Subject: Karatbars/Karatbank Update

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan.
An Update...
The latest update I received about the special Karatbars/Karatbank Coin promotion arrived yesterday. If some of you are already on Brian McGinty's newsletter you may have got this direct but if not, let me summarise:

According to head office the promotion to get 850 tokens for 0.1g of cashgold has been extended until at least the 21st March. This equates to less than 1 cent per coin! 

Harald Seiz, the CEO, is getting back from San Francisco on 21st March and he may be making the announcement then. 

Also the programmers have not added the "buy tokens with cashgold" button to the Karatbank ICO and main site yet. This has given everyone a few extra days. I know a number of people have been enquiring about that.

So if you planned to buy some cashgold in readiness to take advantage of this stunning deal, then you still can. Hopefully, later today, I will get an official end date after the extension but if I do not, and you hear nothing, don't worry. 

As soon as something significant is announced I will pass it on. But don't worry if it appears that you are not hearing anything or being sent any instructions. At the moment the focus is entirely on getting the ICO at Karatbanks through without hiccups.

They are hiring support staff as fast as they can to keep on top of everything and we are all relying, to a degree, on the established Karatbars leaders to keep us posted. Eventually, everyone will have their tokens and if anyone has any issues with anything at all, I will be here to give any support I can and will help you to chase anything up.

Right now, no-one, including myself, has their token allocation in a wallet yet but they will soon be starting that process. But it is quite possible that we will not have them until the full ICO is over. 

Rest assured that all transactions involving the purchase of cashgold (which still gets you free bonus tokens) or the direct purchase at the Karatbank ICO site of additional tokens are being tracked and monitored. 

You can see the current progress of the ICO by clicking here:

If you are still not sure about how to buy cashgold then this video from Brian covers it:

If your still not sure why it's a good idea then, the second paragraph in this email pretty much says it all, just read it through again if you wish. Even if you decide not to swap cashgold for tokens...

(Perfectly understandable as holding cashgold as a hedge against future financial upheaval makes a lot of sense in its own right.)

...You still get to keep the gift ICO tokens anyway! (20 tokens per 0.1g of cashgold). 

**Please be aware that if you are a Karatbars "customer" it would be wise to click the link in your back office to become a free "affiliate". 

I know that few of you are registered as customers because I advised you all to become affiliates even if you have no intention of ever introducing anyone else to this excellent company.

One of the reasons for suggesting that is a customer account cannot choose storage as an option when buying cashgold (unless they are already buying on autosave gold etc.)  and you have to choose storage in order to load your cashgold to Karatpay (not obligatory of course - you may choose to never use Karatpay).

I believe at the moment that Karatpay will be the route to KBC from cashgold once this facility is ready.

If you haven't registered for Karatpay within your Karatbars account you can do so easily enough from within your Karatbars account. Make sure your KYC has been done and approved first of course.

Also, if you haven't already, you will at some point have to set up an account directly at to redeem your gift tokens and swap your cashgold for tokens (when this is ready. so no rush just yet). 

It only takes a few seconds to set up once inside the site. Click the "help" tab you see to set up your "MyEtherwallet" or use the live chat if you need further help. 

Why do you need an etherwallet? The Karatbank Coin is a token built on the Ethereum platform. 

And finally...

Once the ICO has ended, we will start to find out which Crypto exchanges have been approached to add KBC as a trading coin. 

At this stage just remember two very important things:

1) As confusing as it can sometimes seem there is nothing to be concerned about, one way or another we will get everyone set up properly as we move on and get ready for token allocations.

2) And, most important of all, this is Crypto World and anything to do with Crypto and ICO's is, by its nature, speculative. You and only you are responsible for your own decisions in this regard.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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