Subject: I'm Never Sure About Brian

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And what I mean by that is that I am never sure who gets his update newsletters and who doesn't. I speak to some people, sometimes, who I believe are on his list but they don't seem to get his emails. So here is a straight copy of what he sent out earlier today. 

If you saw Brian's newsletter today then you can, of course, ignore this.

Exciting Updates From Karatbars

Welcome if this is your first newsletter. Catch up with the last few editions HERE

If you want to get started quickly with your business click HERE

Need Karatbars / Karatbit support?

(24/6)            +49 711 128 970 00

New Playlists

Learn about the K1 Impulse HERE

Learn about the WHIM laptop HERE

Important News

Hi again,
Welcome to all our new readers this week! Over 27,000 of us in 100+ countries and growing. If you want to get started in the next thirty minutes simply watch our team video at which has A-Z instructions.

Lots of great news for you today so let me get started with that.


The first CEMs have now been delivered and are being switched on. The owners are, of course, posting videos on social media. I have seen videos of one in Edmonton Canada and one in South Africa.

*Please be aware that Karatbars are NOT placing CEM's! They are being delivered to whoever paid for them. If no one ever buys one in London there will never be one there.

If you want one in your area either buy one or sell one. :)

I know 100% there will be one in Malta because I bought one. :) We are Karatbars affiliates and need to think like Entrepreneurs and not customers.

The CEM owners have a fantastic manual with operating instructions and access to a private video website for video tutorials.

For security reasons this is not available to everyone but I have seen it and it looks great.

You will now start to see the price of KBC growing in the coming weeks as people start to use the CEM's to exchange 100 KBC for 1g of gold.

Right now it is a stone cold fact that you can convert 100 KBC into 1g of pure gold if you are near a CEM or go to head office.The more CEM's there are the more people will be buy KBC to convert.

**Breaking News - One of our team leaders and one of his partners went to head office this week to change someone of their QR codes to Cashgold and one of his team asked if he could change the cashgold to Euros. Harald decided yes if he wanted he could get cash if he wanted but obviously less than the cashgold value.

I personally would never sell my cashgold for less than its value but it's now an option for someone if they go to head office. Some people may be desperate for cash so Harald has kindly offered a solution.

You can watch the video HERE

Remember most CEM owners would buy back the cashgold too as they can simply put it back in the machine and earn on it again. I do not envisage getting cash for cashgold to be a problem.


Just a quick note on the price of KBC because many people in our community don't know much about Cryptocurrency. Everyone is checking the price of KBC every day and thinking that every price fluctuation is a reflection of something Karatbars is doing or not doing.

Up until today the KBC coin has been floating on the exchanges as it is not being used for much else other than trading. If anything scammers dumping KBC could have done more damage but they didn't manage too. The community of KBC holders is too strong.

KBC has not been bought in big numbers as people want to see the CEM's giving out the gold too. (Which is fair enough).

It is therefore going to flow along with the Bitcoin price as most crypto exchanges/trades are done via Bitcoin.

I can illustrate this clearly in the chart below (look at the very end of this copy) from the last seven days... You can do it over a month or longer it will be the same...

If you download the Coinmarketcap app to your phone you can do this yourself. Just add BTC and KBC on the compare section.

An Opportunity

All I see when I see a lower KBC price is a reflection of what is happening with Bitcoin. Bitcoin lost 6% yesterday but that wasn't Harald Seiz's fault.

If I saw the KBC price falling and Bitcoin rising then I might think there was an issue.

What I am sure of is that when our coins are used in CEM's phones, Kmerchant, Karatbit etc etc more and more the less of an influence the Bitcoin price will have.

All I see today is an opportunity to get more KBC at a lower price. I have been stocking up every month and have over 21M now! That's seven supernodes I have accumulated so far.

I keep buying and buying so god bless this low price and i'm grateful for it. :)

Karatbars Is Growing

90%+ of my team work online and I am fully aware that online relationships are nothing like real life ones. You never really have a relationship or bond with anyone until you have broken bread, shook hands or had a drink together.

Online marketers find it easy to jump from business to business or stop and start because of this weak relationship status with their sponsor.

It is because of this weak bond that online affiliates can be easily put off by online posts, comments or negativity.

The recent anonymous online spam attacks on Karatbars have affected my team more than any other in Karatbars.

Am I annoyed? Yes! (For my leaders and affiliates) Am I worried? No.. Definitely not because I have been through it all before in 2014 and it only lasts a few months.

Can you make your team immune to online attacks?

Yes and it's very easy. You just need to build an offline team too. (My wife's health drove me online as a solution but if I had a choice offline is much faster, easier and you will have a stronger business)

"I don't like public speaking"

Neither do I, It makes me physically sick. But you don't need to speak as our team video is the solution.

Find a room, ($20 per hour meeting room in a local hotel or community centre, church or your living room.. It doesn't matter)

Don't scare the people with a fancy set up... You want them to think.."I can do this too"

Sit people down, play the team video. I have created the video so it will play on a big screen and work just as well. The listeners will think.. "This is easy, I can press play on a video"

If they have a question you can answer that's ok, call me or send me a text live in the room. If you tell me you have a live event I can try to be available.

They will be impressed by the support and again will think... "I can do this too, Brian is backup"

Ask them to register, get a package and come back next week with five people or do their own event.

Week 1 - 5 people
Week 2 - 25 people
Week 3 - 125 people.
Week 4 - 625 people

Ok, not everyone will register, not everyone will come back but what if you were 50% successful and had 312 active people in 4 weeks?

Get to 500 registered affiliates and I will come and do a two day training event. Anywhere in the world.

Everyone in the area can get behind the 500 target and get to it quickly.

Don't think it's possible?

Take a look at one event in South Africa at the weekend.

This was not a Karatbars corporate event.

This is a local team which started off in one room and has grown and grown. Meeting by meeting.

Do you think many of the people below care about negative comments on Facebook or anonymous blogs?

Singapore Event

There was also another big event in Singapore where people were exchanging their KBC for 1g.

Watch the video - SINGAPORE

Everyone can fill a room like the one above, but it has to start with one or two people standing in a room to get it going, to make the plan and make it happen.

Madrid Incentive

Just as another indication of how the company is growing is that there are already 52 pages of winners in the Madrid Incentive which you can see at the bottom of the dashboard.

Please let me know if you are going to be in Madrid! I think this will be the biggest event of the year year and the best Christmas party you could ever go to.

Long story short as you can see everything is going well so don't miss out. Keep sharing your video with as many people as you can every day.

The only thing that can possibly be stopping you a story you are telling yourself which isn't true. But that's the same in all aspects of life. :)

KCB Coins Have Been Pushed From Dashboards

Anyone who got free KCB coins with purchases will have noticed that they have all now been pushed from dashboards and are in the Karatbit wallets.

Another job done as promised by Harald and HQ. These KCB coins will be converted to the new coin on hark fork day in December.

These bonuses are amazing. Just take a look at a selection of whats available for the next SEVEN weeks.. That's all the time you have left to get all these free coins.

Makes sure everyone you know has got their K1 and WHIM and are stacking as much KCB as possible.

K1 Impulse's

Karatbit is working, K-merchant is working, Supernodes are paying, gold is being delivered, KCb is being delivered, commissions are paid every week, CEM'S are being delivered, events are running, the websites are running but we have to have one delay and that's the K1's.

The Hong Kong Protests have delayed shipping from there but Harald/Josip has a solution and they are getting to Germany by another route. When they come into Germany the need to be cleared by customs and then packaged and sent from HQ.

It's the first time the company has done this so there were always going to be unforeseen circumstances. Just like any business.

Here's the really bad news if you think K1 delivery will change everything. Even if all the K1's were delivered tomorrow affiliates will just find something else to wait for.

It's procrastination and the curse of sales people. I have been in direct sales for twenty years and salespeople will look for and and every reason to "definitely start when x happens"

2015.. When cashgold is delivered I will...

2016.. When Karatpay goes live I will..

2017 .. When the KBC ICO happens I will..

2018... When Karatbit goes live I will...

2019... When the K1's get delivered I will...

2020.. When the company goes public I will...

2040.. When Britain leaves Europe I will... ;)

So if anyone tells you they are waiting for X to happen don't get annoyed it's just human nature.

If you want to be really successful you should:

"Sell what you have to sell today. You do what you can do today, affect what you can affect today, talk to as may new people as you can today and tomorrow will look after itself. Thinking about the past is depression, thinking about the future is anxiety but thinking about today is a gift and why they call it the present"

I was taught that by a Sales Manager twenty two years ago and have never forgotten it.

In other words the phones are in transit and neither you or me or Harald can speed them up.

Just keep making sure three people per day watch your video or you are organising your first live presentation.

New WHIM Advert

We got a fantastic new WHIM advert to promote this week! The theme is about someone who gets targeted by some criminals who try to steal his data but they can't as it's a WHIM..

Check it out HERE

Use it and share it.

Wonderful Times - New Videos - New Focus

Thank you for all your great feedback on the new video. Lots of you have having great success with it which makes me very happy.

I am now settled in Malta and I will be making some outdoor videos to take advantage of the weather and scenery. I think the shirt and ties will be in the cupboard for a while.

I also have to adapt to where I am in my journey and to the business and change with it. Karatbars have listened to leaders in the company and are taking the burden of support and teaching away from us at long last.

Karatbars have some of the best sales trainers I have ever seen but they have been spending too much time on support and communication.

HQ are now supplying 24/6 telephone support, lots of updates and great training videos on products. (That was 90% of my work for the past six years!)

This gives me the space to start to show people what is possible with Karatbars. I started six years ago with no money, or home or even food and i'm now living in the Beverly Hills of Malta with my children, with a team of 27,000+ in 100+ countries.

Just by repetitively sharing my video with enough new people consistently over twelve months gave me the springboard to achieve it.

Yes there were obstacles in the way which everyone faces and its these things I thing i can help people with in my new videos. I have twenty years of direct sales experience which I think could be better used to help my team.

Let Me Help You

So if there is a team building topic you would like me to do a video on please let me know.

Maybe you want to know how to do live meetings, how to plan your day, how to handle certain objections you are getting etc.

Let's build your team to 10,000 or 20,000 in the next twelve months.

Send your questions to and make sure you are subscribed to or you won't see the answers.

I will also post the videos on our team Facebook page at

If you want any more technical videos done please ask or as they have now started to do them which is great. If they get enough requests they can make whatever you need.

All in all I am really looking forward to the next twelve months with Karatbars and helping create many new Gold Directors and even millionaires in our team. If it happened to me it can happen to anyone.

Don't Forget Personal Growth

Lots of you sharing with me your success with the book I recommended.

I put 99% of my success down to what I learned in it and the next book which I will share with you next week.

Remember to get an audio copy or hard copy of the book "Think And Grow Rich" HERE

Stay plugged into all the official channels for the latest news and updates.

Karatbars Youtube -

Karatbars Facebook -

Enjoy the rest of your week and have fun!


Brian McGinty

Brian McGinty
Karatbars International
Skype - onlinecompanyreview
USA Office +1 917 477 7403
UK Office: +44 (0) 2891 871 374
Mobile/Cell/Whatsapp: +44 (0) 7511650427


Due to time constraints I wasn't able to duplicate Brian's newsletter with all the links and images. but you can always read the original using his link at the beginning part of this email.

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.