Subject: Did You Just Stop Before Getting The Goodies?

You are receiving this email because you are a member at Karatbars and your sponsor is John Duncan.
You already made the big decision...
I don't know how well you know me but I can tell you that I do not get involved with any business without a great deal of research and without being totally convinced that its a winner long-term, not just short-term.

Once only, in the last 5 years, I went into a business that I regret joining and that was on the pure say so of a good friend and that proved to be a mistake. A mistake I vowed never to repeat again. Within a very short time of being in that business I decided that there was no way I could promote it.

Karatbars International is a completely different story. I am very happy to promote it because it is the best business I've ever seen in terms of its potential, its ethics and its vision of where it is going

I feel more comfortable in this business than in any other I have been involved with and I do not say that lightly having made a fortune with another great business over the last 3 years. But when we stand still, the World passes us by and before we know it, we have missed the best that life has to offer.

I have done extremely well in the Cryptocurrency sphere and Karatbars to me is the perfect cross over business from that, especially now that they have launched their subsidiary bank (Karatbank) and now their Karatbank Coin (KBC).

What could be more efficient than exchanging Crypto for gold? The absolute spotty faced youth of money for the Grandfather of money? Think about it...

And you don't need to be into Crypto by the way to get why gold is a great idea.

So even before that recent launch of bank and crypto coin, I was sold on Karatbars. Some of the household names that have done business with Karatbars include Moto GP, Real Madrid (the wealthiest football club on the planet) and even the Vatican.

Whenever I encountered any negative feedback about them (you always find some online about anyone if you look hard enough) I was able to get answers and proof that any fears were without merit. 

And then there's the Vatican, I suspect that they vet businesses thoroughly before having any association with them but, even then, I did my own research and continued with it until I was satisfied.

So, to the point of this email. If you joined Karatbars and then you did not complete the KYC requirements with Karatbars, then you are depriving yourself of a fabulous opportunity through, well, let's be honest, pure lethargy. 

Are you surprised that a company with a reputation to be proud of want us all to confirm that we are who we say we are?

I understand that KYC can be a pain and sometimes we try to upload a picture or document and, for some reason it doesn't work or get accepted. In that situation we either try again until it is all accepted or we just quit on it. But have you even begun the process?

Before you quit on it, let us just look at what you are missing out on right now. Karatbank have an ICO running. If you go directly to that ICO, right now, you can buy KBC for around €0.035 or $0.04 with a 25% bonus coin allocation. 

Incidentally, this message equally applies to you if you have carried out KYC and been accepted - so don't switch off just yet.

That means that €60 (there's a reason for using that figure) gets you around 2100 KBC. Those coins are designed to grow to equal the spot price of gold. That is around €3.50 per gram. WHEN (not IF) that target is achieved that puts a value of €7,350 on those coins.

Now I said WHEN not IF and, of course, there can never be any absolute guarantees but unlike anything I have ever seen before, Karatbank have committed to putting 4% of all profits made from ALL Karatbank enterprises into the purchase of reserve gold to back the coin and they are going to do this until there is enough gold to make each coin worth €3,50. So I said WHEN because I am absolutely convinced that this will be achieved.

And that of course, doesn't even cover the other possibility of the price exceeding that €3.50 just because it becomes popular on the Crypto exchanges over time. Do you think a gold backed Crypto might become popular?

So, let's just pause there. You could just go and buy that KBC ICO right now by clicking THIS LINK 

- but I don't want you to do that - because there is an even better deal up for grabs.

At the moment up until and including the 18th March 2018 (and I am reasonably confident that this may get extended by a few days because of KYC requirements) you can buy Cashgold at Karatbars and get access to a mind blowing deal on  KBC.

For each one gram of Cashgold purchased there is a free gift of 200 KBC. BUT ALSO, for anyone who buys Cashgold, loads it into the Karatpay app (piece of cake to do on the Karatbars site) and then, once the facility is live at the Karatban site, uses that Cashgold to buy KBC, they will get (seriously) 8,500 KBC for the one gram of Cashgold!

Guess what I have been buying like it was going out of fashion!

Once inside your Karatbars account, you will see Karatpay at the top of the dashboard page. There is a drop-down link called "Log in link for Karatpay" - use that link, register for a Karatpay account (very quick and easy to do).

After buying Cashgold, you can go back to where you saw Karatpay in your Karatbars account dashboard and use "load eWallet" to transfer any Cashgold in your Karatbars account into Karatpay. And there's even a Karatpay app you can download to your smartphone as well.

Now imagine that you purchased 10 grams of Cashgold. No need to do the maths, I already did it. 2,000 free coins and the option to exchange the 10 grams of Cashgold for 85,000 more. So 87,00 coins at, potentially, €3.50 - €304,500.

If that isn't the deal of the century I don't know what is but right now, if you haven't carried out KYC none of this applies because you can't buy any Cashgold! But you are that one simple step away from getting the KYC done. I don't understand why anyone would hold back.

What if you get impatient or lack confidence and decide to sell those KBC at just €0.50 each? - that is still over €40,000 and the 10 grams of Cashgold cost around €600.

Now it is possible that the extension on this deal doesn't happen. It has been hinted at but not confirmed. Well, what's the worst thing then? You got KYC approved and you're ready for the next mind-blowing offer and they will come.

So, go for it, get KYC approved, do it now and stop missing out on the very best deals going because of a few obstacles that get in your way.

John Duncan,
SKYPE: profitmagnets 
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