Subject: I Thought You Should See This First...

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I had a preview the other day of where the G999 based business project is going and saw the run down of the new GS Partners business plan and it really does tick all my boxes.

There are two things you need to get straight in your head though before this will make any sense. The first thing is that this entire plan is being driven by Gold Standard Bank and has nothing to do with Karatbars. Harald Seiz (Karatbars) has set up Freebay and will be working on a few other plans and he is not involved with this GS Partners project. 

My personal view at this time is Freebay and whatever Harald is doing, right now, holds no interest for me. This new business being driven off the back of G999 is, however, a totally different story.

If you want to see, first hand, what is happening with this new project (some detail below) you need to email me ( before 4pm today 

Then I can send you a link to the online meeting. I know this is short notice but the call is designed entirely for people who are:

a) very keen to know what is going to happen with the new G999 coin now that KBC is gone and why those of us who have seen the plan are pretty impressed by it and:

b) how you might use this new plan to create extra income.

This call is today at Noon EST / 6pm CET / or 5pm GMT for us in the UK. To be clear, that is TODAY, Saturday 21st November. I can invite no more than 10 people this time and, apart from laying out the plan, the income opportunity and the cutting edge GS Partners developments, the Bank CEO and the CTO (Chief Technical Officer) should be on the call. 

We will not be able to go over the allocated numbers so only email me if you can definitely make it. I will send the link out before 4.30pm. I will not have time today to answer any other questions you may have. Email me only if you want a link for the meeting at 5pm.

Further instructions and purpose:

We need people who converted their KBC and have a vested interest in this new G999 coin succeeding. If you already sold all your KBC, chances are, you have no interest in the future of this plan.

This is not a recruiting exercise. The business hasn't even launched yet - and for those of you who understand these things, joining a new referral business day one gets you massive advantages if you want to build an income - it's about regaining the trust of those who got behind KBC and feel they can support the new project, see how we are unified and see that this is completely different to what went before.

I will need your first and last name before you join as a list of those attending will be prepared before the meeting kicks off. If you are not on the list, you will not get in so make sure I have had an email from you by 4pm latest to ask for a link. You must include your first and last name. a first name alone isn't enough.

GSB want to demonstrate to existing people that something very positive is being done to not only finish what started as the KBC project and get our coin up there in value but also to take the project way beyond anything we could have imagined before. 

This will be a zoom call, maximum 1,000 people and there are invites going out around the world so it will fill. My advice is email me as soon as you can and definitely by 4pm. I will not even look for email replies after that. Only a handful of people have seen what's coming at this point.

I will send you the link 60 to 30 minutes before so you can grab your seat. I expect the meeting will run for around 90 to 100 minutes. And, I recommend you stay to the end because the really important stuff will follow the introduction to the business partners side.

Once I send you a link, you must not share it. Again, if I have not forwarded your name, you will not get in.

As soon as we get the links, I will also let you know where to register for GS Partners (if you want to having seen the plan). My understanding right now is that registration will be free but there will also be some paid positions for those who really see the opportunity and want to get stuck in. The pay plan (income) in this is unique, interesting and offers a real opportunity for serious financial growth. 

There is even genuine potential here to have your business partially built by others (such as me). This will work through a constant, rotating recruitment system. Once we've launched that, myself and, more importantly, my immediate upline will work constantly to bring in fresh and regular leads from business opportunity seekers..

That's it for this update. Hope to connect with you again later today.


Be Safe and Be Well. 

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