Subject: Important Announcement -28th August

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This first part is a straight copy and paste from Karatbars Latest News:

Important Announcement - 28th August

On Friday the 28th of August we will have an important Corporate update call which you should not miss. Please check the relevant announcement on Facebook regarding the log-in link next week.

Furthermore, please find the following important updates:

Transfers from you PFS debit card
Please be informed that a transfer from your old PFS card back to the Unilevel commission (for amounts under €50) is only possible until the 1st October 2020. After this date remaining balances (independent of the amount) of your old PFS card can only be transferred via bank transfer. Please also note that PFS is charging €25 as bank transfer fee. Please do not forget to send all PFS transfer requests to

Pending gold deliveries:
The actually pending deliveries on Gold will be done in succession within the next five weeks. Beginning with the 15th of October we will be back in the used delivery time frame on gold orders. Thank you for your patience and trust.

Commission payment:
We are happy to announce that we started the commission payments with our new provider. If you did not receive your commission yet, please act as follows:
- Read the latest news from 07th of August
- Check if you received this e-mail from – please check also in your spam file
- Please follow the instructions in this e-mail and upload your KYC docs as requested
- In the moment, your KYC are approved you will receive your commission with the next commission run

Gold Miner option on Karatbit: The Gold Miner Option will be deactivated on the 29th of August on Karatbit.

(From John)

In addition, please remember that the V999 Genesis period begins 1st September 2020. For 6 weeks you will have an opportunity to use Karatbars Cashgold, Classic Gold and  Outstanding QR codes to swap into the new V999 gold token. 

You will also be able to exchange BUNV at the rate of  7 BUNV = 1 V999 during the Genesis period.

Now all of this is planned to be "live" from 1st September but do bear in mind that it could be that parts of it are delayed through technical issues. I've learned over time that the marketing side of this business all too often moves too fast for the technical guys. But either way, these options will be there for you.

I think that certainly the BUNV and QR codes into V999 is a must do because this is a doorway back into cash if you need it and, with the QR codes it does still mean of course that the old 100 KBC = 1 gram of gold still applies to those.

The next step is that you will then be able to sell the V999's you purchased into the "live - public" market when it opens on 15th October 2020 and get back the gold value of the tokens. 

So you have an opportunity here to take gold, QR codes and BUNV - turn them into a 100% gold-backed token (independent of Karatbars) and then create an ongoing passive income from lifetime transaction fees having turned your gold back into "cash" effectively. I say effectively because, initially, you can convert this to Bitcoin, or USDT and possibly a few other cryptos (Ethereum for example). 

At some point (future development) the plan is to allow you to load the proceeds directly onto a cash card/debit card.

There will, of course, be a small charge for transactions when you sell as well but you will, from that first sell transaction onwards, then receive an income on every transaction that ever occurs on that token for ever. How does this work? When you buy a token (always equal to the value of 1/10th of a gram of gold) you effectively mint it into existence. 

Because of a "smart contract" built on the blockchain, that token is imprinted with a unique tracking code that will always be identified to you. Every time it moves around the blockchain from one wallet to another, you get paid a percentage of the transaction fees. 

I will produce more detail when I have it. For now just make sure you are ready to act when the project launches 1st September. During that period 1st September to 14th October, every V999 token you buy will have your stamp on it and you can sell them from 15th October onwards when the market goes live.

Now is the time to be building your gold supply knowing that you can get your money back on those purchases after 15th October.

These V999's are real gold tokens, with the gold vaulted from day one and totally independent companies auditing and vaulting the gold. 

A fee on one token moving around the blockchain doesn't sound very lucrative but remember it could exchange hands/wallets hundreds of times - over time. And imagine if you have 100 grams worth (1,000 tokens) or 1,000 grams worth (10,000 tokens) doing that?

You will earn a fee estimated to be worth around $0.0015 per transaction (based on current gold price). That is $1.50 on 1000 tokens that create just one transaction over time or $15 on 10,000 tokens that create just one transaction over time but the reality is that each token will trade several times over time. What if they all trade 10 times over time? In fact, every sell transaction also has a buy transaction attached so every movement creates two transactions anyway.

That is why we are seeing a lot of people buying Cashgold as fast as they can right now. 

This could be very lucrative indeed and that is especially true if you are using existing gold, QR codes etc. to acquire them. Of course, once you sell them on, you have your money back to buy the gold again if you want to...

And, of course, if gold starts another upward spurt in value AFTER you have purchased a bunch of V999 you get an even better deal. Please note, one V999 token can never be worth less than 1/10th of a gram of gold. The price used to determine that (spot, cashgold price, live market price etc.) has yet to be revealed but never forget that as the original token holder you can choose when to sell.

(Tip: when you do sell, sell small quantities, spread out so that they do not all go to the same buyer. You want them moving around and you do not want to be selling to one person who simply holds on to them).

More on this as it is revealed.


Nb - I rushed this out a bit - so please forgive any typos you spot.
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