Subject: Latest Message Transcript (With A Little Extra Sauce).

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Harald Seiz put a recent update video up on what is happening at Karatbars and I thought I would copy the English transcript here but also try to add a little interpretation where possible. 

Please allow for the fact that I am giving an interpretation based on my opinion just in case the detail in the end turns out to be a little different to my "assumptions".

Transcript begins:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear business partners, my name is Harold Seiz and as CEO of Karatbars International I would like to share the latest news with you.

On July 1st, our partner company will accept our cashgold (Karatpay) as blockchain-coin. 
(I read this as a new partner company that will be behind the development of a Karatbars stable coin to come into the cryptocurrency markets. I had assumed this would still be referred to as a UNIVAL but perhaps that isn't the case after all).

A completely new platform for a Security Coin will be created. Each Coin has a value of 0.1g and is equipped all regulatory licenses and permits. 
(This sounds like it might mean a new crypto exchange in addition to Karatbit. It could be the intention to ultimately replace Karatbit with this new platform come Mainnet time. After all, Karatbit was created originally by Marvin Steinberg''s company/ I am intrigued by the the words "all regulatory licences and permits).

The registration process starts on the 1st July and from the end of July you can buy the coins. We have a pre-market and a second market. First you can buy in the Pre-Market. For each coin you buy you will receive a 0.02% fee. 
(Seems to me that some form of registration process will be set up on either Karatbit - perhaps most likely - or within the Karatbars back office set up. I imagine this will give us the opportunity to purchase new gold or add existing gold to the "new platform" to convert to this new stable coin. For each coin you buy you get the right to every ongoing 0.02% transaction fee on that coin).

That means you buy the coin first. After you have sold the coin, you will receive this transaction fee for those coins for life. An example: You buy 1000 coins and sell them again on the market. If the coins transfer 100 times a month, you will receive 0.02% for each transaction - sale and purchase. At €5000 and 0.02% fee this results in one Euro per transaction. With 100 transactions this results in €100.
(I interpret this as a nice little extra passive income line. It works a little like another coin out there called Kinesis. When you purchase the stable coin, you purchase the right to income generated off of that coin for as long as that coin is moved around from wallet to wallet. Every movement in or out of a wallet creates that 0.02% fee for you even though you sold the coin on). 

For Karatbars affiliates this means that you buy CashGold in your back office and can exchange it on the partner platform independently. The platform is a “Smart Contract” Smart Contracts are automated contracts based on software. From 30th July to 15th October, the free exchange of gold for our affiliates is possible in the pre-market on the platform. 
(I am thinking that this means we will not be charged a fee for our initial exchange of gold into the new stable coin. We have "effectively" become the minter of the coin and then retain to the rights to any income from fees on that particular coin thereafter. This "pre-market" will run from 20th July to 15th October and is exclusive to registered Karatbars affiliates. After that the coin will go live in the free market and - I am guessing - the coin can only then be purchased in the free market).

From 15th October onwards, trading on the free market will be open and will allow trading the top 10 crypto currencies against the gold coin. The gold is deposited with the bank/or security company, such as Brings (Brinks?). An audit of the gold holdings is published monthly on the website by the leading auditors.
(This indicates that there must be a physical deposit of gold of 0.1 gram into a secure and audited vault for every stable coin purchased "minted"). 

KBC: For KBC, we will implement a complex and massive program to increase the value. All affiliates and investors will have a great opportunity: From 1st July you can deposit KBC on Karatbit, for which you will receive a bonus in the newly implemented block chain. 
(I am fairly sure - and the few others I have spoken to agree with me - that this word "deposit" also includes coins already on the Karatbit Exchange. So if you haven't got your coins on the exchange you might want to get them on there to receive bonus NEW Mainnet coins come post October 15th). 

For example, if you deposit KBCs worth €5000 in the first 4 weeks of our bonus program, you will receive €6,250 worth of coins on our new Mainnet on October 15th. The program will run for 14 weeks and you will receive 25% bonus from 1st July – 31st, 15% from August 1st – 31st, 10% from September 1st – 30th, and 7.5% from October 1st – 15th.
(Seems self-explanatory - great opportunity to buy KBC between now and 15th October - especially throughout July to get the full 25%. Simply put, let's assume that up until now you have no KBC or very little. Every KBC coin you buy between 1st July and 15th October gets you a bonus allocation of the new Mainnet - KBC - coin when it launches in late October. This purchasing activity alone once word spreads could push up the KBC price dramatically - you never know).

The new Mainnetcoin starts on 15th October. This will be followed by the accreditation bonus. Your bonus will be accredited here.
(Example, if you had, in total, €5,000 worth of KBC on Karatbit during July 2020, this will get you €6,250 worth of new Mainnet coin - new KBC - come post 15th October. A lot of people will like that and buy all the KBC they can get hold of to have it put on Karatbit to simply get this bonus. And why wouldn't they? Everything karatbars do from hereon in and especially after 15th October is likely to push that price up).
In our program to reduce the supply is the implementation of our new blockchain included. This is based on a secure, decentralized blockchain technology, based on the so-called “proof of stake”. For this you will receive compensation for master nodes and stacks. 
(Not too sure about this bit but it sounds like new NODES will come with the new Mainnet - blockchain - and the nodes will produce income based on the good old "proof of stake" system. In other words, if you commit a certain number of the new coins to a "holding pool or pot" you will earn new coins from staking your original coins. These new coins, typically, are generated through transactions on the Mainnet or there could be an allocation of coins made right at the beginning specifically to increase this pool for this purpose alone. Now I am 100% speculating here but I have a good deal of past experience of staking "proof of stake" coins and it can be lucrative if that is what this means. I am absolutely guessing here but the existing nodes - if new nodes are created - could simply be sent back to Karatbit and all get the 25% extra coin bonus).

The implementation of the blockchain (Mainnet) will take place on several trading platforms. Listing on the stock exchanges (crypto exchanges?) will be done very carefully and will be done first at our partner exchanges. Registered master node and stacking payouts will be implemented on the new Mainnet.
(I read this as conversion from old KBC to new Mainnet coin will be possible on a number of crypto exchanges starting with some that have been given "special partner" status with Karatbars. Not at all sure if the registered master nodes etc refer to existing masternodes/supernodes or the new ones that will be created for the new Mainnet).
Goldvault: For KBCs in the Gold vault, they now have the opportunity to participate in the announced bonus program from 1st July. They will receive 25% in July. Even if you have not kept KBCs in the Gold vault for 1 year, you will receive the agreed gold after one year. 
(I am a little confused by this bit. I didn't get involved in depositing any BUNV or KBC into the gold vault so I do not know if he refers here to KBC really or just BUNV. I do know that it has always been possible to transfer BUNV into the gold vault. The idea was to hold it there for a year and get an income of extra gold in return. If it were possible to also deposit KBC directly into the gold vault, I was not aware of it).

Bonus Univals: All Bonus Univals (BUNV) will be exchanged for the Pre-Market Security Coin. Everyone receives a lifetime 0.02% transaction fee for the Security Coin. 7 Bunv = 1 Security Coin. 
(For every 7 BUNV you still hold on Karatbit - including, I guess, those that have just come back out of the gold vault - you will receive one new security "stable" coin. Thus 700 BUNV equals 100 new stable coin.You might consider it a bit of a shame right now that we cannot still convert KBC to BUNV as 0.1g of cashgold is currently valued at €6.18 thus one KBC on that basis could be worth around €0.088, more than twice the current live market value. Worth noting that the exchange into new stable coin "security coin" does of course come with that lifetime 0.02% transaction fee on all movements of said coins if you sell them on). 

As of 1st November we will open the doors of our crypto-bank in Miami (USA), with unique technologies.You will receive a crypto card. Imagine this crypto card in size of a credit card. Inside is the most advanced nano-technology for encryption and also this card will have an e-paper display (a technology that mimics the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. It is possible that what he really means is that the card also has a virtual copy online but that's me speculating. He could genuinely mean there is an e-ink display on the card itself which means it will look pretty damn good). 

You can use the Crypto Card for different actions:
1. To keep your digital assets safe, like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Secure storage of digital assets e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.
2. You can redeem your physical gold by using it in our ecosystem. Use physical gold with the Gold Merchant.
3. You can set up gold based savings plan for your future.
(We will have to see how this lot pans out but in a nutshell it sounds like they are going to be opening quite a few doors with a number of ways to realise the original crypto or gold assets that you hold back into fiat or across the gold, crypto and fiat platforms).  

The Crypto-Bank will open completely new features and possibilities for you and for our community: The exchange of crypto, the physical security of a crypto-friendly card, so that you can spend your crypto-credit whenever you want, and much more. We expect a large number of new customers, as the bank is also and experienced advisor for investors in block chain and crypto technology. 

Of course, we’ll keep you updated on what’s happening in the near future. Until then, have a good time and see you soon.

Harald Seiz

(I hope my little input helps somewhat).



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