Subject: Coin Transfer Action - Last Day Today

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I am not yet back to work and, currently, I am barred from my office (the other half is out now so I am cheating) - so Skype calls etc. are not a good option if you wanted to talk to me. 

I had a really heavy year last year for workload and promised myself and my family a good long break over the holiday period and I intend to honour that promise.

I actually only got back from my last trip abroad late on 23rd December and decided I would return to work around 6th January. 

You don't need me now for coin movement and conversion stuff anyway because there are videos on my site that cover everything. 

All of the following steps are covered there (particularly in the cryptocurrency section):

Getting (moving) your coins from MEW to
Linking your Karatbit account to Karatbars.
Finding your way around
The action needed and how to take it on to choose between conversion of KCB to KBC or into vouchers for future shares.

I can't decide for you - so don't ask. You need to weigh up in your own mind whether being invested through shares in the company works better for you in the long run or whether having your KCB turned into KBC works better for you (and, of course, you can do a bit of both).

I have said it already but I will say it again. The deadline isn't there to railroad anyone, it is there so that Karatbars can tell the market what the final circulating coin figure is going to be. Then they can properly move towards taking the existing KBC coin and hard-forking it into the new coin. Estimates say this is likely to be May/June to give everyone a chance to get any final moves etc. done with KBC.

If you are happy to have your KCB converted to vouchers/shares then the 4th January deadline isn't really a final deadline as that is the DEFAULT position should you not make your choice known on Karatbit. Then, you will still have some time to get the coins into so that the conversion happens.

However, information has been streaming out about all this since (and in some cases before) 15th December. There has been plenty enough time to get the coins where they needed to be. 

If you have coins to move into still from outside (in a MEW for example) then please do it today if you want to choose KBC as your option for all or some of your KCB coins. 

If you leave it until tomorrow, you may be too late to choose and end up with the voucher/share choice whether you wanted it or not!

Tomorrow (4th January) at midnight is the absolute cut off for deciding what you want to do with your KCB coins if you have any. After that, the decision is made for you. 

The reality is that no decision needs be noted on site IF you are happy to have the KCB coins preserved at €0.14 per coin in a voucher that will, in time, become shares in the Gold Standard Banking company. 

That had to be the default choice as it preserves the value of every KCB at the original value of €0.14 and that will be noted on your voucher.

That company (Gold Standard Banking) controls all things gold mining, banking, technology and crypto related for Karatbars and will be the listed company once everything is ready. 

Again, I would refer you Brian McGinty's videos on full details of this and other matters.

I hope to be back in the saddle next Monday and here's to a great 2020 with more exciting things to come.


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