbars BOOSTER brings this unique and now very successful business with turbo power to even higher levels.

With kind regards

Your Karatbars Team


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