Subject: Expecting the 35% Bonus? Please Make Sure You've Done This

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There's a lot packed in to this email so you might want to get yourself comfortable with a nice warm drink and some comfy slippers before you start...

Before I put my Christmas slippers on and get stuck into the mince pies, I need to be certain that all of you KBC buyers who purchased between January and June 15th 2018 know exactly what you need to do to be assured of getting your 35% bonus.

Now, having said that, even then there will, for sure, still be issues and some of you may find that your 35% bonus is not automatically paid out. This is because a robust system has been put in place by KBars to make sure they are not scammed into paying bonuses out to the wrong people (many false claims have already been made). 

Rest assured that anyone due a bonus will get a bonus. It just might take a little toing and froing with Karatbars support to get there.

There could be many reasons for it not going through automatically and smoothly. For example, I purchased KBC and also my partner purchased KBC. Hers and mine were sent into the one Ether Wallet. It could be (I will not know until there is a problem - if there is a problem) that they spot that two people have the same wallet address. If that happens then there will be a requirement for me to assure KBars with a few extra checks before they pay us both our bonuses into my wallet (he he - sneaky huh).

Now, just as I was writing this I noticed that Karatbars have released, in digital format, the Gold Standard Bank Opening Magazine that we were all given a copy of in Frankfurt. This is essential reading if you really want to get the full picture of where Karatbars (or should I say, Gold standard Bank) are going. Just take a few minutes out of the fast lane and read this. It is well worth the effort - then come back to my email for the 35% bonus claim details.

Two tips when reading the online magazine that might be helpful:

1. It pays to read it as if you are doing so a few years from now as the language is a little assumptive in places and talks about things that haven't yet happened as if they have already. This language was described to me as being "proactive". In other words, let's talk as if it has already happened rather than speculate about IF it happens. Given you look at it that way it makes much more sense.

2. Pay particular attention to pages 26 and 27 if you ever had any doubts as to what is going to happen to the price of gold in the future and, if I were you, maybe build some cashgold purchases into your regular monthly savings routine!

Now - Back to the 35% bonus...

So, what needs to be done to give yourself the best chance of getting your bonus without any issues:

1. You will have acquired an ETHER wallet. If you haven't done that yet then watch the video below (it also covers making that wallet KBC ready and where to add your ETHER wallet address within your Karatbars account:

2. You will need a little ETHER in your ETHER wallet to send anything out of it. Part of the process required to claim your bonus (to stop false claims etc.) is to send 1 KBC to the Karatbit exchange. Before you concern yourself with how to make the claim on the Karatbit exchange you will need to acquire some ETHER. The easiest way to do that internally (within Karatbars) is explained by Brian in his video here:

That reminded me that you may possibly still not have set up your karatpay account. It's easy enough to do once you log into your Karatbars account and click on Karatpay but if you need a reminder of the whole process there is a registering for Karatpay video on an old profit magnets page here:

You will need to know how to open up your Karatbit Exchange account and claim your bonus. This may not be explained in Brian's video so, to best explain how you do that, make sure you have your Ether wallet address handy and then follow the instructions in this PDF I have linked to here:

There is a further video link within the PDF itself that also quickly runs through sending the 1 KBC from your Ether Wallet to Karatbit as Brian doesn't cover that. Between the videos linked to here and the PDF you hopefully have it all covered but, if not, fear not as I will try to do a comprehensive video covering everything in the early part of the new year when I may also know what the common problems being encountered are.

We will all get there in the end and all of this "work" will be worth it when we do.

And finally...

A video summary of our (Graham Laurie and myself) trip to the Karatbars Frankfurt do with a little bit of Cash Gold thrown in:

Well that's it except to say, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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