Subject: Independence Day

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
Do Not Underestimate The Business You Have Become Involved With...
I have been a little quiet of late for a bunch of reasons. I've been waiting to try and assess the mass of changes coming through now with the Karatbars project whilst also enjoying the World Cup and dealing with those day today things we all need to deal with.

The news is about to explode as the Karatbars roadshow kicks off towards the end of this month. They've just finished training the "leaders" and information is now slowly leaking down to the rest of us.

First off, KBC is now live on HitBTC (in case you did not know) and we are going to see a period of free floating prices while the marketing machine kicks into gear.

The direct purchase price of Karatgold coin will, for the immediate future,  trace the market. But there will be opportunities a plenty I feel for members to get more deals as time goes on.

The most important things to remember about your KBC holding is that you should focus on Christmas as the earliest point at which you would even want to consider selling your holding because of the 35% additional bonus we will get then if we qualified within the time period for purchases made. 

Everybody's coins should be fully allocated now and, if you set up your wallet properly (most people used MYETHERWALLET to do that) then they should literally be fully showing in there by now. 

Given the potential for real value growth, always remember that with time comes more gold put aside in the vaults to give KBC real value and also remember that this makes KBC pretty unique. No other gold producer can claim to have the set up KBars has and therefore no other company can come close to offering what KBars are going to be able to offer now and in the future.

Ever wanted to get in on the ground floor of a company set for huge growth? Well you did.

As to KBC, well, what an asset that could turn out to be. Not even Bitcoin has a solid, real world asset set against it that will guarantee an increasing value. We are in a position with KBC that no other coin can emulate. The market may well drive its value up and up over time naturally but, if it doesn't, increased allocated holdings of gold set aside to back it will.

In the background real gold is being put in a bank vault in Singapore for the entire purpose of backing the coin with real gold. It really is a return to the "gold standard". 

The target is to get one KBC to have the same value as 0.1 gram of Cashgold as soon as possible. So the price in the open Crypto market is, to a large extent, unimportant (unless of course it really takes off).

Just imagine 0.1g of Cashgold AND one KBC both being worth £5. That would certainly make me very happy indeed.

So don't be too quick to jump into selling! If you want to be prepared however, then an exchange account makes sense. Here's a link to HitBTC so you can register if you don't have an account.


This is by no means essential or critical, it's just an option. The plan is for the Karatgold organisation to have its own exchange by year end if possible. That will be huge.

Imagine an exchange where you can trade fiat currency nto Cashgold, Cashgold into Crypto and then do that all in reverse. Or, fiat into Crypto or Crypto into fiat. That is the big plan. And because we have Karatpay, a USA banking licence and our own gold mine ownership, then we already have all the pieces in place.

The plan is ambitious but the plan is also very achievable. The KC Bank in Miami Florida, is to open tomorrow, on 4th July and a whole bunch of new products and processes are coming through the system very soon.

So what is the potential upside with being involved in the Karatbars organisation?

Right now I couldn't even begin to cover all the benefits that you have available to you as an affiliate member at Karatbars.

At the very least, if you know anyone that falls into one of the following categories, you have the potential to run a small part time or even full time business using what Karatbars has to offer:

1) People who run their own businesses
2) People that like to invest in or hold a diversified range of assets.
3) People that like to receive gifts on their birthdays/at Christmas, on anniversaries, are expecting the birth of a new born etc.
4) People who run clubs or organisations
5) people who are involved with charity organisations
6) People who, themselves, are interested in a solid part time full time business.
7) All those sad, disillusioned folk that got into what they thought was a good business opportunity only to be ripped off and dumped on, that need to know that there is something out there that is genuine and worthy of their time.

There's so much I could tell you about/want to tell you about relating to Karatbars but I just have to hold on and do it it in stages using further newsletters.

When I took an interest in Karatbars and joined them as an affiliate last August, I didn't even know we were moving into Crypto at all! That, for me, has just been an extra bonus and we've all been so absorbed in the Crypto side of what Karatbars are doing that it is easy to forget what this business is really all about.

Let me give you just one small example of what you could do to change lives and expectations. I have a daughter, it's her birthday strangely enough on 5th July. She will be fifteen.

We paid for her to have a whole bunch of friends converge on a trampoline park in Peterborough this last weekend (and I have to tell you that was not cheap with 15 of them in attendance). She loved it, but now it's done, it's gone forever. No real life value beyond memories.

But for her main birthday present I purchased gold. Not just any boring old piece of gold, no, I purchased 5 birthday 1gram gold 3D metallic cards (here's a front and back image of one)...

This is the front of one of the cards.

And this is the back.
There is no question that a fifteen year old girl will not have a lot of fun with the cards but that isn't the point. They are absolutely collectables and could have a serious future value.

For all I know, by the time she gets to 21 or 30 or (pick an age) - one gram of gold could be worth £100 or £200. So she will then realise that this was something real, life-long and valuable. Even if one gram of 24 karat 999.9 gold is only worth the same as it is now, it is unlikely to be worth less.

OK, I confess, we got her a few teenage trinkets as well but the point is, we can make a real difference to how our children perceive money and wealth and we can start now. And that's the real gift, educating here in the need to hold gold as a back-up.

Every one of you that joined Karatbars can log in to your Karatbars main back office and buy these REAL gifts for special occasions - you will find them under product purchase - special karatbars - 3D metal cards. They are not cheap but the people you buy them for are worth it and they feel like something really valuable in the hand.

You don't have to go for something quite so expensive of course. A lot of people give money now as gifts, well, why not get some Cashgold purely for that purpose? For around half the amount the 3D metallic, gold embedded, 1 gram gold cards cost, you can buy 1 gram of Cashgold.

Do you think it would get your friends and relatives talking about gold if they opened an envelope containing Cashgold? Do you think they might want to get some more of their own?

Moving on, let's talk about the future of the Karatbars project. We can all get involved in helping to promote the Karabankgold Coin and helping to increase its value.

Most of you have facebook, linked in and Twitter and such things. Do you talk about owning Karatgoldcoin and what it could grow to be worth?

Once you have a HitBTC account you can get your own affiliate link to it and direct people to HitBTC through that link where they can then buy some KBC of their own. The more people buying it, the more the market price will increase.

After all, telling people where to buy it isn't exactly hurting them if they get some, hold it and see it increase in value over time.

And you can go on to tell them about the Karatbars business if you want to. Everybody talks about the business they are in, so why do some people get so shy about it?

As I mentioned earlier, one of the big things coming in the future from Karatbars is their own exchange. When that happens, it is going to be huge.  It isn't just going to be a Crypto Exchange. You will be able to exchange in three directions under the one roof - fiat to gold to Crypto and any combination therein. It will be awesome.

It may even be that you can send Bitcoin, Ethereum and other Cryptos in and exchange them for gold and/or fiat. If that happens we will have the greatest facility on earth and Karatbars owns everything it needs already to get all those pieces into play.

Well, that's enough from me today, I will, of course, keep you posted as soon as I hear more but, do yourself  a favour in the interim. Keep an eye on the latest news inside the Karatbars site, you'll find this under GENERAL - LATEST NEWS. And watch out for Karatbars newsletters direct from HQ.

All the best

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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