Subject: The Big Picture

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I made a Cape Town video on the recent trip with my good friend Graham and you can see that by clicking the link at the bottom of this email. That gives you a quick, 20 minute summary and look around. 

But if you want a more detailed run down, let me explain the big picture to you with where Karatbars are at now, so that you are entirely aware of the what, the why and the thinking behind everything that Harald Seiz is doing for us as members with a vested interest in this unique opportunity.

This is not a short message but, then again, it will give you some valuable information. 

Karatbars is all about gold (clue in the name) and I joined them as an affiliate member in the summer of 2017 when that is all they offered. I joined to: 

a) buy gold on a regular basis to add to my "portfolio" (and I still buy gold every month from them) and 

b) to have a solid, reliable source for my contacts to use to buy gold.

At that time, they did not offer gold at a particularly low price but they were reliable in quality and delivery and, after all, we aren't exactly spoilt for choice where the purchase of gold in small denominations is concerned.

Cashgold, their new paper based, gold embedded, units of gold was available then but not as it is now. The price of Cashgold came down dramatically in 2018 and is now the best priced 24 karat gold you can find unless you are prepared to buy in multiple grams and spend substantial sums of money. No-one other than a dealer can buy at spot or trade price so don't kid yourself that you can.

If you type "price of gold" into Google, chances are you will get the spot price of gold. I used to fall for that too. I remember, a few years ago, going to 3 different online gold suppliers, one after the other, who were advertising near to spot price deals and then discovering that those deals were either not available at all as I went deeper or were only available on 100 gram or bigger purchases. 

I could give you several reasons why you should be buying gold whenever you can but perhaps that will be the subject of another message from me. Let's just say it makes sense for several reasons and leave it at that for now.

At karatbars last year (although we were not aware of it at the time) we were getting a sensational gold price offer when they launched into Crypto. A price that no-one is ever going to match. Read on...

You can buy Cashgold right now in units as small as 0.1 grams for just £4.09. Karatbars is the only place I know (probably is the only place on the planet) where gold can be purchased in such small units. Why is this important? Because this means that someone could literally spend just over £4, £8, £12, £16 or £20 per month only and still add gold to their future savings and then, from time to time, have that gold delivered to them.

You cannot do this anywhere else.

The plan with Cashgold, by linking it to the exclusive Karatpay payment system, is to introduce a real alternative currency to the World. One that is once again entirely backed by gold. To accelerate this process and to attract the ever growing number of people moving into Cryptocurrency, Karatbars introduced their own cryptocurrency, in addition to Cashgold, backed by gold.

Think that can't happen? Do you remember when credit cards started to build traction in the 70's and 80's - no-one thought that we would ever start spending using plastic cards either but now it is second nature to nearly everyone.

I've heard some say that this "gold currency system" is an impossible thing to achieve because the authorities will not allow it. To those people I say, have you seen what's happening with Bitcoin? Did you know that Facebook now (and Amazon will follow) are getting in on the same act?

Like it or not, the authorities are limited in what they can do because they are not all equal. Outside of a few strong currencies around the world (USD,GBP, EURO etc) most countries have currencies that are simply not attractive to their people. All territories know and understand gold however. Karatbars are talking to countries right now about the potential for those countries to accept Cashgold as a currency. It's only a matter of time.

South Africa was an eye-opener for me. Pretty much everyone you speak to there not only listened with avid interest to the Karatbars story but were keen to get in on the opportunity. Why? Because getting their money out of there into a safer harbour is hard for them to do. It was so nice to speak about it without the normal instant negatives flying back at you.

We take it for granted in the heavily banked West that our money is safe (a foolish dependency frankly) - but people in places like South Africa, and in other similar places, without the stability we have do not have that privilege and are not so comfortable in their lives.

Is the long-term solution to be found in Cryptocurrency? Maybe...

But most Cryptocurrencies will not survive the next few years because they are backed up by nothing short of empty promises. As a result, people around the world who see no alternative, are buying Cryptocurrencies that have no future because they are desperate to get money out of a collapsing system. They are taken advantage of all of the time. 

I see one of my primary tasks as a Karatbars affiliate, as being part of the solution to that vicious cycle.

And Harald Seiz has thought long and hard about this problem especially where the nearly 2 billion unbanked people around the world are concerned. part of his solution is to offer them and us a Crypto entirely backed by real, physical gold. One that is, as a result, so much more likely to grow in value.

Last September in Miami, Harald announced the gold independence guarantee and promised us all that, on 4th July 2019, we would be able to convert 100 KBC Crypto coins into 1 gram of gold and, as we approach that critical date, he has now gone much further. More on that in a wee while.

There are those that still do not believe that this promise on 4th July will be delivered but I know for 100% certainty that it will. But it isn't enough to simply allow people to convert 100 KBC into 1 gram of gold and leave it there. Once you have this gold, what are you going to do if you want the gold to work for you? How do you make it grow? How do you use it?

The infrastructure required for a fully functional, gold based system is still being built. It will grow and become more functional month on month. And Harald is very much aware that people need to be rewarded for their patience and for keeping the faith in what he is building.

To have the opportunity to suddenly acquire a pot of gold is, in of itself, a tremendous advantage. Think about it for a second. One hundred grams of gold last year would have cost, even at Cashgold rates, around £3,800. That same £3,800 enabled you (were you sensible enough to go for those early deals last year) to acquire more than 600,000 KBC. That KBC, come 4th July this year, can be converted into 6,000 grams of gold.

If that wasn't the deal of a lifetime, I don't know what was!

Those figures are as real as it gets and those of us that acted on this opportunity to acquire a real Cryptocurrency will now be protected to a very large degree against any future financial meltdown. Gold is forever and gold is one of only a few assets on Earth that can resist the decline and fall of Empires. After all, it has done so many times in the past. Maybe you think there are no Empires any more? Right now we live in the age of the American Empire and the US Dollar.

Be sure that, when that Empire goes into decline and the US dollar goes with it, your gold will be very much in demand. Gold does particularly well in times of crisis and that alone is a compulsive reason to buy as much gold as you can comfortably afford.

Everything Harald has done through Karatbars had always been designed to put gold into the hands of ordinary people around the world. In particular, into the hands of people who would otherwise find it difficult to obtain gold. He has done that in a unique and ingenious way and now, as I stated earlier, he has gone much further.

Karatbars ATM machines are now going to start appearing around the world as part of the huge infrastructure that Karatbars are putting into place to create a whole new system of payments and transfers of wealth. They will grow in number, on that you can depend, and for those that do not want to continue to grow their wealth in gold, the ATM's will serve as the source of withdrawal of your KBC converted to gold.

There may be other ways in the future to make that conversion. We will just have to wait and see but at least the first step is underway. As I have been told many times by the cynics, it's all well and good acquiring something of great value but what's the point if you can't get at it. Well, now we know there is a way to get at it just as soon as the ATM's start getting out there. 

By the way, would you travel 100 miles, or 200 miles to get to your gold if you wanted it? You bet you would and so you don't even need a local ATM for this to happen. I doubt I am going to see one any day soon in Fenland (unless I buy one myself of course) but I will be amazed if they don't soon start popping up in London or Edinburgh and the other big cities.

The target is between 100,000 and 500,000 ATM's in operation over the next two years and Harald Seiz has proven to be very good at hitting targets.

You will be able to withdraw Cashgold from these machines and then either sell the cashgold into fiat currency or hold it (get yourself a safety deposit box or good strong safe if you plan on doing that). As the ATM's appear you will also see K.Merchant services appearing all over the place. Merchants, retailers and so on will be able to take payments directly in KBC and Cashgold for goods and services. And they will also be able to use K.Merchant to take Bitcoin and Ethereum.

With time, I believe that K.Merchant will become popular as the word spreads. The K.Merchant system is very powerful and allows business people to transact in Crypto without any downside risk as they can instantly convert the crypto they take into FIAT currency and there is no cost to them for taking up the K.Merchant service.

However, what do you do if you want to wait for the ATM's and K.Merchant to really take a hold? Karatbars have created a solution for that as well. If you are lucky enough to own 3 million KBC coins, you can deposit them into a Supernode. I will not bore you with the technical detail of how a node works but it is part of the governance and ledger keeping system on a blockchain, In this case, the Karatbars Mainnet blockchain that will be with us in September/October this year.

In exchange for depositing your 3 million KBC in a Supernode seat, you will receive a 20% annual income in KBC coins. The key word there is DEPOSIT, you can withdraw them at any time and give up the Supernode seat. Then, of course, the income will stop. 

This "income" will be paid weekly and so your KBC stash will be growing at around 11,500 KBC per week. This will all commence once the Mainnet is live. At first it may, of course, take a little while to build to the full 20% but once there, the 20% is the limit.

But what if I don't have 3 million KBC but still want to put my KBC to work?

No problem. If you are prepared to lock up your KBC for one year (or more if you wish) you can convert KBC to UNIVAL under the soon to be launched Gold Vault system and store your UNIVAL in return for an annual interest payment. 

A UNIVAL is a digitally converted 0.1 gram of gold. So 100 KBC will convert to 10 UNIVAL. Here's the full scale:

Deposit 100 UNIVAL and earn 4% (4 UNIVAL) per annum.
Deposit 1000 UNIVAL and earn 6% (60 UNIVAL) per annum. 
Deposit 10,000 UNIVAL and earn 8% (800 INIVAL) per annum.
Deposit 100,000 UNIVAL and earn 10% (10,000 UNIVAL) per annum.
Deposit 1,000,000 UNIVAL and earn 15% (150,000 UNIVAL) per annum.

1 million UNIVAL is 10 million KBC of course, so you'd be better off grabbing 3 supernodes. However, the supernodes are being capped at 750 seats in total so that may not be possible. 

Why would you want to lock up your KBC for one year? Well, by then, the infrastructure will be much further forward and who knows what will have been developed. 

Also, do not forget that any KCB you own will also have been merged by then into more KBC for you and then you have access to even more gold. 

Whichever way you look at this, Karatbars are going to be making a lot of people wealthy in gold. That beats the hell out of keeping all of your assets in fiat currencies that decline daily in value.

Here's the link to the video: Cape Town Update Video

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