Subject: I'm No Fan Of This Man But...

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
He Does Make Sense In This Article...
I don't want to join the drum banging horde that go on and on about the upcoming financial crisis but, equally, I don't want to spend my life with my head buried in the sand.

There is a reason why I buy a few grams of gold every month. It isn't because I know what's coming and I certainly don't know when but it seems to me that it will happen (mathematics alone dictates that) and whenever it happens, I will not be as ready for it as I'd like to be.

Having arrived at that conclusion, I can either take the stiff upper lip approach and simply say, what will be will be or I can continue to add a few grams of gold to my assets each and every month thereby reducing the potential blow as each month passes. 

Between myself and my better half, I am buying 10 grams per month. That isn't a lot and I wish I was buying more, wish I could afford to buy more. But every month that goes by makes my little gold stack bigger so I am hoping the next crisis is a long way off.

Having switched my purchases now to Cashgold purchases I am also keeping that gold nice and mobile with the Karatpay system.

Now, the subject line was, "I am no fan of this man". And I am not! The man I refer to is Jim Rickards and he very recently penned an article for "The Crux" you can see the article if you click below and it is worth a read:

He has been consistent about his views on gold for a very long time.

The fear of not having taken any action is what led me into Crypto Currency but, as they always say, you need more eggs and more baskets.

The reason why people (why you probably) are not buying gold now as they should be, is that they are looking at the value of gold today and struggling to see the point. Struggling to see the value. That is because they don't get what happens after a real crisis hits.

It isn't what gold is worth now that matters. It is what it becomes worth when people are running for cover and, ultimately, it's bartering power should things get really bad. You might think, as I did to a degree, that there is little you can do now, it's already too late. Maybe you think the global financial meltdown is closer than we all think. 

Gold has survived as a store of value for over 5,000 years and there is a reason for that. In contrast, dominant currencies disappear as fast as they arrive and the current one is, of course, the US Dollar.

There are rumours (you will see plenty of articles on this if you look around) that the Chinese are banking gold like never before and even some talk that the Chinese are moving toward a gold-backed currency (very much against recent world trends).

I don't know how much of that is true and how much is just speculation but I do know that the USA and the UK have no gold!

Maybe you believe that the few grams of gold you could afford to buy over the next few months simply isn't worth the effort. That is all so wrong. When there is an explosion of unpaid debt and the ship is sinking, lenders will do anything to get some of their money back and they could easily start to over-value real assets such as gold (and that has happened before).

In that situation, even a relatively small amount of gold could buy you much more than you think and help you to off load some serious debt or obtain some very cheap assets.

Part of the problem with the gold argument is that people will cite the 2008 financial crisis as being neither here nor there where gold is concerned. Some will focus exclusively on the drop in gold price between 2011/12 and 2016. What they fail to observe is the huge gain in the gold price between 2008 and 2011/12.

In that period gold went from around $700 to $1800 before dropping back. That increase was the post crisis effect. Why did it drop back? Because the world economy stabilised and people got back to putting their money in (predominantly) stocks and shares and property again. They got back into things they consider simple, familiar and safe.

Money moves in cycles. Gold moves with it > CRISIS, GOLD PRICE SURGE, STABILISATION, GOLD PRICE DROP.

The key is to have some gold available to get you through that post crisis period. I'm no expert but if you look at the simple chart below it quite clearly shows that gold from 1999 to now, has still manged to move from $200 per ounce to $1,100/$1200 per ounce. The trend is still upward in the main but it is what happens post crisis that really counts.

So why am I telling you all this? You have access to gold purchases within your Karatbars account. Even if you set up an auto purchase for 1 gram a month of the normal Karatbars stuff (I can give you an annual 3% discount code for that) you would be building yourself a safety net. 

If you don't want to do an auto-save, just buy yourself some Cashgold every month. Some gold is always better than no gold.

Inside your Karatbars account, just look under product purchase, and then either auto and special exchange or Cashgold.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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