Subject: Friend, Are You Clear About What You Have? Part Four.

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4) The big thing being missed about what Karatbars are in business for in the first place.

Karatbars International is in the business of putting gold in the hands of ordinary folk like you and me. It is the ONLY organisation in the world that makes it possible for us to buy gold in units as small as 0.1gm. To me that is incredible. To most, it seems, that is something that doesn't even register a raised eyebrow and here is why.

Like it or not we are all, to a greater or lesser degree, totally signed up to the belief that our current system of money is the only system of money that we need. We are conditioned today to take the path of least resistance and to simply put up with it all.

There is no nice and easy way to put this so I will come right out and say it. We are all, to a degree, entirely brainwashed by the idea that our peers, our Government and our long-standing financial establishments are here to help us. That is utter nonsense. It may have been the case once upon a time but those days are long gone.

We are happy to go along with a system where we work for pay and the pay is given to us in a currency form that is GUARANTEED to provide us with less and less as time goes on. We are kept securely in an indebted state for as long as "they" can keep us there because this suits their purpose. It isn't a conspiracy, there is no evil masterplan, it is simply the result of constant and consistent manipulation and mismanagement to give the appearance that all is well and we are in good hands.

When you earn a dollar in exchange for your time or labour you know for an absolute fact now that it will buy you less than it did last year, much less than it did 5 years ago and a mere fraction of what it did 10 years ago. And you feel as if you are powerless to do anything about it and so resign yourself to it.

In the past you weren't too put out by this because you used to gradually get more dollars for the same exchange of time or labour. You used to get regular and meaningful increases. Because of that, you could still buy nearly the same as you could previously. But not anymore and not for a good while. The erosion now of any chance you ever had of securing wealth and escaping the rat trap is accelerating year on year and it is getting harder and harder to find a way to catch up.

In my area, to use just one example, council tax has just increased by 3% (according to their rather spurious calculations - I make it more than that - closer to 4%). This is in an area that you could hardly call well-heeled and I seriously struggle to see what I am paying for. I now have to pay extra each year on top of that tax to get some of my waste bins emptied each fortnight.

All around me I see people that have had a less than 1% income increase officially over this last year. I say officially because the gap between what they actually earn after tax and what they need to earn to simply stand still and pay their way has grown by way more than that 1% increase can sustain. Apart from the super-rich, we are all going broke. Only the speed of that downward spiral is what sets one apart from the other.

Why am I saying all this? Because everything I do and suggest needs context. We need to be accumulating an asset that will not constantly erode in value and, in the worst situation, an asset that the banks cannot simply withhold from us when they cannot pay their bills and so decide that they will not let us have our own money from our own accounts anymore. Think that can't happen? It has happened in some places and is becoming more and more a threat each day.

The answer is to find an affordable way to buy real, physical gold. Gold is considered to be, overall, about the safest asset you can hold and, whether you agree with that or not, more importantly, what you could buy with 1 gram of gold 100 years ago, you can still buy with a 1 gram of gold today. Gold, unlike devaluing near-worthless Government promissory notes can be held with confidence knowing that it is not decreasing in buying power.

Gold increases its value, on average, at over 12% per annum in the UK. That will outpace inflation and, if you were paid entirely in gold, would keep you well and truly ahead of the game as far as meeting critical payments and gaining a little wealth is concerned. And you are with Karatbars where a system to spend that gold (if you want to) in as easy a way as you can spend your fiat cash is almost upon us.

So why should any of this be important or even of interest to you? Well, simply because you already have access to a business that supplies real gold at an affordable level and it is never too late to start doing something that will help your future.

If you were in the regular habit of buying gold, over time, you would be creating a cushion against any shocks that could come. If you took it a little further, you can even start to introduce this concept to a few other people on a regular basis and then even look ahead to the day when you start gaining gold for free through your efforts.

I wanted to make a good video for you to really demonstrate what you can achieve with your Karatbars position, but I didn't get it together in time (I have put a video from another below if you want to look at that), so I am going to simply end by saying. I think you know instinctively that the one form of money that has survived in circulation one way or another for around 5,000 years is not disappearing any time soon.

Just buy some gold, each week, each month so that part of the money you get that is constantly losing buying power goes into a form that stops losing and starts gaining. As a member you have access to buy gold in your Karatbars back office.  

If you want some input on what you can do with this Karatbars business moving into the future, you might find this video from a serious Karatbars business builder quite useful. It's a little long but it is informative.

That's all for now. It’s probably needless to say it, but my view on where Karatbars are headed in the long run hasn't changed. We all just need to ignore all the FUD that comes from people who simply do not care or do not want to get it.


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