Subject: Friend, Are You Clear About What You Have? Part Three.

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3) The Viability of the Karatbars Plan Moving Forward.

I have been guilty of trying to compare the Karatbars business opportunity with other business opportunities in the past and the fact is, you can't really compare it. As I will discuss in part 4, fundamentally, Karatbars is in the business of gold. When I became interested in them, that was the business in its entirety.

Then they moved into crypto, not perhaps a massive move in direction because there was a logical bridge to be seen between crypto and gold and, of course, many who would not invest in gold would invest in crypto so it made a lot of sense. 

We discussed the issues they had with Marvin Steinberg which has massively skewered what would otherwise have been a positive move into crypto but now they just need time to get things straight again.

Getting a direct bridge built between gold and crypto is a very hard nut to crack. It has been hard enough getting crypto to fiat currency to work in the world because every bank and every governmental financial authority out there wants to fight against it.

Then there was a move into technology and that was perhaps an even harder bridge to imagine until you realised that Ovidiu Toma and his team were already well down the road to cracking the Voice Over Blockchain Protocol theory. I think that some folks don't realise that Cryptodata is the first company to break into this technology and much is going on behind the scenes to use their head start to best effect.

If you take all of the component parts of Karatbars and piece together the big picture as a result, the question "is this a viable business moving forward" can then be answered with a resounding "yes" in my opinion. Especially when you start to see that the river that flows between all component parts is their own, decentralised blockchain.

This company, you soon realise, doesn't wait to see if one part of their plan works before moving on to another. I think this can, at times, also be a fault, but, they certainly do not sit on their laurels. One of the announcements that came out of the Karatbars event in Madrid back in December was that Cryptodata had started working with another firm to develop their own satellite. This, once again, shows forward planning. 

It tells me that the master plan even has provision in it to combat against resistance from other telecoms companies. If they can successfully do satellite so that they do not have to hire satellite bandwidth, then, once again, it makes the whole business stronger. 

With development time and continued support, they can go anywhere but to get there they have to overcome some pretty big obstacles.Taking on the already established big players in crypto and now telecoms and computer technology is a big enough challenge that most people would fail at. 

Trying to persuade governments around the world to let you offer an alternative payment system based in gold is a huge one to crack and then to be able to move from gold to crypto to fiat and back again is going to take some massive work. But I do think they will get there.

They realised early on that they have to be as self-contained as possible whilst building this long term plan. So, that's where they are going. They will have the gold mines, the banking system, the technology and the people on the ground through their affiliate network to get where they want to go. Everything they do can only help to encourage an upward movement in the value of KBC and, don't forget, in addition we will have an opportunity to hold shares directly in the company.

We're expecting some more information very soon that may reveal another piece of the puzzle.

I will come back with the last part next week.


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