Subject: First KBC Reduction Deadline Tomorrow

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I just wanted to remind you that the 25% bonus on the  KBC reduction plan ends tomorrow. From the 1st August that bonus drops to 15%.

Granted, there is still some confusion over exactly how it will all work on 15th October when the new Mainnet goes live but I was encouraged to see a downloadable document now in Karatbit that gives a more comprehensive explanation but I will also admit it has left me STILL wondering exactly where I will be.

Of course, that there is exactly the problem. I can't really know, none of us can, where it will be on 15th October because we do not know if the price of KBC will be higher than it is today, the same or lower. So far in July alone it has increased (hitting 0.008 at one time) and now come back to around 0.005 and a bit. 

But it is very clear that it is only through people piling into the reduction plan that the price moved up at all. Someone put it like this (might have been Brian Mcg - can't remember). You have to make your decision either in the belief that you are helping the long term growth in value of this coin (being a bit of a team player) or simply make a more selfish decision that you want the highest price possible before you even consider the reduction plan. Well, if that's you, good luck with spotting the high because it's beaten me.

Think on this...

It seems clear to me that those who have no intention of bringing the KBC to Karatbit and helping Karatbars with the hard fork are going to dump like crazy prior to the 15th October cut off because they will not want a valueless coin post 15th October, post hard fork. Thus it seems to me highly likely that the price could even hit an all time low come 15th october. In that case the best decision looking back from there would have been to grab the 25% available in the reduction plan first stage.

On the one hand, I am very clear on what needs to be done (and I've done it). All of my KBC, apart from the KBC I have in nodes, has been through the reduction plan and, in fact, I have purchased a significant additional amount as I am also trying to win some gold or, at least, some additional bonus in the reduction contest. 

I have no KBC sat on my Karatbit account now or elsewhere so you could say I am all in. I did all of mine (luckily) in the period up to 23rd July. I say luckily because, out of the blue, it was announced that a further 20% bonus was being added for those that acted on the RED PLAN during the first part of July up to that date.

Whatever happens, that accumulative 25% bonus and the additional 20% bonus will be allocated according to the price of the coin come 15th October. The unknown factor is only what will the price be on that day for the base coins that went in. All of this is explained in that new document. You can find it if you go to Karatbit, Dashboard, wallet and balances and look towards the top (you may need to read it a few times, I did). 

You will see "You can read more about the reduction plan here".  And the word HERE is a link to the document when clicked.

There are two very clear hard and fast arguments for taking the reduction plan and one further argument if you are supportive toward the project and want what's best in the end. There is only one argument for waiting until the last minute and doing nothing with the reduction plan. 

And those arguments are: 

If you are totally convinced that a massive hike in price is likely and it will be big enough to more than make up for not getting any reduction plan bonuses then you have a reason to do nothing and wait. In fact, if you have already committed to the reduction plan and now wish you hadn't, you can send in an email and have that reversed (all in that document).

Otherwise, if the price stays the same or reduces between now and 15th October. you are highly likely to be better off getting into the reduction plan today or tomorrow if you haven't already while there is still a 25% bonus on offer. Again, this is very much supporting the long term. Remember that the coin that emerges after the hard fork will be totally disconnected from the KBC of the past and will finally have a real chance of growing. Well, that is our hope as coin holders. 

Like I said, I am all in now and I don't really believe that a big hike in price is likely before 15th October. I could, of course, be completely wrong. Please bear in mind (according to my understanding currently of this clarification document) that the bonuses you get will be based on the 15th October price. So if, like me, you did all of your reduction plan move prior to 23rd July, all 45% of the bonus you get will be calculated at the 15th October price and how that price is calculated is covered in the document.

Also covered and confirmed is that every 4 KBC you have pre-fork will be converted to 1 new Mainnet coin post fork and that coin will have be priced/valued at 15th october price x 4.

Enough from me, read the document and make a decision if you haven't already. I have to say, I have tuned in to many of the broadcasts now with company representation (the Wednesday open mic sessions) and I have heard the biggest team leaders in this business come up with so many different interpretations and change their own minds on what will happen with KBC every time I hear them. It has driven me nuts. My aim here is to try and help you to make sense of it all.

I have heard one particular high profile Karatbars team leader explain how the reduction plan works 3 times and explain it differently each time. I now know for a fact that the only interpretation that counts is your own.

Final point, The 25% bonus is, of course, irrelevant if you still haven't brought your coins on to Karatbit. 

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