Subject: It's All Good

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan.
But It Will Never Move Fast Enough...
It is perfectly normal and understandable to be a little nervous when you embark upon a new venture, especially if it involves you doing something you've never done before. 

And everything, when we do it for the first time, tends to make us nervous and it can also sometimes seem like the process is taking forever. That's one of the problems with the Internet Age, everything moves so fast that you always expect it.

It's clear from the emails I get that, for many of you, this is not only your first foray into Cryptocurrency but also your first foray into gold and so, after you have carried out all of the steps, it is almost inevitable that the void-like feeling after the final step leaves you wondering if you did it all correctly.

I've been involved in Crypto for over 4 years now and I still get confused! So I can hardly expect you guys to be totally cool about it all.

So let me explain exactly what happens with the Karatbars/Karatbank offering and why you do not need to feel nervous about it at all. 

The Ethereum blockchain can deal with around 5 transactions per second. The Karatgold coin is an Ethereum based ERC20 token so every purchase of KBC has to be logged and confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain.

We are running at between 5 and 7 transactions per minute just on KBC alone and then there is the entire rest of the world and its normal Ethereum blockchain transactions to consider. 

Right now there are a few particularly big things going on aside from our KBC. For example, today, EOS and TRON are both separating from the Ethereum blockchain protocol. 

Now, please do not be concerned if you haven't got a clue what I am talking about. It doesn't matter, ultimately for us it just comes down to this. 

The Ethereum Network is chocker and that means that it is going to take a little while to get every transaction into the system. It may be that it could even take weeks.

However, providing you can see the transaction as "approved" in your Karatpay account - (you can access that by using this quick link and then logging in) 

- it matters not that the status showing in your Karatbank/ account is showing AWAITING or IN-PROGRESS. They basically mean the same thing to us just slightly different things to the admin staff.

So, if it has been confirmed as approved in Karatpay, it is all OK. If you didn't buy your KBC coin using Cashgold/Karatpay (I can't imagine why anyone would do it that way) then you will just need to check the source and make sure the transaction went through OK at your end.

All purchase entries are automated with back-up checks from the support staff to make sure all is well. The support staff throughout the entire Karatbars organisation is also being run off its feet by the way so if you are sending in support requests, they are going to take some serious time to answer. 

If you can avoid sending them please do that will help everyone.

Right now new offices are being opened or have been opened and new staff is being trained. 

I hadn't realised, until this morning, just how big it's all getting. Apart from the head office in Stuttgart there is another office now entirely devoted to all matters ICO and coin in Stuttgart. 

There are offices being staffed in Kosovo and Slovenia. An office being staffed in Singapore. A brand new office, already staffed, has just been acquired and opened in Hong Kong and there is a fully staffed office in Dubai.

The idea here is that Karatbank becomes as decentralised as possible. If operations need to be ceased in one territory because of changes in regulation and oversight on Crypto (a pretty much constantly changing landscape) then there are always other office bases to switch to. 

The pace of growth in this organisation is staggering and there's a whole lot more to come. We haven't even had time yet to talk about why gold itself is a bloody good idea with what could be coming in the financial markets!

So I hope that covers any concerns you may have about the status of your purchase. Moving on...

I'm getting a few emails about how easy will it be to sell the KBC you have acquired?

So what should you do with your new Karatgold Coin holdings. Well the flippant answer is, I don't know, it's up to you but that wouldn't be fair. So here's how I see it.

Of course, you and only you will have the final decision on how to proceed in the future.

First of all, we haven't really got started on the exchanges yet. At some stage soon it is our hope that, we will be launched on Binance but that could still be a wee while off.

Binance is significant because at the moment they are the biggest exchange on volumes traded. The CEO Harald had a meeting with Binance just this week I believe so that all looks good.

HitBTC is ready to go, we are holding back slightly on that apparently whilst we get our support staff numbers up and fully trained but HitBTC will not be long in going live with KBC.

Now it is possible that once a new big exchange becomes available to KBC that the price explodes. You then have to use your judgement to decide whether or not you want to sell them.

It'll be easy enough to get your tokens sent over to the exchange and, at some point when I know HitBTC is live, I will make a video showing you how.

Quite frankly if they got to the magical USD $1 on the exchanges (many believe that can happen very quickly) - who wouldn't be tempted to sell! After all the tokens just cost you $0.008 (slightly less in fact) so a move to one whole dollar is 12,500% growth! 

But that's something you don't need to think about just yet however I will try to keep you price posted as well.

I also need to clarify the thing about a 35% bonus in coins that I mentioned or may have mentioned in one of my videos.

The KBC launch has happened in stages and I don't necessarily know, when I get an email from you, when you started you purchase process. Most of my sponsorships into the Karatbars family occurred either last year of earlier this year with a few of you coming in over the last week or so.

So let me clarify the 35% bonus thing and whether or not you should bear this in mind when considering selling.

If you first purchased KBC prior to 30th April 2018, my understanding is that you will receive a 35% Christmas bonus allocation of coins. So even with an explosion in price at the exchanges you might still want to hold off selling until after Christmas because of that. Your choice though.

If your holdings were purchased after that (I believe) you need not hold until Christmas because you will not get another 35%. Of course, even if you do get a bonus 35% airdrop of coins, the price may become too exciting to hold off from selling anyway!

That all said, there is enough gold already in Karatbars mining shares to already give each coin a minimum of €1.32 once it is out of the ground and bank vaulted (read further on about this).

So it isn't a case of IF this coin is going to increase in value it is a case of WHEN.

It's sort of a double-barrelled opportunity because if we take a long-term hold view, the coin value will increase as gold is vaulted to back it. If the coin takes off on the exchanges the price could go crazy. 

Karatbars have already had an independent audit carried out on their real asset value. Take a good look at the site. Scroll down to the part that says "details about the coin" just below the section on exchanges being contacted and look at the information in the box there!

Coin Site

I've seen Crypto coins with nothing tangible backing them that have grown to be worth tens, hundreds even thousands of dollars. No-one can ever predict what is going to happen but to have a coin backed with real physical gold gives one hell of a head start I think.

The only other Crypto I have seen that is building its future and its reputation on digitalising gold and backing with gold is DigixDAO and if you check that out on right now it is worth $134 dollars.

The opportunity with KBC is mouth-watering and it is almost worth saying "pick a target that makes you wealthy and set that as the point at which you want to sell".

I've picked mine, I'm going for $5, I'm not a greedy man. If it gets there, expect to see a big smile on my face. I have a reasonable amount of KBC - but compared to what some are holding (5 million, 6 million of them) - I am but a minor player.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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