Subject: Friend, The Answers You Need Require The Right Questions

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I am frequently quizzed about what I think of the K1 Impulse phone and, for reasons I do not fully understand, some people seem surprised when I say that I think it is brilliant!

But people are having issues with the phone. One issue that most people have with the phone, when they have one, comes down to a complete lack of understanding of what it is that they have. This isn't me trying to be critical it really is just a case of most folks totally missing the point.

Hence the subject line of this email. If you ask the wrong questions, you cannot ever get the right answers. Almost everyone I have spoken to who has a K1 phone or has one on order completely misunderstands what they have.

The most common question is - "how do I download all my favourite apps to this new phone?" 

That is a classic example of what I am talking about. The question should be - "why would I want to download all those apps to my new K1 phone?"

What is the driving force behind both the K1 and the Whim laptop? Why have these products been developed for use over blockchain? 


The K1 (and of course the WHIM) have been designed to stop big brother at the gate. In an ideal world (perhaps a few years from now) people will understand just how powerful this technology is. They will wonder why they ever happily gave all their financial information, spending habits, social habits to anyone who did no more than simply design a mobile phone app.

It is entirely insane now how easily we part with information that can come back to harm us later. I remember growing up as a kid when the older generation wouldn't even discuss which bank they were with and who they voted for. They certainly wouldn't tell people how much the earned. 

Now, it seems, we don't even mind faceless institutions having our bank and card details on their database and we'll openly discuss our private lives on facebook! 

The insanity of what we do publicly now is mesmerising.

And this situation is about to go crazy with the introduction of track and trace apps. Think about this for a second. An app is being developed, sanctioned by our own government, that is designed to spy on you wherever you are and a database is being built of your movements and everyone you make contact with.

It was bad enough that Google can pinpoint your phone (and by default) your location with GPS tracking anyway.

Forget Covid-19 - they can use that now as an excuse for ANYTHING, just think of the principle of absolute ZERO privacy. And people are asking about apps for the K1...

The only apps I shall ever add to my K1 phone are apps designed specifically FOR the K1 phone, I will not even be loading those that appear within the Cryptodata safe download selection. 

I will not give myself over to any further invasion of privacy.

And I have a tool to help me achieve this now in the K1. And if you really want to know how you should be using the K1 and what it does, go to the source:

Once there, if you can't see the video library list, subscribe to the channel or, if that doesn't work, simply search "cryptodata channel" on youtube. It's all there to see. Why the phone was built and what it is intended for. Also, Ovidiu Toma has just started a new video series to explain the "why" behind this blockchain technology. 

By the way, I had my first video call over blockchain this week with my pal Graham and it was as clear as a bell, lockdown warts and all. That call left no trail, didn't show up on any google preferences database and remains as private as it could be. All K1 owners could communicate in that way if they so wished.

The K1 is awesome. Yes of course it has it's early challenges but, given time, they will all be fixed. We are pioneers with this phone and I feel really sorry for those that can't think beyond wanting to sell it because it isn't exactly the same as their Galaxy X or iPhone Y. 

I get the strongest feeling that the day will come when they sorely regret that decision if they do part with them. My advice now...

Keep yours up to date, charged up and bit by bit start to work out what it does. And please remember this before you get too upset with any challenges you have with the kit. 

It is the K1, not the K10 or K11. Even Galaxy and Apple had to start with their first phone and they weren't additionally challenged and slowed up any by having to invent the mobile networks they ran on first! We forget sometimes that the K1 is, literally, the first of its kind, The first working Voice Over Blockchain Protocol phone.

I hope this was useful and by the way, the K1 does work perfectly well as a normal phone once you get how to use it and if you are willing to go down the same old road with this phone as any other. 

Even looking at it as a standard mobile network phone it has a big advantage. How many phones do you have that can run two sim cards simultaneously (in addition to the blockchain wisp service) so that you can have two phone numbers running on your phone for, say, business and private or friends and others.

Once you dig in and explore, you realise that this is a great piece of kit.

Now DO NOT send me technical support questions. I am seriously disabled where tech is concerned and I will not be answering them!



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