Subject: Friend, Are You Clear About What You Have? Part Two.

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2) The New Technology and (Your?) Total Misunderstanding of What it Does.

I was talking to someone a few days back about the K1 Impulse phone and the conversation started along the lines of "John, are you disappointed with your K1 phone?". My reply was immediate and I didn't have to think about it. "No, not at all."

And that is because I never bought a K1 to replace my Samsung Galaxy phone. I bought a K1 predominantly to move myself into an entirely higher level of security in the future in a world where even basic privacy and security is under constant threat. More on that later.

The question didn't surprise me, of course, because it wasn't the first time I have been made aware of what some people seem to think about their K1 but when you get the chance to dig more deeply into why they say that, it is pretty much always down to the same thing.

They really don't get what they bought and what it really does. You cannot compare the K1 with anything you currently use because it is entirely new and unique technology.

There is a link to a video at the bottom of this message made by a guy who works in a business to business tech company and understands these things better than I ever will but for now, let me try to explain what I can.

Here's a comparison for you. OK, it is a little "out there" deliberately so but bear with me. 

For whatever reason, Rodney used to own an armoured car. Maybe it was because he was a nutter. Maybe it was because he used to run protection missions for a bodyguard agency. It doesn't really matter why he had an armoured car, but he did and that armoured car cost a lot of money because it was really safe.

But he doesn't do that work now and so he owns a normal car. In fact, he now owns a Ford Mondeo. The other day someone he fell out with in his past job spotted him getting into his car and decided to open fire on him (he had a gun you see). As a result Rodney was lucky to get away with his life but did manage to get a bullet in his arm.

The first thing he did afterwards (well second after having the bullet removed) was to get on the phone to Ford and complain that his car didn't stop bullets. The support people at Ford did their best to console him whilst explaining that no normal car stopped bullets.

Now, as you probably worked out that was a really silly story. Of course his Ford Mondeo wasn't bullet proof and if it had been it would be because it was a highly specialised purpose built job designed to offer protection at a much higher level than the norm and, of course, it would have come with a recommended retail price way over the £25,000 you could buy a normal Mondeo for.

Now let us look at the K1 and compare it - foolishly - with the latest Apple iPhone or Android super phone. The fact is you cannot compare it because it would be like trying to compare an armoured car (K1) with a Ford Mondeo.

Even very smart people I know are sad about the K1 because they can't download all their normal apps on it. But you see that's kind of the point. That would be like buying the armoured car and insisting that all the armour is stripped away because you want it to look and operate on a, well, more normal level.

Here's the thing. The K1 isn't a normal smartphone. In time of course, there will be developers that develop apps specifically for the K1 (or maybe by then it's the K3 and so on). But until then we have to wait for Cryptodata to build us the apps we need. Apps that will not compromise the security of the phone.

Privacy and security with decentralisation and innovation are what the K1 is all about. If you and I want to have a private conversation and exchange highly sensitive material (say for argument's sake - a blueprint for a new invention that we do not want anyone else to see) we can do that using a K1 connection that happens with end to end encryption across the Karatnet blockchain. Do you think we could be sure of the same over a free for all access by anyone mobile phone network? 

Pop quiz:

If you were into crypto and had a few crypto wallets and wanted to connect those wallets to be used on a phone for convenience so that you could use them on the move would you be safer using:

A) The most modern iPhone?
B) The most modern Android device?
C) The K1?

I'm sure you can see why C) is the correct answer. With C) you have your own encrypted physical key that can be inserted and removed and you also have Wormguard security built into the phone. No-one can get into that phone except you. Thus you can't be hacked. There is a reason that Ovidiu Toma is offering a $1 million challenge for anyone who believes they can hack into the K1...

Pop quiz 2:

You are at an airport and you want to go online using your phone. You don't have your own VPN on your mobile (apparently and alarmingly few people do - I must be weird). Would you be safer connecting to the Internet via your:

A) Latest top of the range Apple iPhone?
B) Latest top of the range Huawei Smart Phone?
C) Your K1?

Which has been set up with security firmly in mind?

Well, C) is the right answer again and the best bit is you wouldn't even need a VPN connection because whilst the K1 still uses the normal Internet, your personal key still acts to encrypt your end of the call. The airport wifi could, of course, still be compromised but your initial connection to it would not show up like a proverbial belisha beacon.

So if you have found yourself complaining about the K1, hold fire, think about what you have and the fact that it is way beyond anything else out there for privacy and security. Tell all your friends about it, have it set up properly by watching the Cryptodata videos (link immediately below) and start paying for a blockchain subscription through the phone so you are also helping to push up the KBC price with usage.

I hope that little bit of information helps but I really recommend that you watch the video below to really get perspective of why this phone is so different from a guy who is paid to help businesses protect themselves from hacking etc.

I will return with discussion on item 3) - The viability of the Karatbars plan moving forward, soon.


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