Subject: I Will Prepare, And Some Day My Chance Will Come

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan.
That's what Abraham Lincoln apparently said...
I've always been a bit of a sucker for quotes made by famous people, especially those that are historically famous.

I know that, all too often, these quotes are glibly thrown around as if the words themselves will make something happen but, of course, they will not and they cannot.

Nothing works in life unless it is backed up with some meaningful action and everything we do that has any worthwhile purpose has to begin with the most basic action.

Sometimes that starting point can seem like a right pain in the arse (apologies for my language) but it can. The process of KYC - know your customer - that some companies ask you to complete is a perfect example of this.

And I have often found myself feeling a little demonstrative when confronted with this. I have sometimes found myself saying "to hell with it, why should I bother. It's too complicated" etc.

But I think that, providing you are given a good reason and you fully understand the need for the KYC process, it helps. So, if you haven't submitted/uploaded your documents for Karatbars, I want to share some very good reasons why it really is worthwhile to do so and also why they ask for it.

By the way, if you have already completed KYC, thank you and if you have but there is an issue that needs to be resolved, I will let you know separately. If you need help with the KYC process, just email me with your contact number and I will call you and help.

I will also let you know separately soon if you haven't completed KYC (just in case you forgot - it happens).

So why is it worth getting on and completing the KYC requirement with Karatbars?

Some of what I am about to say you need to take on trust and I really hope that you can do that.

I believe that this company, Karatbars, represents an opportunity for us all that we will rarely see as either buyers of gold, business builders (or would be business builders) and even (now) crypto currency speculators.

I have seen something in this company that excites me. Partly it is about where they are now but, mostly, it is about where they are going. Much of it is also about how they fit in so superbly with where I want to go and what I want to do.

There's an article here (Coin Telegraph) that covers a little information about the Karatbank Coin offering that I thought you might find useful:

That article represents only a tiny part of why I love what they are doing as it reminds me about a crypto I invested in a while back called DIGIXDAO (DGD) - I will leave you to look that up on:

It isn't a coin that most would buy now (or is it) because it has already hit $500 but, like all crypto, it started out at ZERO. Could the Karatbank Coin (KBC) do the same?

Who knows, but they are both (DGB and KBC) based on linking to gold. I know what my views are on the potential - you have to conclude for yourself.

Would you be surprised though if I said that the KBC is only a very tiny part of why I love the Karatbars business? Well it is. I am far more excited about where they are going with gold and how they want to get gold back in the hands of the people.

There are a lot of places out there, online or otherwise, where you can buy gold. We could all probably pick a couple of favourite places to do so if we have ever been in the market for gold. 

But no other firm is doing it the way that Karatbars are and , whilst others may follow them in time, they are so far ahead 

The business really is growing exponentially and I believe they are going to become huge. 

And that is but one of many reasons why a little bit of KYC will do you good in the long run.

Finally, why do Karatbars need you to complete this KYC exercise?

Because they are a debt free, highly respected business with high regard for compliance and their reputation is gold to them. That should also fill you with confidence.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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