Subject: Don't Listen To This, It's All Complete Nonsense

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I will apologise in advance and explain that this is a little long but it is important information (break it up and read it in bits if you wish) and there is, by necessity, more to come after. 

I'm not going to try to convince you that I know everything that is going on behind the scenes at Karatbars because, of course, I do not. However, I am going to share what I can about what I know right now because what is coming is nothing short of mind blowing.

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I do not get an invite to the board meetings or have a regular daily or even weekly phone chat with Harald Seiz. But I do know a lot more about the Karatbars business than a very large number of people who openly comment on this business online in Facebook and so on without knowing anything or next to nothing at all. And without any regard to FACT over rumour.

A surprisingly large number of them aren't even Karatbars members and yet they feel justified to comment. Let's go through some quick examples of what I have seen/heard:  

They are running an illegal business and were banned in Canada

They ran into difficulty with Canadian regulators back in 2014 because of poor practices by an affiliate who failed to comply with the Karatbars compliance rules. They resolved the problem and fought a legal battle to get their name cleared and to get off the Autorité Des Marchés Financiers (AMF) warning list. This was successful and they legitimately and very successfully operate in Canada now as a result. That can all be checked if you look in the right places.

More importantly, they have an enormous presence in Canada. The same sites that slammed this all over the web still haven't retracted or updated even now. Everywhere this was reported all comes back to the one site that started this all off in 2014. And that was copied and used as if it were original. If anyone tells you that Karatbars are illegal in Canada, understand that they have used old information from a very poor (designed to shock) website that simply isn't true and hasn't been for several years.

They do not really own any gold mines. 

Total nonsense, they absolutely do. More specifically, they own shares in and rights to more than one gold mine. You don't need to own a gold mine outright (as in freehold) to acquire rights to the gold in the ground. You'd have to be a very brave and a very specialist business indeed to buy the patch of dirt the mine sits on and then take all the risks of hiring, security, digging and sorting from scratch. Oil Wells operating in the North Sea do not own the North Sea but they have acquired the right to drill there. A company can own a share of the gold that comes out of the ground now and in the future without owning the land.

Owning the land on which the mine operates is the hard way to do it. You can just invest money in them for rights and shares instead, that's the easy way to do it. But only, of course, if you are a well funded and stable company. Karatbars are. And the gold in the ground is, of course, collateral. Collateral and rights to the gold is more than enough to do what they need to do in the future. It buys guarantees from banks. Governments and Central banks own plenty of gold. Do you think they own the mines it comes out of?

They aren't really making a voice over blockchain smartphone. 

Again, total nonsense. Cryptodata (who developed the technology) is a real company (built by Ovidiu Toma who is now the Chief Technical Officer for the entire group) and Karatbars, through the Gold Standard Banking Group, own Cryptodata. The phone is being made as we read this. 25,000 units have already been made and will be shipped as soon as it is right to do so. Some should even be getting to Karatbars headquarters prior to the Amsterdam Conference on 15th September.

Of course, there is a problem that has sprung up recently that is completely outside of their control (before the inevitable shit storm hits about that as well) but it should be temporary. Watch the news and you will see that Hong Kong is a mess currently because of all the riots. That's where our phones are coming from so to say we could not be affected by that might be foolish. 

But the phones are real and are going to be usable and with us soon. They are also unique. But they will get copied, that's a dead cert, so the company have anticipated that and made the technology open-source meaning that, when they are copied, they will still use our blockchain and generate fees for us. We will have the first mover advantage but keep action on everything that happens thereafter.

Want to research a good example of that happening before? Check out Bitcoin. The bitcoin protocol has always been open-source and remains so even today. Bitcoin's biggest asset is that, in Crypto World, it has the largest number of actual users. Karatbars aim to have the most widely used blockchain for voice over blockchain technology. 

Another great thing about the Karatbars blockchain (Mainnet) is you can build other apps and programs on it and the open-source nature will encourage others to do just that. All equals usage fees and transaction charges. Just like apps on Apple and Android.

The phone does not really have satellite capability. 

It does, but the use of satellite phones is illegal in some countries. So that function will not be rolled out everywhere immediately so that they risk falling foul of any countries that take a dim view of them. There will be an accessory that will be made available for satellite use where such use is possible and that will come as soon after launch as is possible and sensible. 

The 100 KBC to gold promise isn't real. 

It absolutely is. I personally picked up 10 grams of Cashgold while I was in Stuttgart. I exchanged 10 QR codes that I got from converting 10 bonus univals (BUNV) per day for ten days on Karatbit. I was able to do this conversion because I carried out the platinum KYC steps as requested on Karatbit. Many of their customers have not even carried out the basic bronze level KYC and are wondering why they can't do this. There is an image below, a simple picture I took myself of my resulting Cashgold.

I have had people complaining about the need to do that KYC. Guess what, those extra security steps are being implemented so that you do not become the next person to have their KBC coins stolen. Please don't join that list of people.

The 10 grams of gold I picked up cost me 1000 KBC coins. Those coins cost me 6 Euros. How much do you think a gram of 24 karat gold is worth? Forgetting actual live market price which will, in time, increase, I already know (because I have asked) what I would get on the spot from a gold trader - a minimum of £37 per gram without even removing the gold element - so £370 pounds (that's €407). That's as real as it gets.
But I am not really interested in converting my KBC into gold. Not yet anyway. I will wait until the live Crypto market allows me to turn it into fiat directly or Bitcoin at a good profit. The point, however, is clear. You have the same facility as I do and when CEM machines are more readily available, you will not have to go to Stuttgart.

On the subject of KYC. I had someone tell me recently:

"what's the point, they are only worth 2 cents a piece". 

They cost us, all in, between 0.006 cents and 0.008 cents depending on when you acquired them. Do the maths on that. How would you feel if they were worth $1 in the market this time next year? Can't happen? How little people understand about how Crypto works. Right now on you will find 41 Cryptos with a $1 or more value. Why wouldn't a company investing into blockchain phones, gold and more get there? 

It's a Ponzi Scheme, Scam etc, etc. 

There is a lot of that about. A lot of people are getting burned and ripped off by unscrupulous people but karatbars have been selling gold (the best quality 24 karat gold) for 8 years plus. They are very public. Anyone can go to Stuttgart and visit upon them. They have fought and won every legal challenge they have encountered. They have bases around the world and a lot more money yet going into building their complete Ecosystem. Everyone that helps them build their business through their unique referral marketing scheme has been paid without fail since the beginning.

If anyone tells you this is a scam just ignore them. They really don't have facts to work on they are just passing on the duff information that they have heard. There are court actions going on right now against people who did unfortunately use their access to Karatbars to attempt to scam some of us (and sadly they succeeded with some). They are the people causing a whole bunch of problems that Karatbars are now spending resources on to pursue legally. It will blow over and when it does, those of you sitting on the fringe and wondering will see the truth.

You will see outrageous comments used online to "prove" that the whole Karatbars business is a scam. I assure you that everything I have seen with my own eyes and discussed in person with those that run this incredible business tells me that the "cry scam" brigade are so, so wrong and time will show them all. 

If you come across anyone who can prove it is a scam or, worse still, tells you they can get your money back (even though you haven't lost it) do not under any circumstances follow any links or go to any sites. They will rip you off.

But you didn't even use the CEM in Stuttgart John because it isn't real or doesn't work!

I didn't use the CEM (Cashgold Exchange Machine) while I was there. That is 100% true. I had the Cashgold handed to me in person instead. And no doubt much noise will be made about that (they don't work etc). So a reminder seems appropriate here. It isn't that the CEM there doesn't work but it just works "manually" they fill it up, a code is entered, it spits out Cashgold notes providing the code is valid. 

You do know, I assume, that the CEM that goes out publicly will run on the Karatbars Mainnet (blockchain) and that doesn't go live until around 20th September or, if it is found to have any bugs in the system, perhaps a little later. It doesn't matter if it is late by a few days or even weeks but what would matter would be having a bunch of machines out there that didn't work because they are not connected to a properly working Mainnet. 

That seems pretty pointless to me. Don't you agree? The Stuttgart machine is filled with notes on site and works without the blockchain link but everything that runs on the blockchain will create transaction fees - that is income for you and me into the future - and everything Karatbars are doing and working on, will be connected to that Blockchain. I was there, in Stuttgart, with a group of people and, frankly, we were way more interested in the barbeque and the drinks that we were being treated to than the CEM machine but like everything else they are working on, you are going to see them out there in time.

That said, it was good to meet the people behind the scenes that look after us and to understand, first hand, from them why they can't always give us the answers we need as quickly as we need them. What was also very apparent was how much they all liked working there for Harald and co.

If you want to convert KBC to gold, just get yourself the QR codes through Karatbit and keep the emails you receive, with the codes on, safe. Just save them up until you can use them (they don't have a use by date that I am aware of). Or, better still, just wait until the market sees an end to all the nonsense and more and more positive news comes through the system (and there will be a bunch of that in Amsterdam on 15th September, I can tell you because they already told us a lot of it in Stuttgart) and then you will be able to sell KBC on the market for a good price.

A lot of people were given a bundle of Cashgold while they were there (not just me) in exchange for those little QR codes. Some exchanged a good deal more than I did. After all, you can generate 7 of these codes a week if you really want to. I am happy with my little bundle and so very pleased that I used almost all of my coins to buy Supernodes and Masternodes. I will do more on those very soon.

So to conclude this part. You might want to listen to me instead of Whiney Willy on Facebook or some dipshit farmer in New Zealand who thinks he's uncovered a conspiracy (I have nothing against the wonderful people of New Zealand by the way, just this one individual whose video links I keep getting sent).

After all I have, at least, met Harald Seiz on several occasions and had the chance to speak to him privately and without cameras whirring and people butting in. And, in case you do not know me, I ask very direct and often difficult questions. Ask the naysayers if they've met the man personally and see what they say.

I was very happy to be invited to the Gold Director Elite Summit between August 29th and September 1st. I was given privileged information (along with others who had been invited) ahead of the general membership and customer base. All of what I learned will be made public in Amsterdam on 15th September. If you want to get really excited about the Karatbars business you should try to go there.

There is so much coming down the line that I can absolutely assure you that you are going to love the ride.

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