Subject: Fancy A Trip To Hong Kong? Flight And Accommodation Paid?

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan or you wish to be on this list. I do not give investment advice. All content herein is based on my understanding of information supplied to me and my own opinion of how this works.
The Detail...
I will explain the Hong Kong visit and how you can get there further on...

I know this will not be of interest to all - personally I love Hong Kong and any excuse to get back their suits me fine.

In my last communication regarding all things Karatbars I gave you my early take on what I thought the new kCb coin was all about. Well, it appears I wasn't too far out with my speculation.

I used this Ethereum example to explain kCb last time...

"The Ethereum network is a platform. It has a currency called ETHER and ETHER is a Crypto. But the ETHEREUM network is multi-functional and does a lot more than simply move ETHER around from place to place. But everything that happens, be that a simple calculation, or the introduction of a new smart contract on the network and so on, has a computational cost. This cost is represented in something called GAS."

The fact is, that was pretty close if we insert "mathematical cost" instead of "computational cost". kCb appears to be the "current" that will flow around the internal Karatbars/Karatbank network. 

It has two main purposes at the start though:

A) Raise more cash for the Karatbank so that it can increase its share capital. In a round about way, owning kCb is similar to owning shares in Karatbank because the direct and immediate value of the bank will impact on the value of the kCb coin.

B) As a result of more income flowing through the bank, more gold will be vaulted and allocated to the base value of the original KBC Coin that we got stuck into earlier in the year and are all (hopefully) going to hold until at least after Christmas.

There is no doubt that long-term growth on KBC will come from the overall acquisition and vaulting of gold. 

I've seen people comment already that they are alarmed that KBC is not growing on the Crypto Exchanges so I want to share a little bit of my own knowledge with you on that subject before I go on.

I am regarded as a Crypto Expert so you might think that what I have to say on the subject is worth hearing. Alternatively you could just follow a few of the dunder heads on Facebook.

NO CRYPTO - not even Bitcoin is growing at the moment. They have all been under immense downward pressure because of what is happening in Crypto markets generally. When Bitcoin goes on a slide (and it is on one at the moment) everything Crypto is affected.

Most of the most recent BEAR market sentiment has come about because a Bitcoin ETF approval was expected and did not happen. The Winklevoss twins (owners of the Gemini Exchange) were declined an ETF application by the US SEC for the second time in late July.

This reversed what could have been the beginning of a Bitcoin recovery. The fact that I am even talking about a Bitcoin recovery is ironic in itself, this time last August it was worth $3,350 and right now it is $6,407! Bitcoin is hardly in trouble... 

In each year since and including 2015 it has rallied big time during the period between October and end of December. On all 3 of those years to date, Altcoins (other Cryptos) have all gone BULL market with it. So anyone getting the least bit depressed about the performance of KBC at this early stage is - well, absolutely missing the point.

So, all in all, there has been major downward pressure on Bitcoin and all other Cryptos, mostly because that is what seems to happen during this time of the year but for other reasons as well.

But, be assured, Bitcoin will rally and go full out BULL market towards the end of the year and with it other Cryptos including KBC should follow. 

A Crypto with real gold backing will do well in that environment and, besides, KBC is still holding at a price at or slightly above what we paid for it. It has performed better than most other Cryptos and it also pays to remember that we aren't even looking to sell (are we?) until at least after Christmas unless we're mad and want to concede our 35% bonus coins.

Also, KBC is still only listed on one major exchange (HitBTC). When it goes live on Coinsuper (15th August I believe) then we might see some price action on top of an end of year rally.

Personally, I will not even be tempted to sell my own KBC until it has a value of $1 or $2. If I have to wait 3 to 5 years or more for that, I am happy to do so. I already hold other Cryptos I've held for 3 years!

Now moving on to the future and why the Karatbars environment is likely to be a very healthy place to be.

Here is a reasonable potted explanation of where we believe we are and are going:

There are going to be two blockchains running together that cross over and link (we can call them kCb chain and KBC chain for ease) - the technicalities, the how it all works, has yet to be fully revealed.

kCb will be sold at: 
to the public at €0.14 euro cents through a standard ICO type arrangement.

kCb will be sold (is being sold) to Karatbars affiliates  at a discount down as far as €0.087 cents. based on how much kCb you acquire. If we all push for the success of kCb this will help to have a direct impact on the value of KBC for reasons I will come on to.

As an affiliate you can of course, buy directly, sell directly (by promoting the kCb site) or, acquire through the purchase of an affiliate business package. This makes more sense than you may realise because of what is going to happen very soon with Cashgold.

Right now, if you are still holding Cashgold, I would highly recommend you use it to buy kCb - Cashgold will go down in price soon for reasons that are sheer music to my ears.

Remember the old argument about people not buying gold because the prices they can buy at are all so inflated? Well, Cashgold is going to be very closely linked to the LBMA spot price in the very near future. So if you are holding Cashgold right now you can still exchange it for kCb at the current higher price. 

As an affiliate you will be able to soon sell Cashgold at a price that should stop the "it's too expensive" arguments - but more on this another time. 

After 12 months the kCb coin will be listed on the Karatbars Exchange (it may be called something else of course) at whatever price it is then. Projections coming from the leadership meeting yesterday put it at €0.40 cents maybe plus.

The idea is that between now and then the share capital/value of the bank will increase from its current $100 million. 

By the way, try to find a home based business opportunity anywhere - where the company owns its own bank with a share capital value at $100 million! let alone its own goldmine!

Therefore with the increasing share capital value of the bank the value of kCb should increase also.

You will be able to convert kCb into fiat/gold/KBC or any other Crypto on the exchange being developed by Karatbars/Karatbank. 

As the value of the bank increases through transaction fee's from the gold traders and exchange fees the amount of gold mined will increase. There will also be unique facilities through the Karatbank such as their own credit cards.

This then directly increases the base value of KBC because there is now more gold going into the vault. More profit from the bank means more gold for KBC.

The value of kCb will rise because of the profit from Exchange fee's, mining the gold, selling the gold, ATMs, credit card fees, bank transaction fee's, the Crypto phone, etc.

(And there is a bigger plan to sell kCb to countries for currency use - not a pipe dream, negotiations already underway)

That's the reading so far...

The Karatbank Exchange should be something we see in months rather than years.

Longer term we will see the network of money making ATM's installed globally, the credit card in circulation and the unique Blockchain phone in use. Not just an app, a solid, real mobile phone linked to the Karatbank/Karatbars Blockchain(s).

Now I am not going to pretend I understand the tech on this either but there is a video that partially covers this some and the Blockchain project generally:

Blockchain Video

So what about Hong Kong?

Here's how you can get there for free with flight and accommodation covered by Karatbars. 

We can see there is a lot of interesting stuff to come and the real big question is can you imagine yourself wanting to be part of it in a bigger way.

If you can't, no problem, you might just want to buy some of the new kCb to add to your Crypto portfolio. Buy enough of it (€8,000 worth) and you're in on the paid for Hong Kong trip. 

You'll be getting just under 100,000 kCb for that so if it grows to the 40 cents (Euro) that the leadership were predicting, that €8,000 worth will grow to over €40,000. In this scenario you will get a free trip to Hong Kong and the possibility in the long run of a four fold profit on your €8,000 investment.

If you want to really maximise this - there is a package available through Karatbars called Premium Professional - that is what I invested in when I joined Karatbars - Back then there was no additional Crypto offering with this.

I purchased a Premium Professional so that, even if I decided to never promote Karatbars as a business, I would still earn back from my purchase over time. If I had been able to get over 70,000 Crypto coins with that purchase, I would have bought another one of them for my partner at the start.

And here's why - without lifting a finger in promotional work and without any Crypto, my Premium Professional package earns me money every month based on the overall sales of gold within Karatbars each month. A certain percentage of the gold sales is paid into the Premium pool and the premium professional pool and shard out among the Premium package owners.

It's typically, at the moment, €25 to €35 per month. It has been as high as €50 some months. So, without anything else, that package earns me between €300 and €600 per year. 

But of course, it also puts me on the top commission rate at Karatbars as it is treated the same as a VIP package in commission earning terms. So I am earning at the top level of commission when I do promote gold AND it came with (still comes with) around 22 grams of gold included in the package and a whole bunch of business promotional tools.

To me back before KBars included the Crypto package, it was a no-brainer - now it is an amazing value package. What if kCb never grows in value beyond the 0.087 approx. Euro value that you'd be acquiring them at with this purchase?

Well, basically, the Crypto alone would almost repay your Premium Professional purchase price in full. Any growth on the coin towards that 40 cents level would put you well in profit and you'd get monthly income for the rest of your life as icing on top. Hell, I may now buy another one for my partner after all having thought that through in my head and committed it to this brief.

Every business package from Bronze upwards would also come at the moment with kCb. The VIP package (also puts you on top commission rates) bringing €1,840 of kCb. All packages will generate kCb for a balance after the gold in the package is taken out (which is why a straight kCb purchase for €8,000 produces more kCb than the Premium Plus package does.

Depending on the level of purchase every bit of kCb you buy directly as an affiliate now comes with a level of discount down from the 14 (Euro) cents full price of kCb to a lower level of 0.087 (Euro). 

It's so hard to properly explain the potential value in all of this because, clearly, there are going to be people who really run with this and make an absolute fortune to people like me who do enough with it to make it reasonably profitable to people who basically do little or nothing with it at all.

But it is unlikely that anyone could make an actual loss on anything they did with Karatbars/Karatbank over time.

I would recommend the Premium Professioanl package if you can afford it. I just think the value in that right now because of the Crypto is immense even without the fully paid for trip to Hong Kong.

By the way, did I mention that the purpose of the trip is to witness first hand 100 Kg of gold being vaulted in Karatbank to add to the base value level of KBC? Another video explains that:

Yes, you will get to see a little bit of Karatbank history.

The date of the trip is 7th September 2018! The Incentive runs until 31st August.

This is going to be a fantastic news event which in itself is going to help push up the price of KBC on the exchanges and our own exchange.

Flights and Accommodation!

Harald, the CEO, is going to give every affiliate in the world the chance to come and see the gold going into the vault in person for free.

He will pay for your flights and accommodation too! Flights from anywhere in the world and 1/2 nights as needed.

And, of course you get to meet Harald and ask him your questions in person! Finally, Hong Kong is a fabulous city - if you've never been, I can tell you, it is a stunning experience!

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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