Subject: Pieces Of Puzzles Coming Together

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I sat in on an open mic session yesterday (my first one for a few weeks) and I was very pleased I did because one of the things that I have been speculating about recently was covered. And that is that the Genesis market for V999 will be staying open permanently for Freebay affiliates.

(Nb - I haven' seen this in writing anywhere yet but there was a corporate team member on the call yesterday who confirmed it).

How do you become a Freebay affiliate if you aren't already? Easy! Log into your Karatbars account and you will see a DATA TRANSFER offer/request to switch your affiliate details over to Freebay. Tick it YES and then go to Freebay, accept the terms and conditions and you are an affiliate. It is as easy as that. You don't even need to think about this. You need to do it because it would be silly not to.

Before I continue I need to put my cards on the table and make it very clear where I stand right now with the entire ongoing Karatbars related project. I would hope by now that you realise that FREEBAY is effectively taking over the day to day stuff that Karatbars used to be involved with. Which means, the sale of small denomination gold units and now the academy and crypto trading bot. 

I may, at some point, continue or recommence my gold purchases and buy some Freebay Life Cards (weird name really). These are basically gold cards that start out at 0.1 gram units. I will not, however, take any interest in their academy and trading bot packages.

In the background while Freebay start to roll out their offering, there are at least two significant "others" developing new opportunities for us. One is the Gold Standard Banking Corporation (GSB) and the other is the new V999 crypto/gold platform. 

GSB will very soon have a crypto to fiat card that I believe will be of great interest to me and eventually a range of crypto banking offerings. 

V999 is a 100% gold-backed crypto stable coin. As V999 opens up we (which means Freebay affiliates) will have an opportunity to be part of the Genesis marketplace for V999. There will also be a public platform that follows shortly thereafter where the bulk of the buying and selling and trading of V999 takes place.

There will be a critical link between V999 and what is currently known as the KBC coin. This coin will disappear and be reborn in October (target date so far still seems to be 15th October) as a new coin that will run on the GSB blockchain. Yes, the new Karatbars Mainnet will actually be a product of the GSB. Karatbars, for all intents and purposes, will cease to have a relationship with us.

The most beneficial thing I picked up yesterday was to hear it confirmed that the V999 Genesis market will stay open, it would seem, permanently. This represents an incredible opportunity for us all if we are smart about what we do now. This means that we can use gold and KBC to continue to purchase Genesis (income bearing) V999 coins for the foreseeable future. This will be a major boost to the value of the next phase of KBC of course and I am sure that you, like me, want to see the KBC coin increase in value as much as possible.

Let's not kid ourselves, if KBC were to just hit 10 cents a piece , everyone would be very happy indeed. I am hoping for bigger prices than that of course.

We will be in a position to cycle gold (and KBC) into V999 coins and then to sell those coins into the public market thus gaining a lifetime income from all and every transaction made on those original V999 coins that we sell. We will then be able to use the proceeds of selling the V999 to buy more KBC (or whatever it becomes) which we can then use to buy more V999 IN THE GENESIS MARKET. We can then rinse and repeat to our hearts content.

I accept that if you aren't too familiar with the principle here it might sound a wee bit confusing so I am now going to try to simplify it with an example.

If you have 10 grams of gold sitting in your account at Freebay because, either you went to Freebay and purchased the 10 grams or, because that was transferred across from Karatbars (see note 1 at the bottom) then you can use that 10 grams to buy V999 directly when the V999 Genesis market opens (soon). That buys you 100 V999 coins. 

You can then, once the public platform opens, sell those V999 coins onto the public platform. When you sell them, there will be a transaction fee on the sales of 0.02% of the value. There will also be a transaction fee on the purchase from the buyer of 0.02%. For ease, we will call the value on this, per coin, 0.001p. You as the V999 Genesis coin owner will receive 2 lots of 0.001p X 100 coins so 20 pence of income.

Doesn't sound like much right? But imagine that those 100 coins over the next year, swap hands 10 times. That is now £2 in income. Now let us talk in terms of 1,000 coins and we have £20 in income. And if you have 5,000 coins now it is £100 in income.

Now add the recycling factor. We buy 1000 coins in the Genesis market. We sell 1,000 coins in the public market, we make income on those coins every time they are traded in the public market once we have sold them. We then use the sale proceeds of the V999 we sold and we buy 1000 more coins in the Genesis market (through using KBC we gain a discount on the purchase price - very important to bear in mind). We then sell the new 1000 coins in the public market and we get a lifetime income from those coins.

The amount per transaction that you earn is somewhat irrelevant really because once you part with the V999 Genesis coin you are just going  to get this ongoing income, whatever it is, trivial or otherwise for doing nothing else at all. It's a simple case of the more you build your stock of V999 and sell them into the market, the more you will receive.

The critical point to remember here is that once you sell the V999 coins you owned you have your money back to start the process all over again. This is passive income in the purest sense. 

You can see that anyone can, over time, build a stack of these coins in the Genesis market and put them out to produce an income providing they are an affiliate. It is easily possible to build up to owning the income rights on 10,000 of them (£200 per year using my example above). And there are the what ifs. What if they change hands more than 10 times over a year? What if you have 20,000 of them out there or 50,000 and so on.

The platform working with Freebay and GSB have made it (will make it) possible to buy V999 on favourable terms using KBC and of course you can also use any gold you have at Freebay to buy them, any gold you accrue in the future at Freebay to buy them as well as any outstanding unused QR codes and BUNV in your Karatbit account.

I have already switched all the gold I had in Karatbars across to Freebay (done within seconds on the click of a mouse). If I buy more gold now at Freebay (Lifecards) I will use that to buy V999 coins also. The only reason I use the word "if" instead of "when" is because I will also have a nice stock of KBC coins to use to purchase V999's anyway.

The situation now is getting interesting. If you want to really understand the power of how you can make this work I recommend you download the telegram app on your smart phone or laptop/desktop by using this link:

That will take you directly to an exclusive telegram channel that has been set up to push the KBC price up. The channel on telegram is called "official price maker channel" for those of you that have Telegram downloaded already.

If you are serious about helping us all push the pric eof KBC up, you need to be a part of this channel. 


1) You can go into your Karatbars back office now, click on MY GOLD on the top menu and see a clickable link under MY GOLD to have it transferred to Freebay. I suggest you do this once you've agreed to the data transfer from Karatbars to Freebay.
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