Subject: Good Update Information - We're All On Santa's Good List

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
Good News... 
I was informed yesterday that extensions have been made to two very attractive aspects of the KBC coin sale (The Karatgold Coin). 

This is to reflect the delays that have occurred in application processing because the Ethereum blockchain has been under such huge pressure these past few weeks and transactions have been and are still, stacked up to the ceiling.

The Karatbars/Karatbank CEO, Harald, wants every signed up member of the family to get a chance to gain maximum benefit from this special Cryptocurrency. Expectations are high that this could be an extremely successful and profitable coin offering.

For the record, this past week has been one of the busiest weeks of all time on the Ethereum blockchain because of us and because of the movement of EOS and TRON off of the Ethereum chain. Then, of course, there's all the usual transactions and movements of Ether and the tons of ERC20 coins that goes on day to day as normal. 

Fear not if all this sounds like double dutch to you. I understand it all so just ask me if you are unclear.

First Bit Of Really Good News:

The ability to purchase the coin using Cashgold and Karatpay at, effectively, €0.0068 has been kept open until at least Friday 15th June. So, if you were worried that you might be in danger of missing out, then, fear not, you have at least 9 days left.

Remember this can only be done by purchasing Cashgold, registering a Karatpay account for yourself and converting the cashgold to KBC. There is a video on each step here:

Now, of course, if you haven't even submitted your documents for KYC approval yet (remarkably there are still a few of you that haven't) then it still isn't enough time to keep putting it off. I will mention a little bit more about that later.

And don't forget that you have friends and family that might also want a piece of the action. I know that those people closest to us can often be the worst critics and it is easier on the mind to just stay quiet about what you are doing but giving them the opportunity might just be a way of doing them some good. That is the best you can hope to do. 

It's human nature to think that a great opportunity always looks too good to be true so, my advice, if you encounter that from people, just ignore it. In the Internet age, everything is a scam until proven otherwise and you can always drag up some dirt on anything if you try harder. 

Just look at goods for sale on Amazon - for every few glowing reviews, you will find someone who tells you the product is a rip off.

The Second Piece Of Really Good News:

Is that the 35% Christmas Coin Bonus is still active and will stay active until, also, 15th June. This is absolutely brilliant because this means that if, for example, you hold 100,000 KBC on 24th December 2018 that was purchased up until 15th June 2018, then you can claim (after 24th December) another 35,000 coins!

Three things to remember here -

1) This will be regardless of the value of the coin after 24th December, so, in the example above, if they were then worth (again for example only) 1 Euro a piece, that would be the equivalent of Karatbank giving you a €35,000 Christmas present!

Now, of course, I can't tell you what they will be worth on 24th December (it is quite possible that, by then, they could be worth more than 1 Euro each - it possible that they are worth next to nothing - this is cryptocurrency) but the fact is, providing you hold them until then, it doesn't really matter.

Would you be devastated if they were only worth €0.01? That would still be a €350 gift. And by the way, the 100,000 you purchased originally (if that is how much you bought) using the Cashgold/Karatpay route cost you around €680. They would now also be worth €1,000 and with the €350 bonus you'd have made €670, thus doubling your money.

And let us all remember that these crypto coins are going to be backed (already are, the process has begun) by REAL gold.

2) The second thing to remember is that this is only going to apply IF you are still holding them on 24th December. There's a very good reason why Karatbank are doing it this way. Normally when an existing new coin hits a big exchange for the first time there is a sell off. 

It always happens. Those people that are in it for a quick profit who want to maybe just double or treble their investment will push and pump and dump quickly.

HitBTC (one of the world's top ten largest exchanges) retweeted the Karatbars announcement this past week, that they were launching KBC on the exchange. It is going to appear there any time now. 

New coins tend to always get some instant purchase activity as well as the push, pump and dump. So it could be that the price goes crazy quickly and the temptation to sell your own holding may be huge.

Remember though that, once you've sold any of them, that 35% bundle of extra coins has gone for you. 

Now, I have been asked to check how EXACTLY this works and I now have the answer. 

If you sell ANY of your coins before 24th December you will not get the 35% bonus on any of your coin holding. They've put this in place to incentivize us to keep hold of them so that we do not all rush out and flood the market with them. Christmas is a mere 6 months away so it isn't asking much to hold for that short while.

However, if you don't want to hold and you see a good opportunity to sell at the exchange you can go ahead and sell but please just understand that you will not get the 35% bonus coins. Guess what I am going to do?

I am looking forward to Christmas more than I normally do this year!

3) And the third thing to remember is that the mechanics of this coin is completely different to the mechanics of just about anything else out there.

You will come across Crypto experts from time to time. You can always recognise them because they tell you they are Crypto experts! Rumour has it that I am one, ho, ho.

A typical new cryptocurrency comes with a blockchain project that Crypto experts, just like me, like to pick over and assess for it's long-term, real world benefit and potential for change and/or disruption.

They will not understand this one, because they will not have been privy to the full picture. Thus, they may tell you (because they don't understand this project and haven't seen the full detail) that this is not a good Crypto get involved with. 

I've already had this exact conversation with 3 other "Crypto experts". Without exception, once I had fully outlined the picture, they all agreed that this looked like a good investment. All three of them are on-board with this now...

And what is that full picture?

Well, here is my brief summary of that just for you. 

KBC has one real purpose and that is to create a digital highway between gold, fiat and Crytocurrency. What Karatbars/Karatbank are doing has never been done before. 

They are building an infrastructure that includes their own gold mines (acquired already), their own blockchain (coming at the end of the year) their own bank (acquired already). They are launching their own Cryptocurrency Exchange (hopefully by year end).

They have their own digital mobile payment app (already in place - Karatpay) and an immediate and growing distribution channel (they already have over half a million affiliates and customers growing at a staggering pace daily.

They have a distribution network of gold bullion dealers as well and, of course, gold refiners who are London Bullion Market Accredited. And every bit of gold they deal in is 24 karat, 999.9 fine gold.

When all of this infrastructure is in place you and I will be able to buy and sell gold, purchase every day goods with Crypto and or gold and all by using our mobile phone app. We will be able to transfer it in and out of fiat currency, Cashgold and Cryptocurrency.

This is a staggering proposition and that is what this company (or these companies to be precise) are focused on.
If you take a wait and see approach with this - when it is all in place, the spoils, the life-changing profits, will have already been taken.

I have never seen anything quite like it and I believe that the current system of money, finance and the central bank dominated world is on its way out. The coming of Cryptocurrency as the main form of world money is inevitable because it is more efficient than anything that had gone before it. 

And guess what the only other real world asset is that can be relied upon to still be here in years to come? Yes sir, it is, for sure, to be gold. How do I know this? Well, it has maintained its place in the world for over 5,000 years while all other forms of currency have come and gone.

Enough about that. Let's finish with KYC (yuck I hear you say). If you are all done and dusted with KYC, you have no need to read on.

The Karatbars crew do things properly, they do not take unnecessary risks hence they ask for evidence in the form of a picture of your passport mug shot page and detail and a utility bill. 

For the life of me I do not understand why some people will either not even attempt to go through this process or stop half way through it but, some do. The entire thing took me about  a minute. If you are not very computer and online savvy, you will know someone who can do this stuff easily for you.

I have, in my time (really, no bull) opened over 200 bookmaker accounts and the majority of those asked for ID proof. Mostly, these have all cost me money in some way and not made me money - well actually, that's too simple by far. There is a reason why I have had to open so many accounts over the years and it aint cos I keep losing!

So do yourself a favour and take a few moments to go on the KBars site and upload your ID. 

I see these messages when I check your account status for you and if you want to know what yours is saying, just let me know:

DOCS MISSING - meaning you haven't uploaded a thing or one of the things. I have to assume with this that you have gone cold on the opportunity. If that is you, just let me know and I will remove you from these updates. There is no point in me keeping you appraised of this if you don't really want to read the updates so just tell me and I will remove you. 

This generally means that one document (passport picture for example) has gone through fine and the other document (utility bill maybe) has either not been uploaded (that is most common) or isn't a clear picture. Basically, if your status is anything other than approved it means you are not quite through the KYC process and need to finish it off.

Sometimes the image uploaded just isn't clear enough to trigger the automatic acceptance system and it doesn't matter how much fuss you or I make, they cannot proceed with your account unless it has been triggered.

Pending means that the final part of the KYC process, the human ticking it off hasn't been done yet. When I see an account pending for 24 hours or more, I automatically chase it up for you on your behalf so pending isn't normally there for very long. Once you have approved KYC status you are done and can go ahead and buy gold, Cashgold and get on with the conversion to the KBC coin if that is what you are after doing.

One final thing, The solution is never to try to set up a second account. This always causes issues when the same details are used (such as email address).

If you did set up a second account and are waiting for KYC approval, then you need to send an email asking them to delete that first (or second) account. Make sure the email you send is from the email account you used for that account. They will reply with an "are you sure message" and once you reply to that with yes, they will proceed with the account your keeping and ditch the other for you.

Enough for now I think but I must say, I have so much to tell you as we move forward...

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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