Subject: Members First

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However, unlike some, I get my information directly from the company and only use that information in my communications. I never rely on hearsay, rumour or social media chat.
Graham Laurie and I have made one of our "road trip" videos again and that will be edited and out to you soon enough. 

In the Interim, just for my Karatbars Members, here are the highlights of the Amsterdam Launch Meeting:

"Launch I hear you say?"

Yes, the Karatnet - the Karatbars blockchain is now live! This is not just another blockchain, this is faster and more powerful than any other blockchain that has come before it. It can do everything the Ethereum blockchain can do and much, much more and it is has infinite capacity as it has been built as a dynamic (growing at need) ecosystem. 

The Karatbars Bank (I think this is the Gold Standard Bank but they didn't use that name so not certain) goes live in the next few months. The grand launch ceremony for that takes place in December in Brazil.

Why Brazil? Because Karatbars have acquired another gold mine (in Brazil) and this gold mine has a confirmed 2,000 tonnes of gold under the ground. That is a huge asset and by the way, gold in the ground is as good as cash in the bank as far as company credit-ability, guarantees and cash flow access is concerned.

In Sao Paulo, Brazil, on the 15th December 2019, a monster Karatbars event is happening to celebrate the mine and its commencement of operations. I think it may actually be possible to visit the mine then or, if not then, soon thereafter.

Along with the bank will come access (for karatbar members) to bank accounts, debit and even credit cards. There will be 5 levels of card, bronze, silver, gold, platinum and the black card.  We believe that the cards will also be linked or can be linked to the Karatbit Exchange. Think on that for a moment. Sell crypto on the exchange, have it put on your card. Pretty cool!

CEM's (500 already built and soon to be delivered) will give you access to unlimited Cashgold withdrawals. Now you have just heard it exactly as it was said at the Amsterdam event. You will be able to cash out as much Cashgold as you wish - subject, I guess to the amount in the machine. A CEM if you do not yet know, is an ATM.

There is a huge affiliate incentive running between now and December 15th offering huge awards including cars for the top 4 overall. This will be for the introduction of K-Merchant accounts (my favourite product -now live), the K1 Impulse phone (deliveries should be coming through in 2-4 weeks) CEM's and another new product that I can now tell you about below. 

The K1 deliveries should have already been underway but the troubles in Hong kong over the last few months have held this up along with deliveries from many China based businesses.

Now I don't really get excited by cars but the cars on offer in the incentive are a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, a Ferrari Portofino Cabriolet, an Aston Martin Vantage and a Porsche Boxter S Cabriolet. I might try to win one just to sell it! These cars are stunning!

There are other exciting prizes as well, of course, such as the Rolex gold watch and the Rolex steel and gold and then a bunch of KCB based packages with tech.

KCB will remain available until December as part of these incentives. Full details of all of this will be on the Karatbars website (back office) very soon. That leads me nicely into the website.

Soon, there will be only one website that covers all. A new dynamic website that gives everyone all the information they could desire. At last a real recruitment and sales tool. No more and and K-Exchange site and so on.

Now let's talk about K-Merchant. there are already some 300,000 merchants ready to go, it is not going to take long before that number hits the million, why? Because there is no other payment system out there like it. It will allow merchants, online and offline to take Bitcoin, Ether, Bitcoin Cash, KBC (and other crypto's will be added over time). And the merchant will be able to have it converted straight to cash (if that is what the merchant wants) WITH ZERO RISK OF LOSS!

Any crypto risk (i.e. Bitcoin taken goes down in value between the sale and the cash being realised - is born by Karatbars. How can they do this? By using good old fashion arbitrage and trading the crypto between several crypto exchanges and just holding it if they need to. I am not technical enough to explain how, exactly, this method works fully but there is absolutely no risk to the retailer. 

Also there are no charges using K-Merchant for the retailer and he can get his cash within 7 days. That 7-days will be instant when our bank is live!

K-Merchant is the greatest payment system to come out of the crypto age because finally there is absolutely no downside for a retailer and it is an app based product that can sit alongside any system they are currently using. We had the CEO of DeLaCour watches of Switzerland explaining to us on stage why he knows he is going to make huge additional weekly profits (in the millions) simply by having access to K-Merchant.

This is huge and I am going to speak to everyone I know in business about this, online or offline. 

Do you want to make a substantial second income? Then get talking K-Merchant. If you don't talk to your friends in business about it, then someone else absolutely will. In fact, if you really do not want to talk to them, set up a call with them and I and I will do it for you. How's that. Just make sure you have a bronze, silver, gold or VIP business status in the Karatbars dual system first.

It gets better...

Every wondered how good it would be to have a computer that makes you totally safe? Can't be hacked. Can't get spurious phishing emails. Can't get diverted and send you to dodgy sites? Can't have any type of virus downloaded and so on (and there's a huge list). Here's a few features of the new Karatbars WI:II:M blockchain protected laptop as it converses with our blockchain:

Blockchain Encrypted Email.
Blockchain Workplace.
B-IPFS Storage Cloud.
K.Merchant Enabled.
Karatbit Enabled.
Encrypted Web Navigation.
Blockchain Social Media Platform.
Vault Box.
Wallet Manager (crypto).
Cryptodata App Marketplace.
Runs of both Cryptodata operating system and Windows 10.
And infinite storage of all your data on the blockchain cloud!

Now I am not going to pretend that I understand what all the above means but let's just say this is one impressive machine designed to make you entirely safe. It has interchangeable encryption keys that you can use on both this and the K1 Impulse phone.

Folks, we don't just have some good new products, we have the most powerful tools there are and once Karatbars become a household name (and they will very soon), everyone you know will want them. We are going to be huge.

How do I know it will become a household name? Because so many people are already so very excited about it and they are soon to become a stock market listed company. Yep, that's right. Starting with the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in December and then New York, London, Johannesburg, Singapore and Hong Kong, Karatbars are going mainstream. 

I have said a lot already but there is more and there will be a whole bunch of news coming at you following this. 

The best advice I can give you is to keep an eye on the Karatbars back office latest news and package details. If you are not yet an affiliate ready to earn from this massive opportunity then you simply haven't understood what is happening here. 

It matters not if you do not believe you will ever talk to anyone about this. Wouldn't you want to know that you had done everything you could to protect the people that you know by, at least, telling them about the K1 Impulse or the new WI:II:M totally encrypted smartphones and laptops?

Wouldn't you want yourself or your friend in business to know that he can now offer payment methods in crypto to his customers WITH NO RISK and NO FEES to do so?

Could there be anything better in terms of a business opportunity than this one?

And finally...

You must have heard about the terrible hurricane that ripped the Bahamas apart recently? Karatbars are donating €5 euros to the Bahamas rebuilding fund on the sale of each of their classic gold cards. There is also a special edition card for the Bahamas to focus the mind on this tragedy. 

Here's a chance for you and your friends to buy 24 karat gold to hold and keep on special commemorative cards. They don't have to make such a generous donation but that is another example of the heart that drives this business. Again, all the details are available in the back office.


Nb: If you have somehow got this and your not yet signed into the business - ask me for a sign up link.
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