Subject: Stuttgart, The Video

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So, as has become customary when we go places together, Graham and I made a video of our weekend visit to Stuttgart (the Karatbars head office). 

That video can be viewed here:

Another quick bit of news, the Amsterdam incentive has been extended until the end of the 4th September, so still time to get your K1 Impulse phone order in with a nice, fat, KCB bonus attached!

Why do I need the world's first, voice over blockchain phone? Or, put another way, the most advanced smartphone yet to be created? Well, no reason at all except that if, like me, you are worried about online security and, in particular, being safe whilst accessing financial sites etc. then it could be very useful indeed.

And finally...

If you are or have been thinking of building your Karatbars affiliation into a business but just need that boost to get you started, there is a training event on 19th October in Colchester. Among others, I will be doing a stint at the presentation and I am pretty sure it will be a useful day for all.

There is a bums on seat charge of £18 for the day and it is a strictly ticket only event. Please do not attempt to register unless you are already a Karatbars affiliate with a username.

The event link is here:

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