Subject: New Mew Mark 2

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I have just uploaded a new walkthrough video on Myetherwallet (link at bottom). This is to help you to get around with the new interface they now have. In the video I also talk about setting up the KCB (and KBC) coins in there again if need be along with a little information on how to get in, what to use and Ledger etc and I mention an important video that Brian McGinty did running through how to: 

a) buy cashgold -
b) convert it to unival using Karatpay
c) using the unival on Karatbit to buy some Ethereum.

Brian's video serves as a very useful guide to buying cashgold and Karatpay and so on even if you don't need to get any Ethereum right now. So worth a watch. 

We are discovering that a few banks now are being very awkward about people using debit/credit cards and wire transfers to send abroad and especially if they think it is "crypto related" expenditure. This appears to be worse when it is £2,000 or more. Your bank, contrary to what they may believe, do not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot spend on.

Worse still is they dress it up as anti-fraud and without telling you this directly, they imply that the transaction your tried to make might be to a rogue or suspicious organisation. I have personally encountered two such situations alone with customers of Barclays.  

I heard yesterday, through a very reliable source, that there is a deliberate ploy in the UK banking system at the moment (almost certainly sanctioned by the Government) to attempt to stop people sending money abroad using their "fraud" departments to block transactions. 

We really do live in a nanny state and the banks now believe they can dictate what we spend on. This is becoming prevalent on £2,000 plus transactions. They get blocked and then they make the customers go through loops to spend their own money on what they want to spend it on.

A good way to stop your bank allowing you to buy (for example) profit packages where the payment goes to the Karatbank in Singapore and looks like crypto business - is to buy cashgold first and then using the cashgold as unival through Karatpay to buy packages etc. There is no extra cost involved in doing that and it sails through because it is then a European payment to Germany that isn't for crypto.

The banks are disguising this as being in the interests of customers, but the reality is that the system doesn't like you getting money into crypto where their control goes some.

Back to the video:

I have given you a link under my video directly to that video of Brian's because, at some point, you will want to send some KCB or KBC out of your Myetherwallet and that is impossible unless you have at least a small amount of Ether in your wallet. 

It may be, for example, that for some reason you still haven't sent the one KBC that you need to send to Karatbit to claim your original 35% KBC bonus. It may be too late now of course, I don't know for sure - but if the "claim your bonus now" button is still there in karatbit on the home page, then it may still be worth doing it even at this late stage.

Anyway, I hope you find my video useful. Here's the link:

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